

Whose Worth's unknown
Registered Senior Member
Yesterday I was told by someone in a shop that I had a very yellow aura. I just smiled sympathetically and moved on.

I mean, is that good? What (put in the least woo-woo terms and keeping use of the word 'energy' to a minimum) are our auras?
Yesterday I was told by someone in a shop that I had a very yellow aura. I just smiled sympathetically and moved on.
Wrong response.
What you should have done is say "Really? Wow, I better get in touch with my spirit guide and get my crystals re-aligned*".

I mean, is that good? What (put in the least woo-woo terms and keeping use of the word 'energy' to a minimum) are our auras?
That's one of the problems: inconsistency of woo woo-ism.
There's no full consensus on what each colour "means".
My personal take is that a yellow aura foreshadows death by custard overdose.
(Or possibly the proverbial fifteen-ton canary - but that's much more rare).

* Technical addendum: this is NOT a reference to Dilithium crystals, only Scotty (or possibly Geordie LaForge) can do that, and the Enterprise is currently away from Earth.
Yesterday I was told by someone in a shop that I had a very yellow aura. I just smiled sympathetically and moved on.

I mean, is that good? What (put in the least woo-woo terms and keeping use of the word 'energy' to a minimum) are our auras?

You should have told that person to stop by his/her doctor.
I mean, is that good?

It's utterly meaningless.

What (put in the least woo-woo terms and keeping use of the word 'energy' to a minimum) are our auras?

They are glowing translucent outlines of color and/or texture that people see or claim to see around people/other animals/non-living material. The additional claim is that the color or texture of the aura means something specific about your personality, health, future, or something else. The reality is that this secondary claim is 100% false.

What is usually happening with aura-seers is one of 3 things:

1) The person is outright lying.
2) The person has synesthasia. Basically some feature about you is linked to color / texture memory and they literally see something emanating from you.
3) The person has a visual cortex defect that results in inorrect image processing of edges.

Naturally 2) and 3) are so rare that most claims of seeing auras are simply outright lies.
What is usually happening with aura-seers is one of 3 things:

1) The person is outright lying.
2) The person has synesthasia. Basically some feature about you is linked to color / texture memory and they literally see something emanating from you.
3) The person has a visual cortex defect that results in inorrect image processing of edges.

#4 .... the guy in the store is either a salesman or is very interested in you. Simply an attempt to know you better.
#4 .... the guy in the store is either a salesman or is very interested in you. Simply an attempt to know you better.

I'm telling ya!
It's a presentiment of death by custard overdose.

On the other hand it could just be some crackpot theory from those very genuine people, psychics, I mean, who'd doubt a specialist in the paranormal?

Er, wait, it's an offshoot (or precursor that's been confirmed [ho ho, as if]) of Kirlian photography.

Nothing woo woo about that.
Send me $200 now and I'll tell your fortune... especially the future of your finances.
In fact, the more money you send the more accurate I become, and faster.
And stay away from CUSTARD!
Actual words spoken from earwitness present on the scene...You're an Avery, Hello Laura.

Cellar Door needs earwax removed.
It's possible that the guy was sensitive to lighting differences, if you were standing in a room lit by instore lighting then it's likely there would indeed be a yellow hue. (This of course would be common with everyone)

Of course he could of been completely wacked out on spacecake, or martianmellows and just trying to strike up a conversation to work out if you were a fellow stoner or staight person to get paranoid about.
Some people have hypersensitive vision. This results in the brain creating a lot of visual 'noise' that isn't actually there. See this thread.

If I hold my hand up and stare at it, I see lots of tiny neon dots on the surface behind it, and yes, if I focus on the edges, they seem flickery. Someone not very logic/science oriented or just a bit vague minded could well interpret this as an 'aura'.
Yesterday I was told by someone in a shop that I had a very yellow aura. I just smiled sympathetically and moved on.

I mean, is that good? What (put in the least woo-woo terms and keeping use of the word 'energy' to a minimum) are our auras?




what did the guy look like? what kind of store were you in? was it day or night? i need more details..!

this may appear as woo woo to everyone, but it's a very very serious issue..IT IS NOT WOO WOO!
Oli you are a nutter.
Pfft, I'm just "differently understood".
Did you check any of my links?

Well I did a bit of research, and I think I understand the basic concept; it's a kind of spiritual radiation. Apparently lots of different objects have auras, from trees to crystals.
My links should'a told you that...

As for what glowing yellow actually signifies, I got this:
Meh, could be worse :D
Hmm, that's strange.
Not one single mention of custard.
Unless... nah, long shot.
Oli you are a nutter.

Well I did a bit of research, and I think I understand the basic concept; it's a kind of spiritual radiation.

As the word "spiritual" appears in the result of your research, that's a big tipoff that something's wrong.

Apparently lots of different objects have auras, from trees to crystals.

Correction. Objects don't have auras. People either see them or claim to see them. They very tiny percentage of people who actually see them are seeing the results of brain / visual defects.

As for what glowing yellow actually signifies, I got this:

Meh, could be worse :D

It is worse. The person who wrote that page is outright lying.
As the word "spiritual" appears in the result of your research, that's a big tipoff that something's wrong.

Correction. Objects don't have auras. People either see them or claim to see them. They very tiny percentage of people who actually see them are seeing the results of brain / visual defects.

It is worse. The person who wrote that page is outright lying.

Well that all goes without saying doesn't it. My 'research' was hardly a serious quest for the truth.
From what I have heard about the stuff, you put a person in front of a white background and stare assidously at their "third eye" [center of forehead]. Their aura should become visible in your peropheral vision. Never having attempted it myself i don't know if that is true.
From what I have heard about the stuff, you put a person in front of a white background and stare assidously at their "third eye" [center of forehead]. Their aura should become visible in your peropheral vision. Never having attempted it myself i don't know if that is true.

I just put my hand against a white computer screen and stared at the centre of my palm. The edges did look flickery.

But then again I always have visual 'noise'.
I'm not certain a hand is considered an aural chakra.
