Australian military training...


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Time for me to whinge...

When I went through training in the navy, it was kinda tough. Over 3 months for basic training, then seamanship school, then over three months branch training, then NBCD training, and a few other things... Finally I was posted directly to a ship. During basic, we weren't allowed to walk unless it was marching in form, under instruction. If not marching, we were to be running, studying, doing push-ups or such, or in classes. We were NOT allowed to walk. By the time I finished basic, I could hike all day with a full pack, water bottle, and 8-pound rifle and extra ammo. I ended up quite fit, able to endure a lot. I could shoot quite well, I could fight a bit, and so on.

A few years after I went through it all, the politically correct idiots stuck there noses into things, and it all changed. First off they decided people were allowed to walk, and the instructors weren't allowed to shout and be mean any more. The little kiddies in basic got all upset when people yelled at them. Awww, how sad.

Now, on Saturday night I saw my cousin, who joined the navy when I did and went through the same training. My cousin has just joined the military again, this time in the army. He's now completed all his training and is a black beret recon scout. He was quite happy to tell me how disgustingly easy training is now. Basic is only six weeks. The bureaucratic number-crunchers decided people who were going to end up in stores or in the kitchens didn't need all the rough training, so basic is now only to get people familiar with the service. You do your heavy training in your branch school. Anyway, so it's 6 weeks. And they don't have to run everywhere, they can walk. The instructors have to be nice and "supportive". People don't even have to do PT (physical training) sessions. Most firearms practice is now in a big simulation hall, like a holodeck; you just have to qualify out on the range.

Well, as far as my cousin is concerned, they are all a pack of nancies now, the trainers are pumping out crowds or pathetic sissies. Now, I'm not saying that being a tough guy is the alpha and omega of existence, but THIS IS THE FREAKIN ARMY!!!.

My cousin tried to convince me to go back in, as I would find it so damn easy now, and I could get pretty much any job I wanted. I actually considered it. Maybe if the pay was better...
maybe AU doesn't need an army these days anyways
who in the hell would want to go all that way and conquer it :D

sorry Adam, just being ironical, can't help myself

The same thing happened to American training. Us Air Force people don't have a mandatory PT outside of BT and tech school. The MTI's still get to yell at you though.
It's all very well having a crack bunch of troops that have had there nerves pushed to the limits through meanness and bullying, but at the end of the day if the "presentation" of the forces is this, then people don't want to join.

Thats the main reason why it seems that they have lowered their entrance levels. This doesn't mean that they have lowered the standards any, it's just given them a foot in the door, and some armies happen to use terms of service to make sure they an't get out that door afterwards.

Admittedly there is a problem with bullying, I'll just point at "Full Metal Jacket" (I know it's a film and not real) the bullying sequence at the beginning resulted in a nervous breakdown that caused the loss of life.

Other such bully methods is notibly A certain type of roulette, where there is a bullet in the chamber and it's not just a fake because they don't think they will do it.

The reason for bullying previously was purely to weed out who's nerves would be shattered when in the field. (And who the nutcases are.)
And so which side do you ere on, the side where yo ulet the weaklings and nutcases in, or where you get a few people who can't take it?