Attributes of God


I read this from a poster and it offered a question to be asked:

The sons of God descending comes from their being attributes of God through the Lord Jesus Christ born first as mortals like you and I, and then being born again by the Spirit and given the power to become sons of God.

Without debating any specifics of a religion (being fair), what are the 'attributes of God' or what is that "?" that mankind is seeking that each can know (become)(religiously/morally speaking)?

What are these 'attributes' or 'morals' or perhaps 'compassionate values' or knowledge....... ?

what is 'it' so we can discuss that?

I know i am not seeking magic as far as my opinion.

I know i always wanted to know how to do right and it be correct no matter what religion.

I always sought to understand life.

These are items i can claim from my opinion, now let's see what others think

(please no real need to tell us what your religion tells you to believe we can all read that ourselves)

What are the 'attributes'?

What is your opinion?
The important attributes that we must focus on when discussing or pondering "gods" are the attributes of

b) influence
I read this from a poster and it offered a question to be asked:

Without debating any specifics of a religion (being fair), what are the 'attributes of God'
You will get very different answers from the general categories of monotheism, polytheism and animism.

And, as a general rule, due to the quantity and quality of philosophy that each category facilitates, you will have more variety expressed within the field of monotheism (eg monism, personalism, etc) as opposed to polytheism ... what to speak of animism.

or what is that "?" that mankind is seeking that each can know (become)(religiously/morally speaking)?

What are these 'attributes' or 'morals' or perhaps 'compassionate values' or knowledge....... ?

what is 'it' so we can discuss that?

I know i am not seeking magic as far as my opinion.

I know i always wanted to know how to do right and it be correct no matter what religion.

I always sought to understand life.

These are items i can claim from my opinion, now let's see what others think

(please no real need to tell us what your religion tells you to believe we can all read that ourselves)

What are the 'attributes'?

What is your opinion?
In short, we all seek the acquisition of happiness by nature. There are various ideas on the role god (or alternatively, that god's non-existence, as the atheists vouch for) plays in this regard.

For instance some may say that god's role is to provide us with what we need for happiness. (So right action means that which results in getting what you want while greasing the wheel of god)

Some may say that the idea of having a personality that has jurisdiction over the universe curtails their pursuit of happiness. (so right action means navigating with one's personal whim as the course for all right action)

I personally vouch for the idea that the very act of coming into contact with god offers the most complete scope for happiness (so right action becomes that which is compatible for knowing god)
God as the Oversoul, with the Human race (and presumably other races as well, on suspicion that we're not likely to be alone in the Universe) having individual souls, each of which is a small part of the Oversoul, seperated from the OS but connected, so that each person returns to the original source eventually.
The attributes of gods are whatever the individual assigns them. Gods, after all, are the creations of humanity.
When he says god, substitute existence.

a mind that is thinking................ :eek:

i didn't do anything wrong did i?

as it seems to address all that is, as a part of God

then people can learn to appreciate everything

as well be responsible to the boss knowing, what you do that is bad, you did it to the boss; (so live in it) (digging your own grave, by choice)

Now to see mother nature, and what is evident, then when we give up a portion of our energy, our life, by our choices; then we can do good (support life to continue) and be able to comprehend that we live in that action we caused by choice.

To me that is how to honor God; by doing GOOD, by choice!
You will get very different answers from the general categories of monotheism, polytheism and animism.
yea i know, the isms can be quite diverse

And, as a general rule, due to the quantity and quality of philosophy that each category facilitates, you will have more variety expressed within the field of monotheism (eg monism, personalism, etc) as opposed to polytheism ... what to speak of animism.
and to really be up on things, have you ever noticed whether it is a star formation or a lion, often in religious texts a story is written speaking in 'gods' to facilitate a morality lesson to the next generations. (teachings)

but remember as well, as evidenced in geneology, that the 'tree of life' (darwin) shares we are from the same tree roots, so them traits (often instinctive) can be found in mankind too.

ever see a man in heat?

(personally prefer a women in the rut)

In short, we all seek the acquisition of happiness by nature. There are various ideas on the role god (or alternatively, that god's non-existence, as the atheists vouch for) plays in this regard.
i like to point out, that people work all year just for a week in the 'garden'. (it is where life began on earth; mother nature/existence/god)

For instance some may say that god's role is to provide us with what we need for happiness. (So right action means that which results in getting what you want while greasing the wheel of god)
all saleman have a sales pitch, but i ask any; what personally can anyone say God did to/for them personally?

but if you walk an ol lady across the street, or teach a child to play ball, or spend a day helping them who 'don't have'.............. i will bet, them 'doings' offer more life, happiness and the awareness of Love, then anything a person can do besides making babies (or practicing of course)

Some may say that the idea of having a personality that has jurisdiction over the universe curtails their pursuit of happiness. (so right action means navigating with one's personal whim as the course for all right action)
that is like letting a kid lose in a store before telling them they have to work for the item (pay for anything you take).

reality is, we each have our personalities based on our environment but to pursue bliss and know it, is to be capable of causing actions by choice and knowing what they will perform true to existence.

Another phrase i use is; Happiness is knowing once we are; we are ONE!
I personally vouch for the idea that the very act of coming into contact with god offers the most complete scope for happiness (so right action becomes that which is compatible for knowing god)

and if each person was to understand we live within GOD (his existence) then we can be responsible and know bliss at the same time. (we can experience God, in fact)

and if each person was to understand we live within GOD (his existence) then we can be responsible and know bliss at the same time. (we can experience God, in fact)
God is a human created imaginary concept absent of any factual grounding. What you call bliss is simply a self induced emotional state created by your own imagination.

I create bliss for myself whenever I choose but I don't use or need a god concept for that.

God is a human created imaginary concept absent of any factual grounding.

and since mankind 'created all words' then i can agree with zero problems

What you call bliss is simply a self induced emotional state created by your own imagination.

i disagree, as anything OTHER than bliss, is a self induced emotional state created by your own imagination.

mankind often creates a mental HELL/Heaven by choice

I create bliss for myself whenever I choose but I don't use or need a god concept for that.

my kind of guy......

we (mankind) created our frames of thought (often taught how to think)

rather than just living at face value
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
You will get very different answers from the general categories of monotheism, polytheism and animism.

yea i know, the isms can be quite diverse
what to speak when you start to breach issues of intention and practical application that follows

And, as a general rule, due to the quantity and quality of philosophy that each category facilitates, you will have more variety expressed within the field of monotheism (eg monism, personalism, etc) as opposed to polytheism ... what to speak of animism.

and to really be up on things, have you ever noticed whether it is a star formation or a lion, often in religious texts a story is written speaking in 'gods' to facilitate a morality lesson to the next generations. (teachings)
Generally you find both prescriptive and descriptive narrations.

In short, we all seek the acquisition of happiness by nature. There are various ideas on the role god (or alternatively, that god's non-existence, as the atheists vouch for) plays in this regard.

i like to point out, that people work all year just for a week in the 'garden'. (it is where life began on earth; mother nature/existence/god)
Perhaps it becomes a popular idea after puberty

For instance some may say that god's role is to provide us with what we need for happiness. (So right action means that which results in getting what you want while greasing the wheel of god)

all saleman have a sales pitch, but i ask any; what personally can anyone say God did to/for them personally?
depends to what degree one is prepared to fictionalize their independence
but if you walk an ol lady across the street, or teach a child to play ball, or spend a day helping them who 'don't have'.............. i will bet, them 'doings' offer more life, happiness and the awareness of Love, then anything a person can do besides making babies (or practicing of course)
Our abilities to generate and facilitate life are merely window dressing because they only flourish in the medium of dependence (even if its the dependence of a set of genitals that are more or less functional)

Some may say that the idea of having a personality that has jurisdiction over the universe curtails their pursuit of happiness. (so right action means navigating with one's personal whim as the course for all right action)

that is like letting a kid lose in a store before telling them they have to work for the item (pay for anything you take).
hence the clause "as long as you don't hurt anyone" is added in the name of tolerant hedonism
reality is, we each have our personalities based on our environment but to pursue bliss and know it, is to be capable of causing actions by choice and knowing what they will perform true to existence.
the point is that our scope for cause and effect only operates in a larger scene of cause and effect (to which we have no power to control).

The encapsulating issues of death, old age and disease illustrate this clearly.
Another phrase i use is; Happiness is knowing once we are; we are ONE!
Perhaps you could say we are qualitatively one, but certainly not quantitatively. At the very least, I assume that even when you are in the highs of such a thought, you don't divulge your credit card details.
I personally vouch for the idea that the very act of coming into contact with god offers the most complete scope for happiness (so right action becomes that which is compatible for knowing god)

and if each person was to understand we live within GOD (his existence) then we can be responsible and know bliss at the same time. (we can experience God, in fact)
Along with the understanding that we are living within the jurisdiction comes contingent obligations ... for instance knowledge that one is living within the borders of the USA is meaningless unless there are a range of obligational issues that also makes themselves apparent.
To me that is how to honor God; by doing GOOD

Kindly explain "GOOD". You surely can't use a human definition?


I'm of the impression that you would submit that killing - or attempting to kill - your own son is as bad as it gets and telling someone to kill their own son is just as bad. That isn't "GOOD", but is in fact completely WRONG.

Here we seem to be in agreement with our goods and our wrongs. So when we say something like 'god is good', whose version of 'good' are we using? Yes, it's ours.

But then how could anyone ever say "god is good"?

You see, this god ordered Abraham to kill his own son - and Abraham complied. We both know that both actions are bad. Ordering someone to kill their own son and trying to kill your own son are both equally bad. So when someone says "but it's god so it's good" - what do they even mean? They're certainly not using the standard human definition of good - in fact they are completely perverting it so it means the exact opposite of what they actually know it to mean.

So when you say to 'honour god is to do good' you don't actually mean it, you just mean that to honour god is to do whatever he says - be it good or bad as you understand it.

But in doing so you consider it good to slaughter ones own son or any kind of activity that you actually think is bad as long as this god has apparently said you should do it. This causes mass problems. For instance, the woman that stoned her kids to death. She honoured god apparently and so how could you convict her - for to honour god is to do good - and that's exactly what her murder of 3 young children was intended to do, indeed apparently commanded of her. Because god commanded it, she did good - hence no basis with which to ever judge right from wrong. If he tells you to rape a woman, we can't say that rape was wrong - you're honouring gods commands.

Right and wrong, good and bad become but a farce.
Kindly explain "GOOD". You surely can't use a human definition?
The definition of the word good is what opinions offer.

Such as only by mankind can the words even apply since we not only created them, but they are a concept that 'choice of action' is often based on

the means: it is when 'a choice' is being questioned that the term is actually applicable; such that an earth quake destroying a whole city is not BAD

as it was not caused by a human (conscious) choice; it is nature (don't care who, how or what dies/lives, as it is nothing we can chose)

Now in choice; good is measured with what is natural (science of natures actions, not it's choice)

and nature shows us instinct

in which life has an 'intent'...(to continue)

so if a life has a choice, then naturally it is 'to continue'

Good choices: "support life to continue"

bad; loss to the common.

nature isn't defined as 'doing' good/bad

only mankind can think of it and cause an action to exist by choice, that can be measured either good or bad.


I'm of the impression that you would submit that killing - or attempting to kill - your own son is as bad as it gets and telling someone to kill their own son is just as bad. That isn't "GOOD", but is in fact completely WRONG.
in comprehensible as you posted

but if dad knows the kid is causing bad, by choice; it is better to 'cut off the hand' then allow it to continue (now that choice is compassion for the total over the acceptance of the wrong in which the total pays for it as a 'loss to the common")

Here we seem to be in agreement with our goods and our wrongs. So when we say something like 'god is good', whose version of 'good' are we using? Yes, it's ours.
Existence is Good, otherwise we would not be alive.

Appreciating being alive enables understanding existence, is good. (to me God is all that is, at the same time; not some dude on a thrown)

But then how could anyone ever say "god is good"?
as God would be existence itself, that i live within (mother-nature/the universe/existence itself)

You see, this god ordered Abraham to kill his own son - and Abraham complied. We both know that both actions are bad. Ordering someone to kill their own son and trying to kill your own son are both equally bad. So when someone says "but it's god so it's good" - what do they even mean?

i don't view as God said anything.

i see the lesson just as i stated above; if your kid is doing wrong and you know it, then kill the child as it is better to honor existence than the damage the child can do.

So when you say to 'honour god is to do good' you don't actually mean it, you just mean that to honour god is to do whatever he says - be it good or bad as you understand it.
God don't talk to folk, unless you (a person) is are being considered a part of God, and are speaking......

but then that is where 'common sense' must be measured to establish whether the opinion is true or not.

to mean; all mankind can make the same decisions if equiped with reality (knowledge of life/existence)

But in doing so you consider it good to slaughter ones own son or any kind of activity that you actually think is bad as long as this god has apparently said you should do it.

that is what 'judgment' is all about

each can be equiped to judge, if 'good and bad' are comprehended as true to existence. NO police will be neccessry if equality of understanding was conveyed to all mankind as each would be aware, they are responsible to 'existence' (all of us) over themselves. (kind of like what a knight is)

This causes mass problems. For instance, the woman that stoned her kids to death. She honoured god apparently and so how could you convict her - for to honour god is to do good - and that's exactly what her murder of 3 young children was intended to do, indeed apparently commanded of her. Because god commanded it, she did good - hence no basis with which to ever judge right from wrong.
now you just hit it on the head

God don't talk, men do. Mankind created the opinions calling them 'from god'

which is BS in reality. the rules of God are not found in words, but in nature

so the women by note comprehending that she is killing herself (next generation) would not murder the children unless she understood that 'what they do' is what to measure as 'good and bad' and not by what someone tells HER to do.

that is the error of beliefs; folks actually think God 'told them' how it works

which is all BS

If he tells you to rape a woman, we can't say that rape was wrong - you're honouring gods commands.
rape is wrong

and my fix is easy:

'any man who harms another over sex; i have a glass rod to put in your winkie and will break it"

Bet not a one do it twice!

Right and wrong, good and bad become but a farce.

not really as it is the measuring of choice with nature.

Life: purposed to continue

Good: support life to continue

Bad: loss to the common

Think of your choices as being a tap onto a flat pond; if what you impose combines with other waves and will live longer, then good can be observed

If what you impose in like a wave trying to jump out of the pond because it thinks it is separate, by choice; it is a 'loss to the common'............

nature proves these, even in my funny way of conveying; its all real!
i don't view as God said anything.

My post was specifically aimed at the christian mindset, (a god that does say things). Clearly, as you don't fall into that category, there was little reason to respond to my post.

I couldn't really decipher your post to be honest but you wont find me debating against those parts that I did manage to. Having said that, I can't actually ascertain why you use the word 'god' at all when all you mean is existence. Why not just say existence... seems logical.

such that an earth quake destroying a whole city is not BAD

:shrug: Suppose that depends which city it is.
Maybe he was being sarcastic. I don't think he can answer that question with his science.