Atlantis and other lost continents


One Hissy Kitty
Registered Senior Member
Given plate tectonics, is the story of Atlantis possible? It's true that, over decades parts of formerly dry land can sink below sea level and even become inundated, but for a whole continent to become ripped apart and have parts sink like ships seems implausible. Are tales of Atlantis and Lemuria more like ancient Science Fiction?
Well I'm no expert on the Atlantis theory, but I keep an open mind about things. But something like that to have an island or continent for that matter to disappear off the earth within just a few days or so seems unlikely seeing since the plates move at such a slow rate.
I for one do not think Atlantis
is science fiction. I believe there is plenty of evidence to support its existance and destruction. Some scientist
believe that the earth's plates can move rather fast sometimes to have great changes over a rather short period of time.

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited December 22, 1999).]

I have heard about, and saw some kind of documentary on about the maps of Antartica that have been found. They are very old, and the shape of Antartica is the shape of the land that is currently buried under mega tons of ice. There is no way those maps could have been made without some kind of aerial (sp??) survailance, and back in those days, that kind of thechnology simply didn't exist. Plus, to see the land under the ice would require pretty good technology as well. One theory is that the entire crust of the earth could swing about, what used to be equator would now be near the poles, and vice-versa.

My thought is that perhaps Antartica is Atlantis - I think maybe humans (or maybe aliens??) lived on Antartica when it was in a more temperate area, and built pretty good technologies. Then the Earth's crust moved (perhaps due to the magnetic poles switching?), and the survivors barely made it to the European area (Tigres/Euphrates river valley is supposedly the starting point for modern man, I think, righ?). Most everything would be lost, except legends about flying machines, and some old maps. The missing Link, as it's called, might be found under the Antartica ice.

Just a theory, what do you guys think?
But if the Atlanteans were an advanced society, wouldn't they have had a better way of recording their history? Surely some scholars, realizing that something catastrophic was happening, would have grabbed some kind of proof that there ever was an Atlantis. There are plenty of anomalies that suggest that there was an Atlantis, but surely, in an enlightened society, as we believe Atlantis to have been, scribes and historians would have made sure to record the last moments of their homes, or at least to preserve in facsimile what was lost.

Maybe Atlantis was a pre-Christian version of Eden, a veritable paradise that existed only as an ideal. How many cultures have legends like Atlantis?
I find that theory SkyeBlue to be very interesting. It would explain where the Island is.

I have also heard that Nazi's had some expeditions there and found some very interesting stuff down there ( Now the Scott-Amundsen base)
Oxygen -

Yeah, that's what I would figure, too, but maybe they underestimated the danger? Maybe they didn't know it was coming, and it was a sheer coincidence that they were in the process of colonizing Europe?? There's a lot of things that might have happened, it's just impossible to tell. Maybe there IS a lot of stuff preserved, and we just haven't found it yet. Maybe it was destroyed in the following years by the survivors descendents... Those maps DO exist, though, so something is going on with that continent. I wonder what we would find if we somehow melted off all the ice on Antartica? (Not that I think that would be a good idea, just theorizing) :)
The history and knowledge IS stored in a safe place.
The Chamber of records under the sphynx.
It contains scripts that tell of the knowledge egyptians gained from the Atlantians - and their history and advanced technology.
Have you been there, Dave? Until they open it, we can only speculate what lies in there. It might just be more mummies. Of course, if it was anything earth-shattering, we'd never hear about it until it could be 'sanitized'.
Has anyone been to Atlantis?
That's the topic, right? Is Atlantis real or not?
So it's OK to say " Atlantis existed " but not OK to say " There's exists a chamber holding documents that describe Atlantians history under the sphynx's left foot"
fair enough...... :confused:
Actually, the idea I was trying to nail down was whether or not Atlantis was even possible. I believe we had a massive polar shift, but I don't believe it happened 'all of a sudden', as common folklore would have us believe. I think it's more plausible to credit the legend to an island that slowly 'sank' as the globe warmed up and sea levels rose. Such things are fairly common around the equator.

I guess that's why I asked if you had been to the Sphinx's chamber. I was trying to stay on a 'maybe' track, which I may or may not have done. Your post sounded just so definite. Personally, I'd love to see that sucker opened up. Ancient superstitiions aside, I think that he human race has the right to see what's inside. (I don't know why I think that, I just do.) Imagine if they cracked it open on live TV and a flying saucer is sitting there gleaming in the light from the cameras. There'd be plenty of "splainin'" to do!
i was watching tv like i alwayys do... and i started watching some doc. on the bermuda triangle, and it gave a idea that the bermuda triangle was were atlantis was.....
it also said something about a giant chrystal on top of a pyramid that contracted ower from the stars.... and then one day the island like got a energy overload or something from the chrystal and it sank.

but this might be the ancer to all the ships disapearing... the chrystal did something to them....

Searcher, that was interesting to say the least...but
How in the hell did the Egyptians know of events that took place more than 65 million years ago?????? This planets humans history just keeps getting wierder ...

Oxygen, yeh, it was a bit of a gung-ho statement....
Meanwhile, on that dispicably pathetic network show of them unveiling a tomb, that moron of a boss of an egyptology curator smiles while saying " the only tunnel we haven't dug out yet is this one - that one seems to be leading to the underneath of the sphynx " ...
Are you serious??!!! That is one man that if he found out the truth of the Great Pyramid and it wasn't what he held as sacred and in line with everything he has been led to believe for his entire life, would probably blow it up rather than embar'ass' himself and the Egyptian Government and people! - why in the hell would you remove 200 tonnes of dirt from a cavern 200ft underground..empty every tunnel in the place and then smile with no answer as to why you haven't 'gotten around to' opening a tunnel that leads to the underneath of the sphynx???? It was a chance of a lifetime to show all us western sons of satan that we are full of garbage and only the divinely knowledgable egyptians had it right all along??!!!!

what do you have to do on this planet.....
Dexter-Studies have shown that there have been no greater disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle than there have been in any other patch of sea of the same size. What is present in the Triangle is a magnetic anomaly that can screw with compasses and spell certain doom for inexperienced sailors, pilots, and whoever. There is a theory that says that the Triangle may be the site of an old pole before the shift and the magnetic anomaly is simply residual effects. If this is true, there should be a matching spot on the other side of the planet. Does anybody know if such a place exists?
I think they are hiding many things about the sphynx and the great pyramids from what I've heard over the years. The problem with discoveries is if they do not fit our current beliefs they are hidden.Man is far from understanding the many anomalies we are faced with. I think one should not be quick to assume a logical destruction to a extraordinary
place if it did indeed exist.
Oxygen, you just pulled one right out your butt!!!!! Well done!~
Did you know that the Sea of Japan has it's own Bermuda Triangle with the same green fog and Compass spinning stuff going on!??!
Here's the cracker...If you drill a hole through the earth from the centre of the Bermuda Triangle - it comes out the other side of the earth right in the centre of the Sea of Japan's triangle?!!

Kind regards,

p.s. What about the Shamen's Portal ( Witness - where are you? )...'where' geographically is that located in Beaver County? ( where is Beaver County while we're at it?? ) There is another triangle too but can someone tell me first where the Shamens Portal is... ??

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited December 27, 1999).]
I have heard about the one in the Sea of Japan. Double-check the coordinates on that. I think the latitude and longitude are off for it to be opposite the globe.

Alien-I was just thinking, what if the Pope and every other religious leader showed up on TV, threw down their bibles and took off their holy outfits, saying "The scriptures are a screwed up lie. Dionysus is the one true god. Let's party like dogs in the street!" (I'm sure that some of us would grab a bottle and yell "I knew it!" while running outside in a toga.) Just thinking...
There is a place on the island of Cyprus (E. Mediterranean)where, if you stop your car on an incline (whichever way it's facing)and don't apply the hand brake the car will roll UPhill! :confused:

sounds cool but where would you get the toga?

[This message has been edited by tablariddim (edited December 27, 1999).]