Attention - Advisory Note


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Advisory Note to EM&J Forum Posters

In recent controversies, I have made public statements regarding my unwillingness to issue infraction points. The point has been made recently, however, that issuing infractions serves a greater purpose than merely handing out demerit points. The infractions also allow other moderators and the site administrators to better track conduct problems at Sciforums. Thus, while a moderator in one forum might be experiencing consistent difficulties with a poster, but not issuing any infractions, other moderators remain unaware of difficult trends when dealing with related disputes in other fora.

The infraction system affords us a more efficient means for determining who and what is actually giving us our headaches.

I had not, by my previous policy, considered this aspect. It is sufficient to convince me to use the infraction system.

Effective immediately: I am retracting my prior refusal to use the infraction system. Warnings will be issued as appropriate for mundane offenses before infraction points are issued. Warnings are not required, however, and more serious issues can and will receive infraction points without any such notice.

Infraction points issued in this forum may be appealed via Private Message to either of the EM&J moderators. I cannot, and would not, prevent you from trying to appeal to higher authorities.

This thread will remain open for a limited period in order to accommodate response and commentary.

Thank you for your consideration on this matter.
What about this rule? can it pleeeeeeeeeeease, pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease be enforced???

12. Complaining about moderation

These sub-forum are dedicated to discussions about current events and politics in the world, if your troubled by the way things are moderated, pleased do not post in the World Subforums. Contact a moderator directly, if that doesn't resolve the issue contact one of the super mods or Porfiry directly
Ha ha, I got reported for giving advice on cave trolls and changing timing belts?

Mikenostic and WIlly really are thin-skinned little dudes.
Someone did. No foul, then.
If cat macros are wrong, I don't want to be right!

/done threadjacking, sorry Tiassa.
Seems like a good idea

Orleander said:

What about this rule? can it pleeeeeeeeeeease, pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease be enforced???

In EM&J, it is my expectation that appeals be conducted through appropriate channels. Posting within any given topic general complaints about moderation will be struck as off-topic; persistent complaints posted with any given topic will be treated as any other persistent off-topic posts, including the issue of infraction points. Topics posted within EM&J intended to complain about moderation will be removed to SFOG; repeat offenders will be subject to official sanction.

That, at least, is my policy. I am not the only EM&J moderator, however, and as this consideration reflects the forum as a whole, it is subject to reconsideration upon advice from Invert Nexus.
Willy said:

I would be kind of nice to get a infraction from someone other then James R

As kindly as I can possibly express it, Willy, "Be careful what you wish for."

One of the reasons I've been reluctant to issue infraction points in the past is that the degree of offense is subject to the moderator's opinion. And, frankly, I can be a tyrant if I let myself. Not only that, but it is apparent to me, given the comparisons offered by complaining members, many folks can't tell the difference between various offenses.

Consider that some members might object to what they perceive as a trend in a moderator's conduct--e.g., political favoritism, &c. This is where moderators bear greatest exposure to accusations of tyranny. In refusing to issue infraction points, I have sought to duck that issue. With this change of my personal policy toward moderation, I can no longer duck the issue. The flip-side of that is that I am rarely sympathetic to such complaints.

"Be careful what you wish for." That's not just aimed at you, Willy. My reason for posting this advisory in the first place is that I expect some people will be unhappy with the change; it seemed, as such, unfair to blindside our members with punitive action they hitherto had every reason to not expect.
Draqon said:

what's with the green text?

I just try to draw a distinction between my role as a posting member of the community (standard text) and my role as a moderator (green text).

In EM&J, it is my expectation that appeals be conducted through appropriate channels. Posting within any given topic general complaints about moderation will be struck as off-topic; persistent complaints posted with any given topic will be treated as any other persistent off-topic posts, including the issue of infraction points. Topics posted within EM&J intended to complain about moderation will be removed to SFOG; repeat offenders will be subject to official sanction.

That, at least, is my policy. I am not the only EM&J moderator, however, and as this consideration reflects the forum as a whole, it is subject to reconsideration upon advice from Invert Nexus.

isnt the whole purpose of groups like this is to have free speach?
How do you define free speech?

i define free speach by, being allowed to say what you need to, without hurting anyones fealings and being delicate on a matter, or being able to tell someone that they are wrong without being told, that it was wrong and you shouldnt tell someone they're wrong.
Because in Mega City ....

Aye. And there are places for that. Private messages and SFOG are the first to mind.

If we start with the idea of a complaining post within the topic where the moderation took place, we can look at it as a matter of courtesy. This courtesy is not to the moderator, but to the other people taking part in the discussion. There's enough off-topic chatter going on. Carrying that over into other topics is simply pointless and even more discourteous.

As to starting a thread within the forum--in this case EM&J--another problem can arise. Certain moderators catch more flak than others. Perhaps this is because of the variance of standards from one moderator to the next. Some days would see several topics mucking up the forum. There are twenty-one (a strange number, yes) topics offered on the first page of the EM&J forum. Subtract from that however many stickies there are, and then any number of complaint topics you wish to imagine, and forum-relevant threads get pushed out. This is also a bit rude.

An example would be a current topic in SFOG protesting an infraction as unjust. To the one, these shouldn't clutter up a forum page; it seems egocentric, at the very least. To the other, these things are what SFOG is there for. Do we go to McDonald's for pasta? (Soon, I'm sure, but for now?) A car dealership to buy a trampoline? Should one go to the library in order to pick up a hooker? (Project Literacy?) Should I take a piss in your kitchen sink? There is an appropriate place for these objections, just as there are pasta restaurants, trampoline dealers, red-light districts, and toilets.

There is, additionally, no guarantee of free speech at Sciforums. Please note that we generally let things run near to riot around here. Eventually someone cries, or loses an eye, or something, and someone else gets sent to their room. In the case of your offered definition of free speech, at least in theory our boundaries are considerably broader, and tremendously elastic. While we like to give people room to speak out, there are limits. We do not appreciate hate propaganda, and are prone to striking it. We encourage--both positively and negatively--people to post their topics in the relevant forum. I posted a topic about Tupac Shakur's unreleased catalogue in Art & Culture earlier this morning. I could have posted it here, as well, since there's a legal fight involved. But I certainly wouldn't have called it a World Event, and I certainly would not post it in Eastern Philosophy or Intelligence & Machines.

And I don't think we're necessarily tampering with the illusion of free speech with such standards. People have a right to express themselves, but there are limitations, and one of those is the propriety of relevance.

The administration and moderators seek standards to preserve and promote an enjoyable community and posting environment. Certes, some find enjoyment in causing waves and agitation, and we allow, I think, a good deal of that to go on.

If this place is no fun, people won't bother coming 'round. And that would defeat the purpose of operating a website like this.

Or so says me. In this case, of course, I am the law, so ... er, yeah.

(I'll skip the Judge Dredd joke.)

Let me know if this doesn't make sense.
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Ha ha, I got reported for giving advice on cave trolls and changing timing belts?

Mikenostic and WIlly really are thin-skinned little dudes.
Willy said:
Why you calling me names?

I did not report you.

I did not report you either, Princess.
How does me asking you why you posted your timing belt instructions have anything to do with me being thin skinned? :shrug: