Balloons, Whistles too dangerous for children in EU


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
In a move that can only be described as ridiculous, the EU has decreed that balloons must not be blown up by children under the age of eight and that whistle blowers (the kind you blow at parties) are unsafe for use by children under the age of 14!
The EU toy safety directive, agreed and implemented by Government, states that balloons must not be blown up by unsupervised children under the age of eight, in case they accidentally swallow them and choke.
Despite having been popular favourites for generations of children, party games including whistles and magnetic fishing games are to be banned because their small parts or chemicals used in making them are decreed to be too risky.
Apparently harmless toys that children have enjoyed for decades are now regarded by EU regulators as posing an unacceptable safety risk.
Whistle blowers, that scroll out into a a long coloured paper tongue when sounded – a party favourite at family Christmas meals – are now classed as unsafe for all children under 14.
The new rules are designed to protect children from the chance that a piece of the whistle could be swallowed and cause choking.
And it doesn't stop there, there is also the ever present danger posed by dirty teddy bears.
As well as new rules for balloons and party whistles, the EU legislation will impose restrictions on how noisy toys, including rattles or musical instruments, are allowed to be.
All teddie bears meant for children under the age of three will now have to be fully washable because EU regulators are concerned that dirty cuddly toys could spread disease and infection.
A 13 year old is too young to be trusted with a party whistle? Do European governments have so little to do in this time of international economic crisis that they must concern themselves with the dangers posed by balloons, whistles, and teddy bears?

you got know idea when it comes to Teddy Bears . I thought you were a right winged conspirator . You know were Teddy Bears Came From? Teddy Roosevelt if I am not mistaken. Yeah propaganda machine at play .

Life is ridiculous. We got to be kept safe from or selves . We don't know any better . We are to stupid to know what is good for us . Blowing whistles is a bad thing . Except it and conform . You can't be blowing any whistles now . You will be punished if you go "blowing whistles" The whistle blower has been known to be canned for blowing the whistle
This... this just... ugh... someone shoot me...

The reason nobody can fight off disease today is partly because nobody is introduced to any disease... why not put everyone inside their own hermetically sealed BUBBLE fer christs sake...
The impetus for some laws and regulations are existing lawsuits.

Every now and then, a child does get sick from a disease that was transmitted by a teddybear, for example. The parents sue - the daycare center, the toy manufacturer, whoever they think had anything to do with it.

Both to prevent those (often costly and lengthy) lawsuits and to ensure some measure of safety, the State introduces new laws and regulations.
Which sometimes, admittely, can get quite silly.

For example, we now have the instruction written on milk packaging that milk must be stirred when boiled.
This is after a woman was boiling milk, but didn't stir it, and it exploded into her face, giving her bad burns. She sued the milk company.
this is one of those things that makes God wish he didn't give us the ability to choose for ourselves..

its like on a ladder it says you must where safety goggles..

New warnings on light bulbs;
Must wear gloves.
Must wear Safety goggles.
Must close eyes when screwing in lightbulb. (i usually close my eyes when i screw..:rolleyes:)(of course one would have to find a light bulb big enough to screw in..:D)
Do not attempt to install light bulb by yourself,seek professional help.(if i saw a professional using safety goggles to install a light bulb, i pry would not use him again..)
Be sure power is turned off at breaker before installing.
In case of breakage,consult Hazmat guide for proper clean up procedures.

well at least i now know that America is not the only country that is getting dumber..
you got know idea when it comes to Teddy Bears . I thought you were a right winged conspirator . You know were Teddy Bears Came From? Teddy Roosevelt if I am not mistaken. Yeah propaganda machine at play.
That's a fairly muddled version of the story. President Roosevelt went on a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi in 1902, and most of the other members of the hunting party had gotten a bear. So his attendants captured a bear and tied it to a tree so he'd have an easy shot. He thought it would be unsportsmanlike to shoot a captive bear and refused to do it. (He told them to euthanize the bear because it was really in bad shape after the chase, but that part of the story is usually not included.)

Legendary Washington Post cartoonist Clifford Berryman made this incident the topic of one of his daily panels. He decided that the bear was a good mascot for Roosevelt, so he made it a bit smaller and cuter and continued to use the image.

Morris Michtom saw the cartoons and made a stuffed toy bear. He sent the prototype to Roosevelt and got his permission to put it in his shop window with the sign "Teddy's Bear." It was a huge success and he went on to found the Ideal Toy Company.

At approximately the same time the Steiff company in Germany also developed a stuffed toy bear which went on to become popular in Europe. No one actually knows which bear came first, but "teddy bears" soon became one of the most popular toys of the 20th century. Seymour Eaton wrote a series of stories called "The Roosevelt Bears," and John Batton wrote "The Teddy Bear Two Step" which, with lyrics by Jimmy Kennedy, became "The Teddy Bears' Picnic."

The bear is a powerful archetype in human mythology and psychology, one of the few animals of our size or larger that can stand on two legs like we do.
Life is ridiculous. We got to be kept safe from or selves . We don't know any better . We are to stupid to know what is good for us .
We libertarians call that "the nanny state."
And yet in the USA, the importing of Kinder Überraschung is prohibited.

Thank you for posting the link, spidergoat.

We sell copious amount of Kinder Surprise as they are known in Canada, yet I had no idea of the diversity of the toys and puzzles that are enclosed in these chocolate eggs.

Never occurred to me to google it, lol....:eek:
And yet in the USA, the importing of Kinder Überraschung is prohibited.

I want some chocolate . You can have the toy Spidey

That was great Frag . You put it out there good . Which came first is the big question . They don't call it Adolf Bear ? That is like Sonny Boy Williamson and the King biscuit hr . Which Sonny boy came first ? No one remembers the guy that said he was first and could prove it . Rice Miller stole the show . It was the way he could make that harp talk is what I believe . The other Sonny boy although he could play, it didn't talk like Rice Millers harp
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