Attack of the crazy fundies


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
I learned recently that a friend of mine, whom I haven’t heard from in a number of months has recently been in an accident and is presently in a hospital – possibly in a coma.

I only learned of this situation a few days ago when I saw his name signed onto an IM client, and I sent him a message asking where he’d been. Instead of him I got his sister who told me pretty tersely that he’d been in an accident and was in a coma. I expressed my sympathy and tried to inquire more about what had happened and what his condition was or, being that I still don’t know how recent this accident happened and how emotional she might me or how critical his situation might be, if she could let him know that I had been asking after him and wish him well when he’s in a condition to hear it.

Before she read my own questions she threw one right back at me, “Let me guess, you're gay [sic]”. Now I thought it was a little odd to phrase it like that, but being that her brother is also gay and she might be upset. . . or just blunt (I’d never met or talked with her before) I answered her in the affirmative without thinking much of it. What I got next in return was, “I'm sorry, I don't associate with your kind, I deal with my brother because he is in charge of the family money and I depend on him to pay my bills and put me through college. I think what you do is disgusting and a sin against God and you are all going to hell.”

How wonderfully endearing, right? For the past three nights I’ve been arguing with her and one of her brothers who seems to be of a similar mind on this issue. I’ve tried to remain polite and rational though they keep meeting me with nothing but insults, haphazard rationalizations as to why they refuse to talk to me, and of course a lot of fire and brimstone preaching. They refuse to honor my request to bring any word to their brother (which, from certain things they’ve said I believe may well be conscious again) or to answer any questions about his condition, if he’ll be alright or anything of the sort. To make matters worse, earlier tonight they took my name off of the buddy’s list on my friend’s computer, and blocked all incoming IMs from me.

Words can’t describe the fury I’m feeling right now. A very good friend of mine may nearly have been killed, may well be maimed in any number of ways and I can’t get any information on his situation – I can’t get any word to him, and all because his siblings are a pair of cold hearted hate filled blind fanatics. I don’t even know what hospital he’s in or how long he’s been there, these assholes have cut me off completely. And then they have the gaul to lecture me about what it is to be righteous even while they admit that they hate their brother and only maintain contact with him because of his money!

This alone has me seeing red, and feeling ready to kill, I can hardly believe that people like this exist, how could anyone live with a family like this? My respect for this friend of mine has grown greatly, it must have taken amazing courage to be out, and at such an early age, with a family of rabid attack dogs like this. To make matters worse it seems that his brother and sister are at his place (and on his computer) to clear house as it were. They told me that they’re clearing out his things – clearing away all the trappings of his “former life” because they’re going to use this tragedy as an opportunity to get him to “renounce his homosexuality” and of course I guess that means forcefully shutting off contact with evil gay friends like myself.

My only hope right now is that they haven’t got the passwords for his e-mail account so that if and when he’s recovered and out of the hospital he can see right away that I’d been trying to get in contact with him. We’ll definitely have to have a talk about his family. They are completely unbelievable.
This alone has me seeing red, and feeling ready to kill,
I can't blame you. Your friend's relatives are exhibiting disgusting behaviour, and deserve a good kick in the face to set them straight.

Get a female friend to ring them up, and have her say that she is secretly in love with your friend, and wants to visit him in hospital. Given that his relatives want to 'de-fagify' him, they will not be able to say no to a potential girlfriend. They will most likely give you the name of the hospital that he is at.
That does sound frustrating. If I were you I'd go hit them with my handbag and tell them they were "mean".
Haha, sorry. I just can't not joke when the subject is gays because I'm incredibly immature.

But you are definately in a pickle :(
(talk about a role reversal, am I right? :cool: ) (sorry :( good luck).
Mystech said:
Words can’t describe the fury I’m feeling right now. A very good friend of mine may nearly have been killed, may well be maimed in any number of ways and I can’t get any information on his situation – I can’t get any word to him, and all because his siblings are a pair of cold hearted hate filled blind fanatics. I don’t even know what hospital he’s in or how long he’s been there, these assholes have cut me off completely.

This alone has me seeing red, and feeling ready to kill, I can hardly believe that people like this exist,.

Welcome to the real world. These people as you describe them make up about 98% of the populace in my experience.

Forget about it. You will kill yourself with stress if you try to understand why people would rather behave as animals than human beings.
We just accept whatever world we are presented with. It's unfortunate that their parents raised them on a steady diet of hypocrisy and biggotry. But it's also unrealistic to expect a person to rise above that kind of fundamentalist brainwashing. Just another disturbing fact of life I suppose.
Mystech said:
How wonderfully endearing, right?

I've read your post a couple of times now and I can't help but see that ye're basically saying that you wanted and/or expected her to lie to you. Is that right?

And I can't help but ask ....would that lie have been so much easier for you to accept? And what if, later, you discovered that she lied and actually hated you and all gays ...would you have still felt better about the original lie?

Have we all become so accustommed to being lied to that when someone actually tells the truth, we're shocked, dismayed and hurt?

Baron Max

You seem to have missed the point. These people are denying their brother freedom of association. Worse than that, they are preying on him at a time when he is vunerable.
James R said:
Baron: You seem to have missed the point. These people are denying their brother freedom of association.

(Yes, I did miss that point ...if that's what it was.)

As to the "freedom of association": Is there a new law in the land about such behavior in families?

James R said:
Worse than that, they are preying on him at a time when he is vunerable.

Ahh, another new law?? When did that get passed?

Welcome to the world of humans, James! Or more appropriately, perhaps, now you can see the glaring difference between "idealism" and reality.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I've read your post a couple of times now and I can't help but see that ye're basically saying that you wanted and/or expected her to lie to you. Is that right?

No, it's not, and frankly I have no idea what you're talking about. I want her to put aside her petty hate and act in a way that her brother would want - in other words maybe helping his friends get ahold of him, or at least know what his condition is.

Baron Max said:
Is there a new law in the land about such behavior in families?

Who said anything about law? It's got nothing to do with the matter. The point is that these people are behaving in an extreemly predatory and sleazy manner, and toward a member of their own family no less. They hardly have anything to do with him most of the time but now that he's incapacitated they're swooping in and turning away/cursing at his friends whom are quite worried about him, and all while calling themselves good Christians of course. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I totally sympathize with Mystech. I hope your friend recovers, and his family must be liberated from backwardness.
gordon fukin bennet. some people.....notable in this instance lou natic and bmX.....i mean what do you say??? Mystec shares his justified anger bout this with his friend and gets stupid fukin reeactions from those idiots...'sorry, but if its gays i cant take it seriously...'.yerdick!

and bmax ....goin on about what he goes on about. sd sad sad. get a HUMAN life, which include FEELINGS -heard of them?-- or butt out

Truy sorry Mystech. dont know WHAT to suggest. is there no way you can sneak past tem to your friend,. i mean ae they always tere like fukin vultures?.....they are te vilest and most inhuman fukers, and one day they will have to wake up to what lowlifes they are

i can understand you being purple wit rage, and its good to get it out. but dont let it eat yo away. see that these people are teir own enimes. te truly are extremely sad alienatedpeople.

hope your friend recovers, and you get to see him. and hoplefully blow them evil shits out for good

You seem to have an overdeveloped respect for authority. If something's a law, then according to you there can't be any exceptions, and if people break the law they deserve what they get, always and without question. On the other hand, if there's no law about something, then anything goes.

Is there ANY circumstance where you might consider a law to be morally wrong? Do you ever make decisions for yourself, or do you always wait for authority figures to tell you how you should act?
You should go and beat them up! :p

If I were in this situation, the first thing that I would think is that I was being lied to (but then I tend to distrust everyone). Are you sure that your friend is actually in a coma? Is it possible that they got a hold of his computer or his screen name (maybe he is on vacation or something) and are lying to you? Probably not, but it is worth considering.

I think what you are giong to have to do is get someone else to make contact and find out about your friend's situation. If that fails, you can create a new IM name and pretend to be a different person. The more information you have, the bigger chance you have of making contact in the future.

Here is something else. You mentioned that you don't even know what hospital he is at. If you know what town he was living in, you should be able to find a news article about it. Accidents of that nature usually get at least a small mention in the newspaper (at least where I live), and it usually says what hospital is treating them.

That family is very cold-hearted. If they are true Christians, they would see that they themselves are not free of sin, and are therefore no better or worse than you. Are these the only family members you can talk to? You might have more luck if there is a different family member who isn't so quick to judge. It is terribly sad when people are quick to judge other people without first taking a look at themselves. Good luck with this situation.
RubiksMaster said:
If I were in this situation, the first thing that I would think is that I was being lied to (but then I tend to distrust everyone). Are you sure that your friend is actually in a coma? Is it possible that they got a hold of his computer or his screen name (maybe he is on vacation or something) and are lying to you? Probably not, but it is worth considering.

I have thought of that, actualy, and only just thisafternoon got ahold of a few other friends of this friend of mine, and explained the situation to them. One of 'em got back to me tonight, and she's in a much better position to figure things out, so we'll probably compare notes tomorow.
you could argue with them till he cows (them) come home - but it wont do any good.

as sick as this will make you feel. next time you talk to them, say that you are repenting your sinful ways, and tell them that when their brother wakes up, he will be pretty pissed and stop supporting them financially if they hadnt passed on messeges for you

then as soon as your friend wakes up, go over to their house and burn a crucifix infront of their eyes
Wow, what a cunt. Only dealing with her brother because she depends on him as if she's just waiting for him to die to get all his gay money. Too bad it wasn't her that was in the car accident. Rarely do I wish harm on others but she deserves it.

- N