ATTENTION ALL USERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Registered Member
I am new to this site, but I have a VERY open mind, and I do beleive that we are NOT alone. But..... I have read through a lot of the posts, and a few.. a very few have intrigued me.
But there is a fare amount of CRAP posted, and a LOT of badgering, insulting, prejudicial, disrespectfull replies from people who just don't have anything better to do, and don't have an open mind.
So. In order to keep everyone from pulling their hair out..... I suggest that for those of you, who don't have anything nice to say, or don't have a good or credible argument/discussion, to KEEP QUIET!!!!
And to those of you with good stories and discussions... keep on posting them.

Thank you all users for your attention.

Marvin the Martian,
I agree with you. I hope you found
my post and replies interesting.I
have not posted anything else since
a member accused me of being drunk
and babbleing on about UFO's. I have been
studying this phenomenon for a long time
and take it very seriously. Have you had
a encounter or know someone who has?

I may have read one of your posts, and a couple of replies.
I have not had an experience of my own, at least not that think is of any importance, nor do I know anyone who has personally. But I did see something very interesting on a tv show recently that really intrigued me, and my father. They were called "rod's", and they moved at speeds un-noticeable to the naked eye, but had been captured on camera and slowed down. Do you know of anything of the sort? Or can you find out.

Marvin the Martian,
Yes,Jose Escamilla has been trying to
get funding for the research into Rods.
He has had a hard time because he is not
a scientist and no one will fund him.
He has hundreds of pictures he took of Rods and I believe some have seen rods with their naked eye. The Rods are suppose to be physical objects which
really got my attention.Jose has done
an excellent job in documenting them
and I feel that mainstream science
should be all over this but unfortunately what is of significant importance is kept secret.I think we will hear more about Rods in the near future. Alien
I agree. I am brand new to this, and in scanning these rooms, I am surprised at all of the name calling and insults being hurled around. We should all try (myself included!) to keep all this positive and keep our minds open to all of these new ideas. All of us deserve respect.
Anywhere you go no matter the topic whether it be religion politics or ufo's you will always have idiots that have noting better to do than to bash everyone only cause they have nothing better to do with their time. I myself am here to learn and share,and enjoy it. I have had a few sightings myself,my wife has been abducted numerous times and i have spoken with 2 species in weird and unusual ways. I'll share more sometime but am pressed for time as work is calling soon. Iam a truck mechanic in the army and must not be late as that is severely frowned upon lol but you all have a nice day and dont let the knuckle heads get you down.

Eric Cooper
Now that's something interesting.
Someone email me and tell me more
about this phenomenon.

Please, oh please. Save the talk about
Alien invasions. Perhaps rods are
of extraterrestial origen, but perhaps
they are an undiscovered species of
Good for you ~M~! I too am open minded and seek the truth, (whatever that may be!) and I dislike people mocking my/our ideas and disregarding us for cranks!
I enjoy the paranormal, ufo's, ect and find it very interesting to read about other people's ideals and experiences. I've learned alot reading the postings that people place here and the garbage I just pass by it.
Let people tell there stories without mocking them. Have a nice day