
Atlantis was simply a figment of imagination of Plato himself.he wanted to be Homer of his own time thats all.

Playto is not the only one who says ANYTHING about Atlantis. If it just came from him then ya, Its a story. But it didn't just come from him. There are tons of sources, Which I cant give you because I dont know specificaly what they are, that describe atlantis and the society. So atlantis is very real i believe. Though I think everyone over exaggerates what it looked like and what it was.

Example: When You come back from paris, say, Wouldn't you say:

Omg, the effiel tower is so, so, so huge and beautiful it is earth shattering.

Is it really THAT fantastic. Not really. I can think of many other things greater that the effiel tower. For instance the vast reached of interstellar space. have you seen Hubble pics. They are gorgeous.:p :p :p

Playto is not the only one who says ANYTHING about Atlantis.
That's right but he was the first!the others just embroidered what he said.
I do not have enough of time now, but for short ->

Have you heard of maps drawn by Pierie Raise[spelling]. He copyed it from other maps and so on.
In those maps there is Antartica without ice. As it really is, consisting of two big islands and connected by a land strip to SA. tht land strip persihed 15 000 years ago, with the new ice age coming.
And Plato says tht atlantis was in the middle of the ocean. Yes we have searched for atlantis in pacific and atlantic oceans, but ound nthing. However we only not so long ago started naming them. We really have one big ocean and the centre of it is Antartica. I beleive tht it is the location of Atlantis. When Ice age came, it covered with ice and water. The civilization was destroyed.

Those maps are cold hard proof.
smone knew exactly how Antartica looked at least 15 000bc.
smone draw those maps, in great detail, showing SA too.

two solutions here
1. ancient human civilization
2. aliens

one of these possible or even both.

if you have another explanation
say it

I don't know how tht name writes in english, but I proise to look in net and try to find it.
I vaguely recall a couple of old Phoencian stories from wekll before Plato's time which mention an Atlantis-type place, although I doubt they included that name. The same set of stories mentioned a set of three volcanic islands in the Atlantic which the people studying these stories claimed was what was later called Hades. Can't recall much of it, saw this all years ago.
It does not look like we are going to go anywhere with this. We need a third party opinion such as Chinese or Indian documentation, map etc that may provide a clue to the past. See Past Civilizations....
I've read a lot on Atlantis. Edgar cayce the sleeping prophet has said many things about atlantis. In short they blew themselves up. The people split up in their beliefs. And the giant crystal that used the sun's and moon's energy blew up causing the land to split up into three parts.

It goes on and on, I've heard similar psychics say something close to this. like sylvia browne.
I'm not sure if I believe what they are saying but it is a bit interesting..
They found a Crystal skull and don't know what's the use of it. It has a kind of knob at the bottom of it, where the neck part ends. It is said that the skull is a remain of Atlantis. I'll look the exactly fact up for you. Can't remember where to find it right now.

I'll be back...:)
Max...the Crystal Skull...

The crystal skull is undoubtedly the Mitchell-Hedges skull, which has an interesting history relative to the archaeologist who claimed to "discover" it at Belize in southern Mexico. The Maya did not carve crystal, although they did carve obsidian and other stones. Mitchell-Hedges found the skull in a stunning sequence of pure serendipity laying on top of ruins at Belize on his daughter's 17th birthday. Isn't it a coincidence that he just happened to find the crystal skull carved in central Mexico.

The people at Belize knew nothing about the crystal skull, since they didn't carve crystal, and told Mitchell-Hedges to keep his lucky find. It was, after all, his daughter's 17th birthday! Anna Mitchell-Hedges who celebrated her 17th birthday the day her father mysteriously found the crystall skull atop a ruin is now very elderly and lives in Canada. She permitted a laboratory to study it (Hewlett Packard) back in the 1980's but has subsequently refused to allow the crystal skull to be studied by anyone else.

The Mitchell-Hedges crystall skull seems to be relatively modern, based on a documentary on crystal skulls produced by the Royal British Museum and several articles that did not cite the study done by the laboratory that actually had the skull in-hand. The Maya did not carve crystal and the crystal itself came from central Mexico, in the area of Teotihuacan, where crystal was carved.

The serendipituous finding of the crystal skull in an area where the native people did not carve crystal and willingly gave the artifact to Mitchell-Hedges on his daughter's birthday was almost certainly a set-up. Mitchell-Hedges would have had a very hard time getting anyone in central Mexico to give up the skull that was just lying on top of a ruin as easily as those in Belize did.

Since those who gave him the skull in Belize could not possibly have any claim to it, in view of the fact that crystal was not carved in southern Mexico, Mitchell-Hedges virtually stole the crystal skull from the native people of central Mexico. Mitchell-Hedges then gave the stolen property to his daughter, and she has refused to allow the skull to be studied by a lab since the 1980's.

Crystal artifacts anciently carved in central Mexico were reviewed in the documentary done by the British Museum who did a comparative study of known crystal skulls. Crystal skulls are a prize and several have mysteriously shown up that have been carved within the last 150 years and are, therefore, modern fakes. Museum "authorities" concluded that one such skull was carved in Germany within the last 100 years. Some crystal skulls are not the ancient work of mastercraftsmen.

Max, the crystal skull owned by Joanna Parks, may be the oldest genuine crystal skull modernly known. It is carved from opaque white crystal crystal and has features that other crystal skulls do not possess. The story of how Joann Parks came into possession of Max is extremely interesting when compared to the Mitchell-Hedges skull.

Joann worked in a Tibetan doctor's office who was a red hat, and when the Tibetan doctor retired he gave Max to her. The red hat order of Tibetans are the shamanic lineage (esoteric) who survived relatively in the shamanic tradition after the Buddhist invasion of Tibet. The yellow hats are those who have converted to Buddhism. Joann had no background nor interest in metaphysics and didn't know what to do with Max, so she stored Max in a closet, where he sat for years.

Max began to speak to Joann over the years until she took him out of the closet. When talked to Joann about Max, she said that she could hear Max talking to her. He wanted to come out of the closet, so she took him out but didn't know what to do with him. She finally decided to take Max on the road and how him to people, and Max began to talk to other people too.

Max has some features, the crystal skulls possessed which never seen written about anywhere, possibly because people do not know how the crystal skulls were anciently used. The crystal skulls were communication devices that serve specific purposes in proper configuration.

A slot at the back of the skull that is commonly overlooked is used to connect a crystal skull to a larger system that is a virtual communications network. When taken a good look at Max, the slot was found at the base of the crystal skull and Joann was asked what purpose it served. Joann said she didn't know what the little slot at the base of Max's skull was but thought it was used to rest the crystal skull on an altar!

The slot was used to literally plug the crystal skulls into a larger network which was their actual purpose in the first place. Max is one of the few crystal skulls that has the slot at the base of the skull.

Some humans have seen photos of these balls of stone in the jungle as big as a house in Belize where the Crystal Skull was found and recall some connection between the wee Lithuanian wizard who build the Coral Castle in Florida and the methods of these ball builders... a non-generalist needed here to pul things together.:)

Hapgood's account of a round pyramid near Mexico City shows that various peoples settled near the ancient pyramid then departed before other new arrivals settled around the pyramid.

It seems that the government of Mexico has failed to pursue investigations that suggest an advanced culture inhabited the Mexico Valley before the modern tribes entered the area. Like the Egyptian government who persists in claiming that their descendents built the Great Pyramid, despite evidence to the contrary, the Mexican government simply ignores evidence of a very ancient advanced civilization that inspired local tribes.
Edgar Cayce mentioned round structures used very anciently by either Atlantean or Lemurian immigrants to Mexico, although not remembered which group of ancient immigrants Cayce mentioned building round structures. Lemuria was west of Mexico in the Pacific and parts of Atlantis were east of Mexico in the Caribbean and Atlantic. The Cherokee relate that they traveled across the northern part of South America and northward through Central America before arriving in their North American home. This route would have placed their origin on the Atlantic side of South America, or southeast of Mexico, and traveling through Mexico to reach their location in what is now the southern U.S.

Good link Boris2. Nice to read the article. Thank you for this. My knowledge of the Crystal Skulls is only what was written down in the above post. Fact remains that the some skulls are ancient, very ancient. Not everything is known about that ones. The real Crystal Skulls who are not manifactured in the last 100 years...:)
Plato is the first human that I know of to leave recorded history of it but it's arrogant to think he was the first to talk about it. I can prove Socrates talked about "Atlantis" as Plato wrote for Socrates until his execution. But "talk" doesn't prove anything as far as if it was real or not much like the debate of God and Aliens. But if we deal in known facts "Atlantis" didn't exist. The tale of aliens building it is so shallow it makes me laugh as they would have been so far ahead of us they would have taken our planet over if there had been any threat to their planet. Not to mention the fact that the speed of light still proves that we can't travel to the aliens yet and they can't travel to us yet. I do believe in other life but we won't see it in our lifetime.
recorded history should read recorded western history....the history (10,000 years) from China, Thailand, India is yet to be translated...
seemed a popular thing in them days circa god knows what year-+
tons of different sources indicate it definitely existed.
Its under the south pole
( the earth has moved around a bit.)since then
it does you know.

Flood legends etc.
A theory of Atlantis

In the middle of the Atlantic ocean is a crack where the continents of North America and Europe are seperated. Slowly these continents are moving away from each other. These cracks are places where the molten magam underneath them is pushing up and outward, causing the tectonic plates to spread apart. It is possible that at one time a land mass existed near or on this seam. A shift in either of the continental plates of North America or Europe could cause this land mass to "fall" beneath the ocean. If this is true, it would certainly account for the basic story of Atlantis.

Plato's description of an advanced civilization is relative to the level of technology to which he is familure with. An "advanced civilization" from the perspective of our level of technology is one thing. An "advanced civilization" from his perspective is another. Lasers, electronics, space ships, anti-gravity etc..... such things need not be attributited to an ancient lost civilization. Just having irrigation, a written language, mathematics and other basic trappings of civilization would be considered "advanced" from a Plato point of view.
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