Back by popular request


Registered Member
Okay, so the request for my return only came from one person, my buddie with all the tough questions, Shrike.

I have been working hard on my new site, which is to replace Korni's UFOs (, the old content will remain with lots of new information on Area51, Roswell and Air Traffic Control personel who see UFOs.

I have the domain, which is, closer inspection will see that there is nothing there yet.

I will post again when I have more time.


PS. There may also be more on the Apollo Hoax on my new site, including some of the questions posed to me from members of this forum.

A little while ago I came across a web site of an American,who was making a UFO that used magnets,have you heard of it??
If any one has come across this please let me have the address.
:) :)
I have been working hard on my new site, which is to replace Korni's UFOs

Marvelous! Another crackpot site to confuse the masses. Just what we need. Thanks!

There may also be more on the Apollo Hoax on my new site, including some of the questions posed to me from members of this forum.

Great! I'm sure the thousands of hard working technicians, planners, engineers, etc.. that worked on the Apollo projects will appreciate what you're doing. Don't forget the astronauts that risked their lives and those whose lives were taken. You insult them all.

I have the domain, which is, closer inspection will see that there is nothing there yet.

Closer inspection will reveal you have a tenuous grip on reality.
greatgreatgreat!! Don't listen to Q! He's a MEANIE!

Can't wait for that new site, I looked at basically everything from the last one!
Assuming work doesn't take over my life in the near future I'm hoping to get the site ready to fly before the end of the month. There will be some new stuff on there as well as some revised articles, I'll give y'all a shout when I'm done :)

Funny story-my dad once went on this trip to canada, I can't remember where but he said that he met this guy in a shop who resembled a native american and, for whatever reason this guy told him that he had invented a faster-than-light drive for ships and that the US government was after him. Needless to say my dad went back to the place some time later, I have no idea whether it was a year or a month or a week but he found the store in ruins and the owner nowhere to be found.

Here's a great site for ya, korni:
Great site, I had completely forgotten about it.
Glad you' ve returned.
Do you have any good info on Majestic 12?
How do you think, is it real or yust a fantasy of the press.
You know, all those supposed MJ12 documents found on i-net.
(i'm quite interesed in top secret organisations, but MJ 12 can't be called secret anymore, it even appears in a pc game Deus-Ex(favourite game)

I have smwhere some info on flyin discs made by one engineer, but have to find where tht info was (in one of my books)

BTW, did you know tht korni ir russian means- roots:)
There is no reason to belive that those documents aren't real, after all there are plenty of reasons for documents like the MJ12 ones to be made. I have a bit of information about them, if I can find it and may in the future add a section on it to my site.

As for my name, it originally came from Kornikova (deliberate mispelling of Kournikova), I used to play online games under that name and when I needed a name for my I decided just to called it Korni's UFOs. The name of the site is being changed fairly soon to as I would like to move to comercial hosting to get rid of the annoying pop up ads, tripod now puts 2 on every site.

If someone managed ot make a working flying saucer I'm sure that the US government would want to get thier hands on it, especially before enemies of America learnt how to make them as war planes.

Upon looking at the links on your website I find myself chuckling at the town name of 'Vaginha.'

Is there a chinese town that's been visited by ufo's called Peniz?
Its a shame that such an important event happened right next to a town with such an unfortunate name but it does as you point out inject some humor into the UFO topic :)

My new site is nearing completion, I just have to wait for my hosting account to be activated then a few final tweaks :)

Well what are hoaxes are hoaxes,i believe in reality.MJ-12 docs are Hoaxes,since the typewriter used was of much later period infact of 1960s i assume,rather than Harry's period himself....

Agree with Zion about MJ-12. I have the Black Vault website under favorites for a while now. Have been reading about it by humans who are studying the MJ-12 documents and more and more it appears to be a hoax...