baftan says


Islam requires to believe in Allah and Mohammed as his prophet. Believing in Islam, believing in Allah, believing in Mohammed are all same thing: You can not ignore one of these concepts (alongside some others) and believing the rest; they coexist in theory.

And in every point of view, Mohammed stands in the middle of what you call Islam. He brought the subject religion, he brought the verses, he is the "ubermensch", it's his doctrine. There is no Islam without Mohammed; whether you are an unbeliever or a believer this is the fact for Islam, this is the core understanding and expectation of this religion.

I thought according to Islam, the Qu'ran existed before time. Doesn't that mean you could have it before Mohammed was even born? And what about those people between Adam and Mohammed, did God hate them?
Correction: It is not what baftan says, it is what Islam says:

In the "Five pillars of Islam" (anybody can find in any resource about Islam) starts with this:

"The shahadah, which is the basic creed or tenet of Islam: "'ašhadu 'al-lā ilāha illā-llāhu wa 'ašhadu 'anna muħammadan rasūlu-llāh", or "I testify that there is none worthy of worship except God and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God." This testament is a foundation for all other beliefs and practices in Islam. Muslims must repeat the shahadah in prayer, and non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam are required to recite the creed.".

And same Islam also believes that all humanity were created due to Allah's love for Mohammed. So all these Adam and Eve, Qur'an; simply anything and everything related to humans were created because of Mohammed. That's what Islam wants its followers to believe in.
The laws of the Qu'ran are said to have existed since the beginning of time, correct?

If that's the case...couldn't anyone have figured them out before? If that's the case...doesn't that mean everyone had a certain degree of obligation before Mohammed? If so...even Jesus had failings in this sense? If not...then Mohammed was the only person who could ever achieve perfection...then isn't your spirtual capability fundamentally limited upon your inception. In this respect; Mohammed would have no choice other than be perfect, and you no other choice than be less than perfect. (In your logic)

Who exactly was Abraham to you baftan, and what did he do?
Who exactly was Abraham to you baftan, and what did he do?

He is an imaginary character as Superman. You should go and check your knowledge about Islam and Mohammed before you start to express your expectations about Islam. It is a story which centralise the whole idea around following, believing in Mohammed. All other subjects orbit around Mohammed, and if you are seriously asking my personal opinion, even the idea of Allah himself orbits around Mohammed.
He is an imaginary character as Superman. You should go and check your knowledge about Islam and Mohammed before you start to express your expectations about Islam. It is a story which centralise the whole idea around following, believing in Mohammed. All other subjects orbit around Mohammed, and if you are seriously asking my personal opinion, even the idea of Allah himself orbits around Mohammed.

There's no need for assuming mockery baftan, I'm asking you relevant questions about the tenants of your faith in a respectful manner.

So which of the following people actually existed (if any) according to Islam?
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There's no need for assuming mockery baftan, I'm asking you relevant questions about the tenants of your faith in a respectful manner.

You don't deserve anything but mockery, since I have no faith in these type of mumbo jumbo. I told you before that this is what Islam says, not me. If you do not understand this simple sentence, just go on, more mockery is coming for you...
Is there a Christianity without Jesus ?. I say.....NO .
Is there Judaism without Moses ?. I say.....NO .
Is there Islam without Muhammad ?. I say......NO .
So what is the problem here folks ?!!.
You don't deserve anything but mockery, since I have no faith in these type of mumbo jumbo. I told you before that this is what Islam says, not me. If you do not understand this simple sentence, just go on, more mockery is coming for you...

You're an ingrate.
Is there a Christianity without Jesus ?. I say.....NO .
Is there Judaism without Moses ?. I say.....NO .
Is there Islam without Muhammad ?. I say......NO .
So what is the problem here folks ?!!.

The problem is, you can't always assume what's a logical conclusion is the actual conclusion.

Okay, these questions are open to anyone who knows Islam.
You're an ingrate.
Ungrateful of whom, you? You turned a simple statement (Islam and Mohammed are inseparable -unthinkable separately-) into a pissing contest. You didn't bring any source or understanding of Islam which says they are separable.

Okay, these questions are open to anyone who knows Islam.

Unfortunately, this doesn't include you.
Moreover, this topic doesn't give you any wanking opportunity. Don't push it.
The problem is, you can't always assume what's a logical conclusion is the actual conclusion.

What does that mean? Elaborate, give example. The subject is a religion, not an ideology. We are not talking about something like Communism and Marx, or market economy and Adam Smith. We are talking about a religion of which entire doctrine is a dreamwave of Mohammed. Stop generalising, be specific with examples.
Doesn't that mean you could have it before Mohammed was even born?

Yes it does. According to Islam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, all rightly guided prophets who brought revelations were Muslims. This is before Mohammed. Moreover, in Islam it is believed that everyone is born a Muslim, with a fitra that makes one a believer from birth. Which is why any conversion to Islam is called a return to Islam. It is the natural state of man.

The Qur'an, which was revealed to Mohammed, is a reminder, and Mohammed, merely the guy who is passing on the reminder without the power to enforce it. The shahadah is merely creed, i.e. practice and may not even have existed in the time of Muhammed. It may have been instituted by his followers after his death, to identify the teachings as those of Mohammed. It is not present in the Qur'an.

Allah's Apostle said, "No child is born except on Al-fitra (Islam) and then his parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian (Zoroastrian), as an animal produces a perfect young animal: do you see any part of its body amputated?"
- Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 441

This is not only an excellent example for your question, its also an excellent argument against circumcision.
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You don't deserve anything but mockery, since I have no faith in these type of mumbo jumbo. I told you before that this is what Islam says, not me. If you do not understand this simple sentence, just go on, more mockery is coming for you...
For the record, I dislike CheskiChips for several reasons and if asked to summarise his character would describe him as a conniving little prat. However, in this thread his questions have been asked respectfully, his points have been made unemotionally and logically, and those questions have been interesting and relevant ones. If you will not answer him on these points will you answer me?
And same Islam also believes that all humanity were created due to Allah's love for Mohammed. So all these Adam and Eve, Qur'an; simply anything and everything related to humans were created because of Mohammed. That's what Islam wants its followers to believe in.

So god is gay for Mohammad? Well that sure explains a lot.
All this about Mohammed seems odd. I thought Sam told me in the other thread that there were meant to be no "middle men" in Islam, but it seems that there are. So who's right? Mike? Sam? Baftan?
The Qu'oran does not explain many rules and practices of Islam including how to pray for instance . Muslims rely on two things : the Qu'oran and Muhammad's practices . So there is no Islam without Muhammad .