Avian Flu Vaccine - Discovery Institutes Startling Breakthrough


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Building on research pioneered at the Mary Baker Eddy Institute for Applied Biology in the 1870s, a team of researchers at the Discovery Institute has developed a vaccine to immunize against the Avian Flu.

"The key was in understanding how to harness bacterial flagella to deliver the vaccine directly to the body’s immune system," says biochemist Michael Behe.

"The flagellum is like a teensy, weensy little outboard motor that many bacteria use to swim," adds Behe. And, after apologizing for lapsing into technical jargon, he notes excitedly, "they're machines… literally, machines made of molecules!"

Modern Neo-Darwinism is a dead end, argues Discovery's Stephen Meyer. “Darwinists are wedded to the dogma that the virus could evolve from an organism that infects only birds to one that infects humans. We reject that sterile mode of thinking, and that’s why we got there first.

"Our breakthrough came because we understood from the very beginning that humans and rats are both products of sudden – and very, very separate – acts of creation," says Meyer triumphantly.

The Discovery team says it has no plans at present to test the vaccine. The new drug does not need to be tested, says Meyer. "We know it will work!"

The team says it will now turn its attention to developing a cure for cancer.

Didn't the argument used by the original IDers to demonstrate evolution couldn't possibly have taken place deal with this exact same motorized flagella. I seem to recall the IDer claim that the motor in this bacteria did not exist anywhere else in nature proving evolution couldn't have taken place but that was proven false in a Supreme court case. I'm reaching here and don't know all the facts but this rings a bell, can someone enlighten me?
this is REAL?
i thought this was Q posting a joke to get a rise out of the christans again
enmos you should have been suspicious when they said "viruses cant jump the species barrier" yet they were developing a vaccine for "avarian flu":p
enmos you should have been suspicious when they said "viruses cant jump the species barrier" yet they were developing a vaccine for "avarian flu":p

I found that so weird I decided to ignore it for a bit, thinking I might had misunderstood :p