Attention People Of America: Stop Trying To Screw 14 Year-Olds!


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
A Fire Commissioner in New York was arrested for trying to get it on with a "14 year old" he met on the net. Obviously there was no 14 year old, only a person claiming to be one to snar the commissioner. Good thing entrapment laws don't appear to apply on the internet, eh?

There is a good reason to stay away from people on the net who tell you their age is 14 or younger and then immediately ask you to do them Poughkeepsie-style in the alley behind the Dairy Queen.

:m: Peace.
This reminds me of the time when a younger friend of mine (16 years old) was exciting about having met another gay youth online who lived in his area.

The person he met claimed to be 14 years old, and wanted to meet with him. Paranoid protector that I am, I decided to find out as much as I could about this person, I found out where he hung out online, talked with those who knew him, got names, got his address from my friend, and managed to learn that he is actually a 28 year old freak of nature who just claims to be 14 years old online. He denied that he was a pedophile or had any devious intentions, but I really didn't buy that, what with his lying and all. Anyway, crisis narrowly averted.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that the internet is full of fucking freaks, so watch your back, especially if you're a minor looking to meet someone, or a pervy pedo looking to molest someone.
Maybe 14 year olds should have more supervision. I know that when I was 14 I wasn't online trying to find sex partners. Who are these kids, and what are their parents doing? You can't stop the sick people of the world, but you can educate the victims.
Originally posted by Jerrek
Legal age of consent is 14 in Canada and 12 in Netherlands.

Clear signs that Canada and the Netherlands are morally bankrupt nations.
Does anyone else find it odd that the "youth" was referred to in gender-neutral terms?
Maybe 14 year olds should have more supervision. I know that when I was 14 I wasn't online trying to find sex partners.


What, you were in cheap taverns trying to find sex partners?

Legal age of consent is 14 in Canada and 12 in Netherlands.

Twelve? Wow, that's young. Fourteen is a decent age.

What a fucking moron. Like you couldn't as easily solicit a 38 year old divorced man pretending to be a legal age. :)
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Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
Maybe 14 year olds should have more supervision.

Unless you chain your child up in the basement there is no way you can monitor every single thing they do every second of the day.

Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
I know that when I was 14 I wasn't online trying to find sex partners.

I was 14 years of age before Al Gore had "invented" the internet, so online dating wasn't an option for me.
It's not so much the issue of constantly monitoring your child, it's is moreso the issue of teaching your child the right and wrong things to do. I mean, if your kid is online, where is he? In the living room? You can probably tell what he's doing. If he's at a friend's house, different story. But, let's face it, if your child is online looking for sexual partners at 14, you messed up somehow, whether it was failing to teach morals, or allowing them to hang around with children that were a bad influence.

Xev: When I was 14 I didn't have a computer. I wasn't interested in sex, I was playing tennis, skiing, performing at concerts and hanging out with my friends. I was a little girl, like we are all assuming these 14 year olds are. (I would appreciate it if you didn't directly address myself on a personal level.)
Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
But, let's face it, if your child is online looking for sexual partners at 14, you messed up somehow, whether it was failing to teach morals, or allowing them to hang around with children that were a bad influence.

Hey, believe it or not sexual feelings around that age are both healthy and normal! They aren't the result of hanging out with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, or having not beaten them with the Bible enough in past years, kids are going to get horny it's nature, don't call it evil. These hormone fueld yougin's will probably find whatever way they can to satisfy their sexual desires, and being that the brain of a 14 year old isn't even fully developed yet (The cortex, involved in a lot of higher abstract thought isn't yet completely developed, not even finished until a little after 20 years of age for that matter), their decisions aren't going to be the best or brightest!

If your kid is looking for possable sexual partners online that doesn't make him or her an immoral freak, it just means that you should keep a closer eye on them when they are at the computer.
Originally posted by Galt
Clear signs that Canada and the Netherlands are morally bankrupt nations.

Well that's a bit harsh, one single policy alone isn't enough to say that a nation is morally bankrupt. I agree that those ages of consent are shockingly low, but that doesn't mean that the countries which have them are simply morally bankrupt, that's a rather ignorant and vicious thing to say.
Xev: When I was 14 I didn't have a computer. I wasn't interested in sex,

Wow, what was wrong with you? Are you still frigid?

I was a little girl, like we are all assuming these 14 year olds are.


Are you like, really old or something? I mean no offense, but everybody knows that sexual expression at fourteen is normal and usually pretty healthy.

Look back - you were at least giving head at that age, yes? Everybody was, really, I always felt like the odd one out because I was disgusted by boys my age and too busy studying, but I was an exception.

(I would appreciate it if you didn't directly address myself on a personal level.)

I have no idea what you're asking me not to do - address you on a personal level? We're on a message board, there really isn't much of a personal level here.

Well that's a bit harsh, one single policy alone isn't enough to say that a nation is morally bankrupt. I agree that those ages of consent are shockingly low, but that doesn't mean that the countries which have them are simply morally bankrupt, that's a rather ignorant and vicious thing to say.

Precisely. What is "morality" anyway?
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Originally posted by Xev
Sure thing, Darkie. So, how did you find sex partners? Just random guys who would try to fondle you, or were you the proverbial slutty cheerleader? :)

Haha, Xev you have no idea how much you vex me. On one hand I think you're a horrible sham of a moderator, and hardly even suited to post on these sciforums, yet on the otherhand I just can't bring myself to deny the fact that I love you!

Oh come on, I was good and I removed that and you had to go and quote it. So cruel. :)
Originally posted by Xev
Are you like, really old or something? I mean no offense, but everybody knows that sexual expression at fourteen is normal and usually pretty healthy.

Look back - you were at least giving head at that age, yes? Everybody was, really, I always felt like the odd one out because I was disgusted by boys my age and too busy studying, but I was an exception.

I have no idea what you're asking me not to do - address you on a personal level? We're on a message board, there really isn't much of a personal level here.

No, I'm not really old. Check my profile. I'm not even 20 yet. But I was a little girl at that time. I'm just starting to become what I consider a woman. Mature and level-headed.

No, I was not giving head at that age. I am not giving head now. I'm not the kind of person who would do that for any random guy. If I had had a boyfriend at that time, maybe.

I'm asking you not to address me on a personal level...aka...I don't think that you should be making accusations about my personal life, when the point of the post has nothing to do with me. I'm not 14, I'm not trying to find a sexual partner online. Leave my personal life out of it please.
Haha, Gonna' make an offer for me to edit my post and get that quote out of there before anyone else reads it? I'm not made of stone, you know, I've got my price.
Originally posted by Mystech
Haha, Gonna' make an offer for me to edit my post and get that quote out of there before anyone else reads it? I'm not made of stone, you know, I've got my price.

What's the difference? It's not as if I didn't read it before you even quoted her. I don't know who else would really care.
I'm not made of stone, you know, I've got my price.

I'll give you a bright, shiny nickel?

No, I was not giving head at that age.

Uh, I didn't ask for details of your sex life and I'd rather not have icky mental images of you in my head, if you don't mind, keep your personal anecdotes out of this.

I am not giving head now. I'm not the kind of person who would do that for any random guy. If I had had a boyfriend at that time, maybe.

One retracts the stick from one's anus and then one begins to appreciate coitus.

In other words - you're an exception. Most 14 year olds experiment with sex. There's nothing wrong with this, of course, until some geezer starts soliciting them.

I'm not trying to find a sexual partner online.

Oh come on, with a username that screams "cyberslut", you say this? :)

Leave my personal life out of it please.

Ah, but you are the one who brought your personal life into it. I'm sure it's depressingly placid and I'd prefer not to learn about it, but you can't fault me for asking *where* you found your sex partners since you didn't use the internet.

Now, can we get back on topic?