Attack on Iraq- the Beginning of the New Magog War

The gogindex talks about the end of time. I assure you in the next 12 years and towards the last 4 years, there will be a situation where it will look like the end of time. But we will pull through that. In US, we will go through a very rough time, but will come out ok. The first world countries will be the hardest hit. Keep that in mind.
Here is the Gog-Index thoughts:

1. Arab nations truly do not want peace with Israel. They wish to destroy Israel by all means including a surprise attack.

That is true at this time.

2. The Palestinians, Syrians and Iraqi's believe that they can push the region into a large war against Israel. Thus these nations shall attack Israel as Israel at some point. Right now, Bin Laden has made it be known that there will be no peace until Israel is no more. Israel strongly defeats these armies brought against her and causes a World outcry just like Kosovo and Bosnia. Worse yet, Israel destroys Damascus as prophecised in Isaiah 17 due to the use of chemical weapons against Israeli troops.

Very possible

3. A World coalition is built-up against Israel.

A world coalition without USA, UK, France, Germany will not go anywhere.

4. Russia or even China, in an attempt to reassert global influence shall assist Arab nations in a coalition against Israel.

Unless US is neutral, China will not assert for atleast 25 years. And if there is a major trade between Israel and China, China will stay neutral too.

5. Jerusalem is the key issue that will start such a battle.

The battle may be between Israel and the Arabs.

6. Israel will be victorious through the miraculous assistance of GOD.

More like USA (from the "God Bless America")

7. Finally, a peace treaty will be signed setting up the Temple sacrifice, and ultimately the Anti-Christ.

Someone has to sacrifice something to have peace. Christ stands for LOVE. So Anti-Christ will stand for HATE. Just look at Osama Bin Laden...
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Gil_W there is no evidence to back any of this up.

Total b.s People have been saying the end of the world has been coming since the beginning of time. It is illogical. It is impossible.