Back to the Future


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I was just watching this little video about Jesus' life the other day, when I noticed how incredibly old the language they use is and how the words they use are also so ancient. It's like... religious people are stuck in the past..... :shrug:

Not that I haven't heard it before. Having gone to church so much over the last few years, I do notice that the preacher sometimes use old words. In the church I went to, that wasn't prevalent. However, I've noticed that a lot of other christians, particularly those who take EVERYTHING in the Bible literally, often communicate using the old language. You know.... "thou" for instance. Which is kinda... dumb.... (sorry, but it's true) if you think about it, because Jesus didn't speak english in the old days. Also old analogies are used all the time. Words like "sheperd" and "kingdom" are analogies based on how the world used to work in the past, when Jesus walked the world (and when the translation to english was made).

Also, as I said before, they seem a bit stuck in the past. Some (not all) that claim they have been in heaven describe it as a kingdom with a castle and all the other things of the old days...

So... are religious people unaware of this? I'm not sure what's up with all this old language... :shrug:
Btw, by "religious" people, I mean people who take the Bible quite literally and act as though it is all literal.

I don't take it all literally, therefore, I cannot be considered "religious"....
Also, as I said before, they seem a bit stuck in the past. Some (not all) that claim they have been in heaven describe it as a kingdom with a castle and all the other things of the old days...

Do you think that it might be adequate to modernize the concept of heaven by describing it in terms of smart houses, private jets, jacuzzies, BlackBerries, iPods, and such?
Do you think that it might be adequate to modernize the concept of heaven by describing it in terms of smart houses, private jets, jacuzzies, BlackBerries, iPods, and such?
I think that's how most people would see heaven.... :rolleyes:

They do say everyone has palaces in heaven....

I honestly don't see how heaven can be material in such a way. If there is a heaven and it is material, I will be quite surprised....
It annoys me when christians use the word "heart" as a seat of intellect. It may explain why they believe as they do if they are using a blood pumping organ to do their thinking.

Basing your way of life in the 21st century on a book written 3000 to 1800 years ago cannot be good. The fact that the book is clearly full of mistakes, contradictions and plain nonsense doesn't say much for the intellect of such people. The fact that it is not backed up by science, history or common-sense also suggests that there are no great intellects amongst them. However, many christians seem to know very little about the bible, which may explain why they believe in a book that is so obviously flawed.
"Heart" has nothing to do with intellect. Where did you get that idea?
They do say everyone has palaces in heaven....

I honestly don't see how heaven can be material in such a way. If there is a heaven and it is material, I will be quite surprised....

At best, the analogy is misleading.
At worst, the analogy reveals the materialistic mindset of the author of said analogy.