

Science = Ecclesisates 1 V 18
Registered Senior Member
Since we were discussing Edgar Cayce, and the topic of Atlantis was brought up, and debate arose.. Im starting a thread to talk abotu the topic of Atlantis and the lost civiliazation..

As I know very little about this topic, perhaps the first post would be a individuals theory, then the following posts will be review, and further comments.

This should be an interesting approach to topic formation, and im hopeful that OUR community will apply their knowledge for the benefit of everyone, yours included.


Do you have a direction you want this to go in?

The other thread simply said that Atlantis and the death ray where not found. Fairly difficult to argue that fact.

As for Atlantis, the ONLY contemporary note of Atlantis' existance is in a story about Plato. There is no other ancient source. The rest of the stories appeared during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
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Indeed. Atlantis appears to be a modern myth, not an ancient civilization. The only real reference to it appears in Plato's dialogs (Critias & Timias) and there is every reason to suspect that he simply invented the story to make an analogy without suffering the persecution of the state (he saw what hemlock cocktail awaited Socrates) for being overly critical.

There is no physical evidence of Atlantis.
The Devil Inside said:

this is funny.
Because it shows that Edgar Cayce was making things up?

"atlantean myths have been around for a bit longer than plato, my friend"

Actually no. The only source of information for Atlantis is Plato and we know it did not exist because of his description.

For example, he clearly described where it was and said it was as large as North Africa and Asia combined! He also wrote that the Atlanteans conquered the Egyptians but they have no record of this.
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From what I remember, a few Greek cities were lost to the rise in sea level from ancient times, in fact there are still a few being excavated. It's possible that such occurances prompted the creation of Atlantis.

It's also suggested that alot of Islands have been lost to the sea as well across the world, this especially noted with the recent Tsunami activity around Asia. Since most islands that were created by coral reefs are only a few metres above sea level. I remember a previous documentary suggesting that islands come, go and change shape all the time that are built by the coral reef process.
first off,
it is funny, because this conversation started because i gave a description of Edgar Cayce, and some folks saw that as an opportunity to start an argument where there really wasnt one.

and second off, the western world frequently forgets the east, or invalidates it by non-inclusion.
mount meru is one such fact. it has been paralleled by many scholars to atlantis.
perhaps it is not a physical but a mental place?
lol i dont particularly care, just throwing ideas out there.
The Devil Inside said:
first off,
it is funny, because this conversation started because i gave a description of Edgar Cayce, and some folks saw that as an opportunity to start an argument where there really wasnt one.
Well perhaps you're easily amused.
and second off, the western world frequently forgets the east, or invalidates it by non-inclusion.
mount meru is one such fact. it has been paralleled by many scholars to atlantis.
I haven't heard of Mount Meru. I have heard Troy paralleled with Atlantis many times though.
perhaps it is not a physical but a mental place?
Yes it is fictional.
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indeed, i am easily amused.

i just dont understand how you could just debunk something because you dont have solid evidence that it exists.

about 500 years ago ppl did that to Columbus too.
turns out, Vikings had been here centuries before him.

ps: why dont you try to be a little less inflammatory? it is unbecoming.
i have already said that i dont believe in atlantis. it is foolish to rule out all possibility that a civilization like that existed, and you know it.
Atlantis, where people wanted to reside in their minds but can't because it never has or probably never will be in existance.
If we think of Atlantis as a continent sized land, located in the Atlantic Ocean, peopled by a culturally and technically advanced society, eventually destroyed by a cataclysm, then it is myth.
Continents and oceans have quite distinct properties (notably crustal thickness and composition) and are not interchangeable over historical timescales.

However, if by Atlantis we mean a civilisation, advanced for its time, but primitive compared with today's, located somewhere(!), destroyed by natural catastrophe, then there are a number of viable alternatives.
1. Current thinking favours the Minoan civilisation, centred in the Eastern Mediterranean and destroyed by the explosive eruption of Santorini around 1500BC.
2. The West Indies present several options including Cuba, Dominica and the Bahamas. Here destruction would have been in the form of rising sea levels.
3. A maritime culture based on the Azores.

The Minoan option is quite well known. The Azores is quite flimsy. Lets take a closer look at option 2. Conventional views have the West Indies discovered 'recently': Columbus et al. However, there is abundant suggestive evidence pointing to much earlier contacts between the Old World and the New. For example:

2000-year-old Mediterranean amphorae found in wrecks of Honduras and Brazil.

Traces of cocaine in Egyptian mummies (cocaine was originally only available from S America)

Thor Heyerdahl's successful trans-atalantic voyage on Ra, a reed raft of Egyptian design.$3D$DC$0

The evidence is strongly disputed and Heyerdahl's voyages dismissed as irrelevant by many experts, but largely on the grounds that it runs counter to the accepted view. So, not conclusive, but worthy of further consideration.

Plato, certainly used the tale of destruction as a political warning to his contemporaries, but equally he may well have based it upon fact. Atlantis is as mythical as today as Troy was before Schleimann discovered it.
atlantis he..... i dont really care if it existed or not... but.....think twice guys, you are arguing about its existance but try to find ONE historical event, even of OUR time, where people are sure about something. if we take a war for example,of THIS century, you will find exact the opposite information from different sources... whos propaganda are you going to believe? and you are talking about "historical evidence" of a sevilication aaaaaaaaages ago, i dont think we can find that....

who is familiar with the akasha chronicles knows what i'm going to say and dont need to read further. for those who are not familiar with that, i will tell something about atlantis...
as i made my poit that it has no use to babbling about the historical evidence of atlantis, there is an other kind of history. everything that comes into exitanse through time has his origin in the eternity, the "ever lasting" (im sure that the devil inside knows what i'm talking about).... the problem is that eternity is not accessible for the perception of our sence-organs, but there are ways that are open for human beeings to see the eternal. when a person has reached a sertain level, he can see further then history describes. there were a few people that could do that, and we can find a big similarity in what they said, independend of each other.
but what they have seen if very difficult to describe in our language, because our language is tuned to our sence organs, so the words that we have to use, that they have to use when they are talking about their expirience, give directly the feeling to what we are used to believe and experience....

about atlantis... :D .... haha
the atlanteans were in the 4th period of evolution (no sorry i'm not going to explain that now, i dont have the whole day )
what is written about them is that had an extremely developed memory (we are in the 5th, and we have developed cognition) that means that they didnt had maths as we know maths, they remembered everything. they had a very far evolved technology, but dont get me wrong, far evolved but even if we had a manual about how they did it we couldnt copy it.... because back then the earth was different, different fysics... the water was thinner and the air was thicker. so the fysics then allowed them to have different possibilities from ours.
they knew how to use the "life-force", that means... if you have a seed of a plant, there is a surtain power in it, and they knew how to use it (like we do with oil). in compare to us now they were very primitive, still with the knowlegde of the "life-force" they even had vehicles i read....

anyway, i can tell more, but i'm bored now so i'll stop :D
believe it, or dont believe it, .... i really dont care! i told a part that i know, maybe its usefull to some :)
well... haha.... thats the sweetest thing that a guy ever said to me, maybe i should start to be gay? but eeem between us..... i love you too ;)
barabas said:
atlantis he..... i dont really care if it existed or not... but.....think twice guys, you are arguing about its existance but try to find ONE historical event, even of OUR time, where people are sure about something. if we take a war for example,of THIS century, you will find exact the opposite information from different sources... whos propaganda are you going to believe? and you are talking about "historical evidence" of a sevilication aaaaaaaaages ago, i dont think we can find that....

who is familiar with the akasha chronicles knows what i'm going to say and dont need to read further. for those who are not familiar with that, i will tell something about atlantis...
as i made my poit that it has no use to babbling about the historical evidence of atlantis, there is an other kind of history. everything that comes into exitanse through time has his origin in the eternity, the "ever lasting" (im sure that the devil inside knows what i'm talking about).... the problem is that eternity is not accessible for the perception of our sence-organs, but there are ways that are open for human beeings to see the eternal. when a person has reached a sertain level, he can see further then history describes. there were a few people that could do that, and we can find a big similarity in what they said, independend of each other.
but what they have seen if very difficult to describe in our language, because our language is tuned to our sence organs, so the words that we have to use, that they have to use when they are talking about their expirience, give directly the feeling to what we are used to believe and experience....

about atlantis... :D .... haha
the atlanteans were in the 4th period of evolution (no sorry i'm not going to explain that now, i dont have the whole day )
what is written about them is that had an extremely developed memory (we are in the 5th, and we have developed cognition) that means that they didnt had maths as we know maths, they remembered everything. they had a very far evolved technology, but dont get me wrong, far evolved but even if we had a manual about how they did it we couldnt copy it.... because back then the earth was different, different fysics... the water was thinner and the air was thicker. so the fysics then allowed them to have different possibilities from ours.
they knew how to use the "life-force", that means... if you have a seed of a plant, there is a surtain power in it, and they knew how to use it (like we do with oil). in compare to us now they were very primitive, still with the knowlegde of the "life-force" they even had vehicles i read....

anyway, i can tell more, but i'm bored now so i'll stop :D
believe it, or dont believe it, .... i really dont care! i told a part that i know, maybe its usefull to some :)

Either you are...
1. A huge Stoner
2. A TERRIBLE speller
3. In a hurry
4. Have a quite interesting knowledge base

I will say a combination of all three.. I want to hear more of your knowledge.. Please feel free to do it in chunks, day by day, week by week possibly.

Let me know
1. im not a stoner
2. i AM a terrible speller, english is my third language, so i have to use the dictionary sometimes, sorry for that, realy realy sorry :)
3. naaaw i'm not in a hurry, a bit sleepy though
4. bwa maybe, there is so much to learn in one life, i still now only a little piece of the whole knowledge
The Devil Inside said:
indeed, i am easily amused.

i just dont understand how you could just debunk something because you dont have solid evidence that it exists.

about 500 years ago ppl did that to Columbus too.
turns out, Vikings had been here centuries before him.

ps: why dont you try to be a little less inflammatory? it is unbecoming.
i have already said that i dont believe in atlantis. it is foolish to rule out all possibility that a civilization like that existed, and you know it.
If I have been inflammatory it was a tone that was set by you devil inside. I’ll try to be nice though :)

I understand what you are saying about the lack of proof. Of course absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The problem with the Atlantis myth is that we have been given no reason to believe it was anything other than a fictional setting used by Plato in two of his dialogues.

He may certainly have based the Atlantis story on an actual occurrence.

Perhaps it is arrogant to say that it definitely did not exist. I will say, however, that it is unlikely.
barabas said:
who is familiar with the akasha chronicles knows what i'm going to say and dont need to read further.

Indeed. I recognized it as "new age" nonsense right away and still read further. To bad, because now those two minutes of my life are wasted and will never return.

barabas said:
about atlantis... :D .... haha
the atlanteans were in the 4th period of evolution (no sorry i'm not going to explain that now, i dont have the whole day )

No need. More unsubstantiated, unevidenced, "new age" speculation.

barabas said:
what is written about them is that had an extremely developed memory

What is written about them is by Plato. Period. From a period in which a good tale was often as valid as a good truth.

barabas said:
(we are in the 5th, and we have developed cognition)

Typical new age poppycock.

barabas said:
that means that they didnt had maths as we know maths, they remembered everything. they had a very far evolved technology, but dont get me wrong, far evolved but even if we had a manual about how they did it we couldnt copy it.... because back then the earth was different, different fysics... the water was thinner and the air was thicker. so the fysics then allowed them to have different possibilities from ours.

You don't really think that the average visitor/member to this board would really accept that sort of unevidenced claim of human history, do you? What, specifically, supports the notion that different physics existed on earth millions, even billions of years ago? What artifacts exist to indicate that "Atlanteans" had any math, much less advanced math? What artifacts exist to suggest that there were "Atlanteans?"

barabas said:
they knew how to use the "life-force", that means... if you have a seed of a plant, there is a surtain power in it, and they knew how to use it (like we do with oil).

New age poppycock. There's no mystery to the potential energy of a seed to anyone educated in phsyics, chemistry or botany.

barabas said:
in compare to us now they were very primitive, still with the knowlegde of the "life-force" they even had vehicles i read....

Ahh... you read.

barabas said:
believe it, or dont believe it, .... i really dont care! i told a part that i know, maybe its usefull to some.

An education would be useful to some.