Baptist minister and the rentboy

What kitty left behind?

Or, as Dan Savage noted, "Is Every Right-Wing, Anti-Gay Christian Bigot Sucking Off Rent Boys?" Indeed, the famed sex advice columnist suggests:

Let's pause to savor this moment... and then let's get to work. We have to do all we can to make sure "lift my luggage" enters the lexicon alongside "hike the Appalachian trail."

Stephen Colbert said his two cents, as well: "Technically, I believe he was looking for someone to hoist his sack."

Perhaps we might also pause to consider JoeMyGod, who asks, "Dr. Rekers, how much DOES it cost for ten days with a barely legal, hairless, blond, hung, uncut, bisexual Puerto Rican twink who is happy to spank you and shove it up your gelatinous vile bigoted ass?"

When we stop and think of the time and resources society has wasted giving credbility to NARTH and FRC bigots over the years, I'm starting to think that these closeted homosexuals who make careers out of gay-bashing ought to be brought up on charges of fraud, at the very least.

Rekers is just one more reason why you should never listen to a Christian about anything. And also one more reason why homophobes are worthless, fraudulent human detritus. They can find their compassion in Christ all they want, but they really need to leave decent society alone. Both Chrisian faith and political homophobia have shown themselves to be empty lies. I have no idea why any sensible person would bother pretending either is worth more than the shit in my cat's litter box.


Savage, Dan. "Is Every Right-Wing, Anti-Gay Christian Bigot Sucking Off Rent Boys?" Slog. May 4, 2010. May 6, 2010.

—————. "Required Viewing: Colbert on George 'Rentboy' Rekers". Slog. May 6, 2010. May 6, 2010.

Joe. "Meet Geo, The Male Prostitute Hired By NARTH Member & Family Research Council Co-Founder Dr. George Rekers". JoeMyGod. May 4, 2010. May 6, 2010.