Athiests are ascended humans


Registered Member
Throughout the years even the world's greatest minds believed in God, there was never a question of doubt. The only question would be not IF he existed but how we knew he existed. Why would such brilliant minds up until even the 20th century never even have a moment of wavering faith. Why would empirical thinkers even try to find justification that just did not exist? They would construct elaborate or extremely circular theorems to justify the existence of not just God, but reality (See George Berkeley).

Though our intellectual abilities throughout the ages have hardly progressed, our ability to rationally think has evolved at a rapid pace causing a rift between the population forming two kinds of subgroups: Type A Humans and Type B Humans.

Type A Humans: Atheists

Type B Humans: Humans that still have faith in a specific religion blindly, they may have extremely high IQs and are capable of critical thinking to some degree, but they lack the necessary rationalistic ability to clearly see why there cannot be a Christian God (In an infinite universe a Perfect or Godly being is obviously possible, as is a Christian God if and only if you can believe in Polytheism). No logical thought or explanation can convince them, they cannot interpret the logical evidence by choice, but because of a brain deficiency.

People who believe in God are simply not capable of logical thought. Faith is one thing, but delusional devotion is something entirely different. These Type B humans are not like this by choice, they were born this way.

Here are 3 questions that are not commonly asked on why a Christian God could not exist?

1) Why would a perfect being create an existence EXACTLY like our own?

2) Why would this perfect being only create ONE existence like this in infinite universe?

3) Why would a perfect being that wants us to lead lives certain ways NOT tell us the correct way to lead our lives to reach salvation? (Why there is 10000 Christian denominations).

When a Type B human reads this, they will look at this and try to justify it with responses, or simply talk about faith. A type A human would immediately realize that the idea of a perfect being using Christian mythos is simply irrational, while the Type B human will not be able to understand why others cant comprehend why these questions are irrelevant or their irrational responses are justified.

Atheists are ascended human beings, and eventually the brain deficiency found in Type B humans will slowly vanish until society if purged of our current theistic beliefs.
1) Why would a perfect being create an existence EXACTLY like our own?
because he felt like it, O'one with infinite wisdom, how didn't that come across your vast brainfarms yet? or is a god unable to do but what his puny creations tell him to?
2) Why would this perfect being only create ONE existence like this in infinite universe?
who said he created only one? mister human typeA? just because he mentioned nothing of another existence entitled your logical brain to decide that there isn't one? and then ask WHY? WELL BECAUSE HE FELT LIKE IT!! SIMPLE ENOUGH FOR YOU?

3) Why would a perfect being that wants us to lead lives certain ways NOT tell us the correct way to lead our lives to reach salvation? (Why there is 10000 Christian denominations).
heh heh,
so, he hasn't told you how yet there are 10000 denominations which claim to be're good at reaching conclusions.

and let me tell you this, not all those type A who were ascending got lucky to get lumps on their heads, many have their brains splattered on the floor, it was a long way down from a cracked skull, so take it easy with the soaring willya?

oh, and welcome to sciforums:D

scifes, a type O+ human.:D
seems some people come across the word "why" a bit late:D

but i think many haven't yet distinguished the doors it won't open:(
1) Why would a perfect being create an existence EXACTLY like our own?
I'm not sure it is EXACTLY like our own (rather, I would suggest that ours is like a shadow, so the case of similarity is like that between a shadow and the actual object casting it)
2) Why would this perfect being only create ONE existence like this in infinite universe?
Not that I buy the notion of this planet being the only thing in town, but its not clear what body of knowledge you are drawing upon to suggest that the universe is infinite.
3) Why would a perfect being that wants us to lead lives certain ways NOT tell us the correct way to lead our lives to reach salvation? (Why there is 10000 Christian denominations).
Perhaps this query could make sense if you could provide an example of an authority that can be applied in a singular manner.
For instance there are very good reasons why (effective) systems of governance (either in terms of a nation to a community group) tend to be multi-tiered .....
When a Type B human reads this, they will look at this and try to justify it with responses, or simply talk about faith. A type A human would immediately realize that the idea of a perfect being using Christian mythos is simply irrational, while the Type B human will not be able to understand why others cant comprehend why these questions are irrelevant or their irrational responses are justified.
In the absence of an elaboration on why it is irrational, this reads like something from the hand of a Type B person

Atheists are ascended human beings, and eventually the brain deficiency found in Type B humans will slowly vanish until society if purged of our current theistic beliefs.
lemme guess

You also think that this will make for a more peaceful society too?
Not believing in the unknown is just as absurd as believing!

Why is it so hard for us to say 'I don't know'?
I don't know if there is a God or not, but I would imagine that everything that once was one must of had a start. And everything that once was one of that we're all a part.
Maybe God is what we call singularity.

If your talking about taking religious scriptures literally well yes some do still believe in fiction pretty strongly.
However if you don't see the scriptures as a valuable resource to help get insight into our ancestors, than you are ignorantly disregarding information just because others take it litterally! Our ancestors experienced something that lead them to pretty wild perceptions of what they believed was true. I am more interested in understanding what caused these beliefs in the first place. If God is just the guy from the book, then he just has to be of higher intelligence than us, God could be ET according to scriptures ;).

Strong beliefs that don't adapt with new knowledge is more of the issue than trying to argue about unkowns.