

Registered Senior Member
Any hear about/see that public autopsy. The first one for years. What does this achieve?? The only thing that i can think of is that it is going to

a) educate the public about the human anatomy
b) people are going to see more about the body and so violence will decrease (people will think more about what they are actually doing)
c) it will increase people sick perversions and violence crime will increase i.e. after seeing it they will become blood thirsty.

Any thoughts?
I think you have a very vivid imagination!!

Didn't watch it all, I was too busy knocking boots.
It was a little bizarre for settling down in front of the box on a Wednesday night, but I think it was educational.
I've seen quite a few in the flesh as it were.
I also assisted in surgery to amputate a leg.
Heavy bastard the human leg!

I don't really think most people think about violence.
When the red mist hits, ya just lash out. It takes a lot for me to do so but I'm sure that when I do I wont be hindered by the thought of a kidney popping.
I think u will! thats my point. After uve seen the frailties of the human body like that it will make u think more about any violence u encounter. i mean everyone know about the human body but it doesnt really hit home till uve seen it like that! (IMO) What is knocking boots??? BTW saw richard madely interveiwing the guy about it and (u know what richard madeley is like :rolleyes: pmsl) he asked him if the main reason they changed the body was to 'stop certain men watching it and getting a sexual kick out of it'. PMSL he always comes up with the best questions that guy. Reveals more about himself than anything else :D :D PMSL
i mean..that it's all subjective as far as the "who's, what's and why's" of why each individual person [i am talking about the individual person who has actually paid to view the autopsy] has decided to view the auspicious deed. aka autopsy :D ....

i mean, take for instance there are 10 people that want to view that autopsy, but, each of those 10 people might have (and, probably will) 10 different reasons as to why they want to view it. one guy might be interested in science, so..he will view it from a scientific standpoint, another guy might just want to view it because he's a total whack-o and he will be vieiwing it from some totally distored point-of-view(who knows)... another might want to view it because somebody is making him...i dunno, i guess there's a lot of variables involved as to why somebody would be viewing it. but, regardless....i(and, not to sound redundant..but, it is relative, because it is relative to what is going on with our society today... it says a lot about the current state (and state-of- mind) of our society.