And that is where you wise O-great Anoby shall tell us of your proposal of dealing with this issue raised in this thread, the so called nationalism movement: its causes and its results. What have you to offer to the table? Speak or I shall eat your tongue if you kindly allow so.
I didn't whine about the nationalism movement. I have no problem with nationalism. There always will be a weaker nation that will be exploited. It's impossible that we'll ever reach equality to such a point where no discrimination would ever occur again. Why? People are, well, people. And no, S.A.M., as a whole, people can't ignore their instincts. This isn't an issue about intellect, and imagination. The issue is something we can't change with just a clap on our shoulder. Inequality already starts at birth. Some are born weaker, and some stronger. Some are born smart, and some are not so bright. And that's where the whole problem already starts. That's why Captain Kremmen's socialistic policy wouldn't work out. Yours, on the other hand, is maybe possible, but I fear that we'd end up in yet an other Medieval Ages as the whole system on which people relied for centuries would eventually collapse if the country borders would suddenly stop existing, -- wait, bullshit, it would become yet again an other decadent idea just like Kremmen's. See, till today people are fighting over land. It starts in a little village where two neighbours start to argue whom those 2 cm between the two private properties belongs to. No, this has nothing to do with intelligence, or imagination. It's solely about the ego...the egoism. Egoism is part of human nature, it's an instinct, and that instinct is not something people can just brush off of their shoulders just like that. It's there, and will stay there.
Then there's that. People love to argue. Arguments in families, between friends, etc. are very common. And that's where it already starts. No two people are the same. Even if they share the same skin colour, same hair colour, physical stature, sex, etc. And even then, they argue with each others. Either way, most people have the tendency to stick to their own fellows, to stick together with those with whom they have the most in common, and that's why, for example, in a Multiculti city you'll notice that people of the same culture are prone to stick together instead of mixing together with the others. Yes, to some point they will mix together with others, but that requires a good portion of time, but even then, on a larger scale they'll still prefer to stick together with the fellows of the same culture as them. And yes, I'm aware that there are exceptions..., but they're just exceptions, a minority.
Both ideas would only work out if people would be equal to such a level where they'd share the same intellect, thoughts, physiology, emotions, etc.
So basically, yet an other utopian ideology which would only work under perfect conditions. Sorry to break it to you, but the conditions aren't ideal, and never will be. Dream on.