Barbarians of Northern/Central Europe


There is a peculiar dearth of ancient megaliths in northern/central Europe, Holland, Germany, Poland, presumably great land for settlers circa 2000 B.C., when megalithic city-states were prolifically being built in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Lebanon, and Egypt (some of which are now submerged), so why none in those regions which are now great agricultural countries of northern Europe?

Those lands were covered by Ice Age icepacks at that time (except near the shore), so no building there then, but circa 1300 B.C., the Gutis (Goths), Teutons, and Tirasians began to move into that territory, after the Ice Age icepacks had melted, and began to settle into their "barbaric" hunting/farming village life sans the sophisticated megalithic building.
It's interesting how you pretend that people will just accept your outrageous ice age estimates and carry on a rational conversation as if you weren't some kind of a crackpot.
That icepack which was on the continents during the Ice Age, including what is now left on the high mountains and Antarctica.

And Inverto, why do you think the 2000 B.C. megalithic builders did not build in northern/central Europe?
And Inverto, why do you think the 2000 B.C. megalithic builders did not build in northern/central Europe?

Not my field, I'm afraid.
I don't know the dates of the megalith culture nor their migratory spread.
Skinwalker might have data on this, this is his field even if not his particular area of expertise. I think he tends to focus more on the Levant than Europe.

If there is no evidence of a megalithic culture in north/central europe at the time, I would conjecture that it is because the megalith builders weren't there at the time. Or perhaps they hadn't developed the megalith culture yet.
So what's the great pseudo-reality point? You answered that already with ice caps rendering the land inhospitable, no?
Because Inverto is ignorant on the subject, therefore the topic goes under pseudoscience? Stop the madness.

What do I have to do with anything?
I didn't move it.

I suspect that Skinwalker believes that your methods are more pseudoscientific than scientific.
I do agree, but that's besides the point.

What's the PSEUDO connection??

IceAge's post history, I imagine.
He's had several threads where he's pushed his weird agenda, and when presented with debate he merely retorts with sarcastic one liners and refuses to respond when presented with accepted scientific data that disputes his claims.

Something that's a touch hard to quantify now that I attempt to, but the general gestalt of his character is quite obviously pseudo.

What's the TOPIC??

Good point.
What is the topic?
A question has been asked, but presented in such a way that it has already been answered.
According the thread setup, the reason that there is no megaliths in the given region at the given time is because it was buried by glaciers in an ice age.

So, the whole point of the thread is for people to come in and say, "Duh, dude, the ice age ended 10,000 years ago..." so that Ice Age could reply with one of his sarcastic one liners and fail to present any hard evidence supporting his oddbal claims.
He probably plans on mentioning his book a time or two.
I'm sure he plans on quoting from ancient greek texts which support his claim if taken out of context as well.

Hell, maybe he even has an ace up his sleeve.
Doubtful though.
Oh I see. Inverto is you. Nice touch -- could've used that once.

Meanwhile, this thread's locked in a glacier. Another cheeky touch.
Megaliths were built way in the north, in England, not in the Highlands (Ice Age), and not on the northern and central European continent.

There are submerged ruins however, reported off Helgoland, Germany, submerged Ice Age coastline, as the coasts of Europe were ice free during the Ice Age, due to the proximal paradoxically warmer ocean water, only warmer oceans can explain the dense cloud-cover for the Ice Age.
Hence these peoples would have been related somehow: physically, intellectually, and... spiritually? And for the interest of pulling this thread out of the glacier, where it will find itself, alas, in the middle of a place called Pseudoscience, Stonehenge, as prime example, is littered with mystery, the occult and what not; astronomically too: why would these peoples need something like Stonehenge?