BARS! Do they exist?


Registered Member
Hi eveyone,

I am new here and have a good story that maybe someone can add to.

Ok I would like to know if anyone has heard of bars and if so do they exist or are they fake? Does anyone know where I can find info on this subject on the internet. I saw it on a show last week not sure what the show was called or I would just head straight to their site for more info rather than bother everyone here for the info. They said they were from a centimeter to 50 feet in length they kinda look somewhat like a centipede with web between there legs and they travel through the air at extreme speeds that cannot be detected by radar of any kind. They seem to be white. They have apeared in film that has been taken from around the world over a number of years. Could this be an alien? hmmmmmmmm I would like to get more info on this. they called them "BARS" The largest was caught on film during a tornado and seem to pass right through it. Others were seen zipping passed in frames of film when guys were parasailing into those Caves that drop straight in and are very wide and 1000 or more feet deep. Well thats what I know. Any thoughts?


They are nothing but a camera trick. There are at least two threads on this subject already on this forum, go searching back through the pages a bit, you'll find 'em.
Bars, rods, whatever, merely an artefact of the way cameras work, that's all. People love to jump to mystic answers rather than think a little.

Mostly, what you see are insects passing close to the camera, so they cover a wide angle in a short time and appear fast. Thet are also slightly out of focus, therefore, and are harder to recognise for what they are. As an insects wings beat very fast, relative to teh shutter speed of a camera, you see a line, with a pattern along it on the still image, as the insect traverses and several beats are captured in one frame.

Thos ebase jumpers were jumping into a cave, which was lousy with insects, as could be seen on the film. If you counted how many insects were in the field of view at any one time, the chance of one getting close enough to cause this phenomena seems obvious.
parasail .............. handglide .................... parachute ................ same stuff different pile either way their nuts. LOL I seen the bugs in the film but it wasn't taken by a camera it was filmed on a camcorder so the shutter speed doesn't apply. I have film myself with bugs all around and flying right on to the lens itself and none of them look even remotely like what I had seen in that show and some of them were farther away than right in front of the camera. You can actually see some of them coming towards the camera from an angle so all though a great point it still doesn't explain the hundreds of times over the 20 some odd years this has been reported. I have a hard time believing that this would be a bug considering the shape and speed at which it travelled. It may be a bug of some sort that just has not been recorded because of the speed it has. There are actually underwater bugs that look just like these but they are microscopic in size. Who knows............... i guess only the filmers know if it really is a hoax, or maybe a film flaw or even a bug. maybe it is some type of electrical charge let loose in very seldom occurance. But who is to say that we don't have creatures of that nature in space that fly in and out of our world at random. Maybe coming ibn on space fragments and released from a frozen state and let loose only to die because of insufficient atmospheric sustainability on our planet. One can only wonder about what does lie beyond earth. We are a blip in time and how did we come about on this planet ........................ all of a sudden we were here. Or is the missing link out there. It is quite amazing how we are the only creature on this planet with our inteligence. Why is it that humans are so much farther advanced than every other creature on earth. Our we the aliens that we seek out from space? We have a tendoncy to destroy what we touch and just maybe there is a dead planet out there with human relics on it. We seem to have the ability to travel in space. So why not be from some where else. There is or was or will be again life out there. Dinosaurs died out 6 million years ago maybe due to a huge comet or astroid hitting earth. How likely is it that this astroid sent pieces of debris out in to space from the impact and if it did where where and when will that hit another planet and begin life there from the frozen bugs animals or micro-organisms in the debris? It is quite easy to pass everything off as coincidence but the possibility is there.

Originally posted by Zunum
LOL I seen the bugs in the film but it wasn't taken by a camera it was filmed on a camcorder so the shutter speed doesn't apply.

Shutter speed most certainly does apply to a camcorder, which I would like to remind you is still a camera. Time to head back to AV-101.
Yep, what mystech said. Video cameras use a ccd instead of a film, and instead of a shutter, the ccd is read many times per second. (a ccd is a light sensitive chip, with an array of pixels on it's This gives a number of frames per second, directly analagous to the shutter speed of a film camera.

The amount of time the ccd is exposed to light depends on the brightness of the environment. So it is very possible that insects can travel a fair distance across a frame while it is gathering light.

It then describes the exact image as seen on that bogus documentary. A line, with serrated edges, which are the insect's wing beats.

Simple, easily explained, and let's face it, it's going to happen when folks are filming at a cave mouth lousy with insects.

btw, "doesn't explain the hundreds of times over the 20 some odd years this has been reported". How many million hours of footage have been shot in 20 years? So this happens occasionally, it will, amidst that amount of film.