
Kiwis might be, but bananas are not. They are in the same family of fruit as neon license plate holders and the Pet Shop Boys.
Well, I was told bananas were berries by a person who is a close friend to another person who studies these kind of things. The teacher said so. It sounds wrong, but considering that bananas have no core( don't know the exact word, but the big seed in the middle..), but instead have many small seeds as berries have.
The banana is a herb and the banana plant is not a tree but is part of the lily family. It is the tallest plant on Earth without a wooden stem.
Wow, hadn't thought of either as being berries.

Though apparently, bananas are about 96% identical to our DNA.
we might even be more identical to bananas than to chimps..

does this mean we're a herb? a lily?
Q, are you being serious? A herb? Bananas are a giant herb from which we humans actually spring. :D That could explain our fascination and love for herbs. We want to reconnect....with the banana within.

Originally posted by Bebelina
That could explain our fascination and love for herbs. We want to reconnect....with the banana within.
You're one weird chick. :p

We want to reconnect....with the banana within.

Have you considered writing soft porn ? :D
Not really, but it did make me wish I was the "banana within." ;)
Hey! Stop it! Both of you. Sure, I am a castle of germs, but I should not be mocked for it. :eek:
