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Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
I started a thread on this same topic sometime before this bill actually passed, but felt that continuing the discussion in that same thread after such a long gap would be unwise, especially seeing how as the thread sort of turned into a debate about whether it was right for the government to write religion into law; A subject which, though semi relevant to this issue, is still more of a sidetrack than anything else.

RICHMOND, Virginia (AP) -- Activists rallied in cities across the eastern state of Virginia to protest a new law that critics said could nullify legal contracts between same-sex couples.

Once again the issue here is more than just simply passing a "Defense" of Marriage act, or prohibiting same-sex marriage. What Virginia has set out to do here is set up roadblocks to ensure that homosexuals can't even enter into contracts with one another that might emulate having some of the protections of a legally sanctioned marriage.

This is a very serious distinction from most other cases around the nation because what were seeing in Virginia is that legislators aren't even trying to hide behind religious conviction with lame arguments about not wanting their state to morally sanction homosexuality, or damage the institution of marriage, but instead they are openly admitting that they simply do not wish to allow homosexuals to have the same legal rights as straight people. In other words they genuinely want to relegate homosexuals to a full fledged second class citizen status.