Atheists. What are your reasons for not believing in god?


The field its covered in blood
Valued Senior Member
Many atheists I talk to say that there could not be a god in a world as bad as this. Is this the reasoning behind y'all? If not, what other reasons do you have?
You have it all wrong. We don't have reasons for not believing in god. We have no reason to believe in god.

What are your reasons for not believing in unicorns?
Well what about death, and salvation?


These are reasons for believing in unicorns??

Regardless, those notions are defined by us, and how we use them. There is no intrinsic relation between them and some fantastical entity.
So you are comfortable knowing that you will no longer exist after death? This idea does not scare you or bother you?
Hey! Neato! Now we have our very own bible! Yay!

Weekly two hour services also available

With 40 minutes to go before show time, the 500-seat Alexis de Tocqueville auditorium was already packed. A fan set up a video camera in the front row. A sound engineer checked the microphones.

The star: Michel Onfray, celebrity philosopher and France’s high priest of militant atheism. Dressed entirely in black, he strode onto the stage and looked out at the reverential audience for his weekly two-hour lecture series, “Hedonist Philosophy,” which is broadcast on a state radio station. “I could found a religion,” he said.

Mr. Onfray, 48 years old and author of 32 books, stands in the vanguard of a curious and increasingly potent phenomenon in Europe: zealous disbelief in God.
So you are comfortable knowing that you will no longer exist after death? This idea does not scare you or bother you?
Not in the least. Think about it, if you can. Try to imagine not waking up from a deep, sound sleep. Will you be afraid? Experience regret? Sorrow? Anything?


What frightens me is the process. A prolonged suffering before oblivion. That would suck.
Many atheists I talk to say that there could not be a god in a world as bad as this. Is this the reasoning behind y'all? If not, what other reasons do you have?

That isn't an argument against the existence of a god or gods. That is an argument against the existence of a supposedly loving god. Maltheism, the belief that there is an evil god, is perfectly consistent with a world such as our own.

The riddle of Epicurus:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
Not in the least. Think about it, if you can. Try to imagine not waking up from a deep, sound sleep. Will you be afraid? Experience regret? Sorrow? Anything?


What frightens me is the process. A prolonged suffering before oblivion. That would suck.

Agreed. Here's hoping for a quick and painless death.
Not in the least. Think about it, if you can. Try to imagine not waking up from a deep, sound sleep. Will you be afraid? Experience regret? Sorrow? Anything?


What frightens me is the process. A prolonged suffering before oblivion. That would suck.

This is how I have always felt. Terrified of the process, but nit so much of the end result.

But also the idea of no longer existing. RepoMan said it well:

Not enough to make me grasp at wishful thinking.

I've always wondered if that is all that religion is.
So you are comfortable knowing that you will no longer exist after death? This idea does not scare you or bother you?

Why would it scare or bother me?

To think otherwise would be odd indeed.
So you are comfortable knowing that you will no longer exist after death? This idea does not scare you or bother you?

that should have absolutely no bearing on what you believe.if the only reason you believe in a god and an afterlife is through fear of death then you do not truly believe, you hope.

i dont believe in a god because it just doesnt make sense to me.