Bad/Aggressive Drivers

Honestly, what would you do when almost encountered an accident with a b/a driver.

  • Beep the hell outta them so they might not do it again? (might work on some people)

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Step outside the car and tell them gently (using city streets as scenario)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flick them off and get them more angry (I wonder how many would choose this)

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yell at them and explain to them harshly what could've happen.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
Being a new and consciencious driver, I don't understand why people would risk their lives just to shave off ten seconds off the road. Heres the question: what will you do if you almost got into an accident with a bad/aggressive driver? ANSWER HONESTLY.
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Out of those i have to pick the first but i only do it to let them know im there so they don't kill me. I tend to ignore bad drivers and concentrate on my own driving so IM not the one causing acidants
Welcome to sciforums, Oyst*R!

I have to agree with Asguard. Out of the choice presented I would have to pick the first one also.
I don't stop, as I am driving away (i'm a bit of a wimp really) I open the window, shout at them and drive away before they know who said it...

Welcome :)

I have to admit, that while I don't drive myself, when a passenger in a friend's car, if there is some doughnut head driving dangerously or discourteously, I usually try to get my driver to bring us alongside so I can orate furiously at them.

Or 'box' them into a slow moving lane of the motorway.

I am concerned that when I get around to learning to drive myself that I may become a road rage driver.

Do these people have no idea of the potential for destruction that the machine they are using possesses?

Just talking about it makes me soo mad!
I'm going for my counselling now!
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I usually just give a good beep and carry on the journey. Road rage is an occasional big thing here with people getting murdered with tyre irons for a wrong look; so I think it's not a good idea to stop. I like to think my reflexes are tuned well enough to expect shit to happen and be ready for it.

My other half on the other hand would gladly beat them until they stop twitching.

Some people are loud, rude, inconsiderate gits. Being more well endowed than them means we don't have to show off... so there:D
Hey guys

How many of us have done nothing wrong on the roads. I don't think anyone could answer yes to that and you are driving a killing machine. Insted of constrating on abusing the bad driver, you should be consenrtating on the little girl who just steped out onto the road and who you just drove through.
I wave my middle finger and yell for them to "Get outta the way dumbsh*t! Honestly, I live in the bay area, so you have to be aggressive. Unless its an old person who didnt do it on purpose, but its usually some jerk acting stupid.

Okay, can anyone answer this one? Why do people race to get ahead of you and then slow down? Or when your on a 2 lane highway and a passing lane comes, they speed up so you cant pass?

Oh, and welcome Oyst*r!!! I see were neighbors:D
Re: Hey guys

Originally posted by Asguard
How many of us have done nothing wrong on the roads. I don't think anyone could answer yes to that and you are driving a killing machine. Insted of constrating on abusing the bad driver, you should be consenrtating on the little girl who just steped out onto the road and who you just drove through.

Here Here. Well said.

I would also like to add that i no longer drive on motorways as there is too much potential for me to be killed by some idiot.
Oyst*R ...

"what will you do if you almost got into an accident"

Never 'almost got into an accident' ... Either did or didn't.

Aggressive driving is not the same as 'bad' driving in my book.

Stupid, inattentive driving is.

Take care, and welcome to Sciforums ;)
The worst thing is when someone is on a mobile phone. There is no way that they have control over their car. I always stop to answer it even tho I have a hands free kit...

i have to say i agree with that definition and that it ALSO means that almost anyone who has responded to this thread is a bad driver because they are focused on what has gone not what will come.

There has been a HUGE campain by the Trafic acidant comission in Vic over the passed few years and the adds are VERY graphic. Some of you people should watch them and then you would consentrate more on your OWN driving insted of everyone elses.
Some of you people should watch them and then you would consentrate more on your OWN driving insted of everyone elses.

A big part of driving is watching everyone else... There are alot of stupid people out there who do strange things when they are driving...
sjmarsha ...

The expression, situatiional awareness, is just as appropriate, and
important, on the highway as it on the battlefield.

Take care ;)