
I heard Australia has a very big IV drug problem, is this true? I think i might have heard so on some TV special one time, i don't really remember exactly where from though..

:D Ever seen a Thylacine? (Tasmanian tiger/wolf)
Originally posted by NenarTronian
I heard Australia has a very big IV drug problem, is this true? I think i might have heard so on some TV special one time, i don't really remember exactly where from though..
(Tasmanian tiger/wolf)

That explains why they are so friendly.
Some inner suburbs of the three major cities (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane) are swimming in IV drugs, needles laying around on the streets and such. Can't walk in bare feet there any more.

The thylacines all die out of course, but there is a massive project underway to clone some new ones.
Yikes. Needles give me the willies. I actual have a pretty big phobia of them. I read about the "heroin houses" in Aussie land? Where adicts can go to shoot up under the care of nurses and doctors, and also receive clean needles, and the house is off limits to police. Since they're not really comitting a crime - they're addicts. That's a disease not a crime. If only our country would see the same thing that the Netherlands and other places sees, maybe there would be less addicts in jail and on the street.

Yeah - apparently they found a baby thylacine preserved in alcohol in a museum, though they don't know if they can clone it or not. People keep saying they see them in the woods still, i think they could still be alive and kicking sort of.

Heh, Ever meet STAVE IRWIN!? Steve's the man. I like those frilled lizards, the ones that run on water..Australian wildlife rocks. I wanna visit "Oz" sometime. Maybe tomorrow. :cool:
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Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter? Maybe I'll see that movie..when it comes out on TV. :p :D

We have an Australian soap opera here, called Neighbours. Anything more about that, I can't tell you, because I don't watch it. :)

How are the surfing spots in Australia? I'd expect they're great. :)
Crocodile Dundee. "you call that a knife?"

Neighbours and Home & Away are NOT Australian television shows. They are a CIA plot to descredit us and make us look sub-human and evil.
I found this on the internet...:D

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics

3 Australians die each year testing if a 9V battery works on their tongues.

142 Australians were injured in 1998 by not removing all the pins from new shirts.

31 Australians have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the lights were plugged in.

19 Australians have died in the last 3 years by eating Christmas decorations they believed were chocolate.

543 Australians were admitted to casualty in the last two years after opening bottles of beer with their teeth or eye socket. (ouch!)

8 Australians cracked their skull in 1997 after falling asleep (passing out) while throwing up into the toilet.