AutoImmune Diseases + Diabetes


Registered Senior Member
Aren't certain types (or all types) of Diabetes AutoImmune disorders, where the body kills off insulin producing cells? If HIV is also an autoimmune disorder, which is infectious through body fluid exchange, then why wouldn't Diabetes also be infectious?
Because all immune systems are personal. In case of diabetes your own immune system turned against your own cells (for some reason). There is no virus, bactery or bug that needs to trigger that.
spuriousmonkey said:
In case of diabetes your own immune system turned against your own cells (for some reason). There is no virus, bactery or bug that needs to trigger that.
its genetic, plus
Type 1 diabetes occurs in a small number of people who have the genes that confer susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. The triggers may be a virus or other toxin.
Type 2The majority of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Initially insulin is still produced by the pancreas, but is less effective than normal. This is called insulin resistance and is an inherited characteristic made worse by carrying extra body fat or being inactive.
Frisbinator said:
If HIV is also an autoimmune disorder.....
HIV is not an autoimmune disorder, it's a virus. AIDS is also not an autoimmune disorder, it's a syndrome of pathologies that results from decreased immunity to pathogens.<P>