

Humans are ONE
Registered Senior Member

I found the following points interesting:

Human hands glow, but fingernails release the most light, according to a recent study that found all parts of the hand emit detectable levels of light.

If humans emit light, I'd assume all animals do too - what about plants?

The light is invisible to the naked eye, so Hiramatsu and his team used a powerful photon counter to "see" it..

If it's in the visible light range, I suppose it's remotely possible it could be detected by people with more sensitive vision, but that principle might get in the way. (I've forgotten the name, but it states that lighting a candle in a room with a thousand candles is less noticeable than lighting a candle in an empty room)

Popp and his team believe the light from the forehead and the hands pulses out with the same basic rhythms, but that these pulses become irregular in unhealthy people. A study he conducted on a muscular sclerosis patient seemed to validate the theory.

Both he and Hiramatsu hope future studies will reveal more about human photon emissions, which could lead to medical diagnosis applications.

So the light can be used to diagnose diseases. It just might be easier to use instruments to detect the light than psychics ;)
As I understand what medical intuitives have written they see more in the auric field than just diseases.
If you are interested in the subject try reading the books of Caroline Myss.
i think its very strange how each persons aura is diffrent based on there personality does anyone know how this is possable for the engery feilds of ones body it be a diffrent depending on the past events of thier lives...

also can anyone fill me in on a black aura ive tried to read it up on the internet but ive only found like a few sentences about its significance i would liek to find a detailted summary of what a black aura means....
I tend to think people that pick up auras are actually detecting pheremones and this information gets processed in the visual centers of the brain. However, I did notice something strange this weekend, a network, like veins, of tiny pinpoint lights shimmering under my skin.
I had a wierd experince which might add to the belief of auras. As some might have noticed London is very cold at the moment. The other day i was walking past some one and we got close to each other (about 50cm apart), untill i got close i didnt notice her too much but as i got closer i could feel heat coming from her. Heat that warmed me up straight from the inside, but whent away as i got further away.

I doupt it was actual body heat as i was wraped up heavily, since the freezing cold couldnt penatrate the layers i doupt her body heat could. I tried it again walking past some one else, got closer this time but didnt feel anything.

Could it be her aura i felt???
Ember-To-Inferno said:
i think its very strange how each persons aura is diffrent based on there personality does anyone know how this is possable for the engery feilds of ones body it be a diffrent depending on the past events of thier lives...

also can anyone fill me in on a black aura ive tried to read it up on the internet but ive only found like a few sentences about its significance i would liek to find a detailted summary of what a black aura means....

read up on Qigong/Taiji/Bagua/ Qi fields, power levels,

a black aura i assume you mean evil energied bieng, they have higher levels of bad Qi, some people have more good Qi than bad, some are perfectly balenced, if you train enough within the above mentioned methods/styles, then by just standing next to somebody, you can sense there power level and basis of there energy type,

taylan007 said:
I had a wierd experince which might add to the belief of auras. As some might have noticed London is very cold at the moment. The other day i was walking past some one and we got close to each other (about 50cm apart), untill i got close i didnt notice her too much but as i got closer i could feel heat coming from her. Heat that warmed me up straight from the inside, but whent away as i got further away.

I doupt it was actual body heat as i was wraped up heavily, since the freezing cold couldnt penatrate the layers i doupt her body heat could. I tried it again walking past some one else, got closer this time but didnt feel anything.

Could it be her aura i felt???

she gave you a warm mental feeling wich is connected to physical feeling,

she effected you with her good Qi, and your intention (yi) hot and cold can be effected by thoughts, you can do spiritual/mental training methods that work well for this, some taoist, (daoist) meditation methods can help you control hot and cold, in the right state of mind i can go outside to train in a thunderstorm bare chested, and i wont even get goosebumps on my skin, and sometimes when i dont do the right preperation methods in mind and body before i go outside, i can be freezing cold wearing a jacket and jeans when its not even raining or snowing,

its all in the mind, same with pain, and same with power, mind and Qi are connected on a level that we cant properly comprehend in every aspect, (but can to some extent with the old teachings)

o well i was looking at myself in the mirroir the other day.. and i was looking for my aura.. and then i noticed this strange black aura that was surrounding my body.. i thougth befor i looked into the mirror and focused on myself that i would have a colour that would respembly blue or somethign to that effect but the black aura around me wasnt schoockig but it was very intresting very strange... .its weird bcuz im a very positive person and im not negitive at all im usually the guy that helps all my freinds out and thinks of myfreinds befor myself.. i have no abuse in my past or anything negative for that matter ..not evil or anything.. i just read on the internet the other day all the information i could find on this and the only info i found was that of somone who has been abused in the past would have a black aura.... that and something about the person could be hidding a serect or hidden a pwoer or soemthign to that effect. this is very cunfuzing to me since i cant hide a secret from my self.. mabye this would be somethign to the effect as something is hidden inside of mysefl is that makes any sence
the ability to actually see your own aura dosent actually mean thats your real aura, it was your yi (intention) that created this aura, you havent got a black aura, if the things you said about yourself are true,

a black aura isnt actually black, your minds eye confused your actual eye from the intention to see an aura,

animals and young children and some old people, can see auras, but not in the way you think there 3rd eye can see them, not there 2 regular eyes.
a way to test your aura is with lots of animals, i can show people simple tests to conduct when it comes to auras good/bad etc,

get atleast 5 animals and a few people, all of the animals will gather around the person with the strongest pure aura, (animals flock towards me in the street cats/dogs/birds even at the zoo they all come over near me), but dont have food because there natural instinct is to eat, and even if you have a bad aura they will still come get food from you, but run away after,

havent you guys noticed that old people, children, and animals tend to judge people before talking to them? or before getting to know them, its simple they go by your aura, theres not alot to it, just some people are posative some are negative, some are a healthy balence, and animals and children are sensative to these auras and judge you by them, try it out,

this subject on auras should be included in my Orgone/Qi discussion,

if somebody could find out what that device is that can read/measure aura levels, i could get hold of one, (cost is irrelevant) i could prove the exitance of Qi energy, this thing measures Auras, Qi is the root of this aura that runs through all living things, there are the same, the constant river of energy that runs through all living things, including animals trees humans, and even certain materials, even water. and fire,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
she gave you a warm mental feeling wich is connected to physical feeling,

she effected you with her good Qi, and your intention (yi) hot and cold can be effected by thoughts, you can do spiritual/mental training methods that work well for this, some taoist, (daoist) meditation methods can help you control hot and cold, in the right state of mind i can go outside to train in a thunderstorm bare chested, and i wont even get goosebumps on my skin, and sometimes when i dont do the right preperation methods in mind and body before i go outside, i can be freezing cold wearing a jacket and jeans when its not even raining or snowing,

its all in the mind, same with pain, and same with power, mind and Qi are connected on a level that we cant properly comprehend in every aspect, (but can to some extent with the old teachings)


The thing is i didnt look at her properly at untill i got the warm feeling inside, so it couldnt have been my attraction to her that gave me the feeling.
taylan007 said:
The thing is i didnt look at her properly at untill i got the warm feeling inside, so it couldnt have been my attraction to her that gave me the feeling.

well int hat case, it was purely your energy interacting with hers,

have you noticed how some people just automatically attract, and some people automatically repell? its all to do with compatibility with 2 peoples energy types and levels, i dont like bieng around evil hearted people, people with negative vibes, i cant stand even bieng int he same room space as them, and i admit im very quick to fight somebody with an evil presance if provoked slightly,

where as people with good energy i will not fight, rather work it out and explain we dont have to do this,
well see you mentioned animals and haha.. well msot animals that ii come across liek dogs on the road bark at me and dont seem to bark at other ppl when they walk by... i found this out when i wnet by a dog kennel while i was having a walk on the dyke... all the dogs always seem to freack out and violently bark when im near and as soon as im a bit futher down the dyke they shut up... and theydont do this to other ppl very strange.. also i have afew freinds that when they first meet me they told me that i have a very strange vibe.... birds also dont liek me i when over to my freinds house for the firs time who have some supposably freindly birds and she took one out to let me hold it and the thing flew arcoss the rooms and this really freacked out i freind kinda made me luagh tho i duno its very weird.... but the ppl that have told me i have a very strange vibe are now pritty good freinds with me so i cant see it as beeing a bad think?
Ember-To-Inferno said:
well see you mentioned animals and haha.. well msot animals that ii come across liek dogs on the road bark at me and dont seem to bark at other ppl when they walk by... i found this out when i wnet by a dog kennel while i was having a walk on the dyke... all the dogs always seem to freack out and violently bark when im near and as soon as im a bit futher down the dyke they shut up... and theydont do this to other ppl very strange.. also i have afew freinds that when they first meet me they told me that i have a very strange vibe.... birds also dont liek me i when over to my freinds house for the firs time who have some supposably freindly birds and she took one out to let me hold it and the thing flew arcoss the rooms and this really freacked out i freind kinda made me luagh tho i duno its very weird.... but the ppl that have told me i have a very strange vibe are now pritty good freinds with me so i cant see it as beeing a bad think?

not all animals have good auras/Qi, some just like humans are negative unbalenced, it could be that you have an intimidating powerful Qi and they are threaterned by a higher power form predator. it could be that they are posative energy based, and you are negative and they dont like you, or it could be certain dogs are negative, and you are the posative one, and they bark at posative energies,

its not as simple as good and bad, energies Qi and auras are diverse, you can have a very powerful energy level from training, and can be very dangerous, but have a really strong posative energy vibe around you and within you, so intimidating levels of energy dont mean its a bad thing, a normal balenced energied person can feel a sense of intimidation and power from another person, but that person could have a posative energy, but its just very powerfull and respected if you may, by others who can sense power levels,

bieng around electrical appliances all of the time, will slowly decrease your ability to sense power levels and auras,

can you explain what you mean but beeing infront of electrical appliances all day can decreses the ability to sence power levels.. im aroudnthe computer ALOT because i have nothing to do when i get home after school... also i get many powerful vibrations running up my spine every now and then about 3-10 times a day... its not like a chill up my back its like energy that liek jsut goes crazy kinda liek the feeling u get when in a very deep trance.. they tend to be in my lower spine upper spine and in my head... i dont really know what this is its a very amazing feeling... somone said something about kundalini energy but cant really find the significance of having this kundalini engery....
Ember-To-Inferno said:
can you explain what you mean but beeing infront of electrical appliances all day can decreses the ability to sence power levels.. im aroudnthe computer ALOT because i have nothing to do when i get home after school... also i get many powerful vibrations running up my spine every now and then about 3-10 times a day... its not like a chill up my back its like energy that liek jsut goes crazy kinda liek the feeling u get when in a very deep trance.. they tend to be in my lower spine upper spine and in my head... i dont really know what this is its a very amazing feeling... somone said something about kundalini energy but cant really find the significance of having this kundalini engery....

electrical appliances mess up our abilities to sense things naturally, it is like mass desensatization to yourself, i would reccommend if your interested,

read up on fung shui, it might be spelled differently in western pinyin terms, feng shui, feung shui but it is pronounced fung shui,

read up on harmonising with Taiji, (tai chi) also about Qigong (chi kung) and some daoist (taoist)scriptures about harmony and nature, this will give you a much greater understanding of what i am sayign as a whole about Auras, Qi, philosophy etc,

type into google and you will find plenty of good advice and teachings, i have read many and most are accurate, but some are aload of BS taking metaphores way out of hand and not using them incn orrect context atall as they were intended,


Ember-To-Inferno said:
well see you mentioned animals and haha.. well msot animals that ii come across liek dogs on the road bark at me and dont seem to bark at other ppl when they walk by... i found this out when i wnet by a dog kennel while i was having a walk on the dyke... all the dogs always seem to freack out and violently bark when im near and as soon as im a bit futher down the dyke they shut up... and theydont do this to other ppl very strange.. also i have afew freinds that when they first meet me they told me that i have a very strange vibe.... birds also dont liek me i when over to my freinds house for the firs time who have some supposably freindly birds and she took one out to let me hold it and the thing flew arcoss the rooms and this really freacked out i freind kinda made me luagh tho i duno its very weird.... but the ppl that have told me i have a very strange vibe are now pritty good freinds with me so i cant see it as beeing a bad think?

Ive got a similar thing with cats, they always seem to be watching me.

Im not paranoid, i was once in my room working out(my room has a door to my garden) i was doing press ups, when i finnished i got up turned around and there was a cat sitting at the door step watching me, only when i moved towards it it moved away.

A few times, when blazing, in my garden a cat would come sit on the wall opposite me and just watch. First time it happened i threw some coins at it, even hit it couple of times, it would just duck and carry on watching me.

So many times ive looked out ma window to find a cat watching my window.

Why do cats howl, does anyone know???
i dont know there are soemthing about cats... seroisly they where ban from egypt back in the day cats have a very good sensitive eyes so i think they can see things other animals cant see.... could somone hlep me out and explain more on this i know more but imhaving a hard time putting it into words...
I thought the ancient Egyptians worshipped a cat.

I found a reference to a book that teaches how you can learn to see auras for anyone who might want to try it.
Barbara Ann Brennan "Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing through the Human Energy Field" Bantam 1987