Atheists reading holy books - motivation


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
I find it interesting that so many atheists read so much christian literature. It's a good thing (education and all that), but still a touch odd to me. I basically don't give enough of a damn to read such things. I waste my time on fiction or textbooks and such. Lots of science type stuff, lots of things about old dead cultures, et cetera. Never have time for studying the mythological stuff except for occasional dabblings into ancient Greece and the Eddas, and some others.

What is it exactly that prompts so many atheists using this board to read the christian bible? Why do you care so much? If it is simply for educational purposes, do you spend as much time and effort reading up on other religions? Is it simply that many of you are from the USA, where christianity is very pervasive and thus in your face all day every day?
I have read just about everything I could get my hands on about religion and or Philosophy and while I believe in the "Great Spirit"it isn't at like "other" religions. Actually my religion says MANY athiest are going to heaven and MANY people that think they are going are not...
*Originally posted by justagirl
Actually my religion says MANY athiest are going to heaven and MANY people that think they are going are not...

That's just the drugs talking.
There won't be ANY atheists in heaven.
You are wrong Tony. There are atheists in heaven, I'm in heaven. We are alive, on earth, right?;)
As for me I read religious texts considering them as historical(semi-historical) records. but I'm tired with christians for now. they have more lies within thn most other religious texts which qenuinity is quite questionable too. I am now swithced to myths and mythology of ancient civilizations. bible is bs.

some may also consider reading bible because of [know your enemy] principle

indian vedas are much more interesting, ancient and qenuine
one of them -
Saying "we're on earth, right" is a strange way to "prove" you're in heaven.

It's like saying you're rich because you have no money.
Saying "we're on earth, right" is a strange way to "prove" you're in heaven.It's like saying you're rich because you have no money

There is no heaven as christians think of it. and even if we do not vanish after we die, we go to one place (we all) not only christians. christianity is only one of the beliefs on our planet. there are many more and even more ancient thn christianity.
therefore I consider earth to be the best place to be and I intend to enjoy my time here as much as I can. After, we'll see.
Even your god sent his "son" here on earth to educate:D

I'm rich because I value what I have. you, however want more. christians are greedy.
give them life, give them love, give them heaven, trash their enemies into hell, give 'em food and give them peace. and all for themselves, by some mysterious purpose considering them to be better then other believers, better thn atheists, better thn bacteria!
Originally posted by Avatar
indian vedas are much more interesting, ancient and qenuine
one of them -
Don't forget the tao-te-ching

A better translation is at, but their servers seem to be done for the moment ...

Zen stuff is also great to read, thought provoking always.

My reasons for reading them are pretty much the same as yours.

What is it exactly that prompts so many atheists using this board to read the christian bible? Why do you care so much? If it is simply for educational purposes, do you spend as much time and effort reading up on other religions? Is it simply that many of you are from the USA, where christianity is very pervasive and thus in your face all day every day?
I've read it thru once, I think. No real desire to re-read it.

Sometimes I come across bible contradiction sites, and they're a good laugh, so I browse them.

I'm not in the US :)) :) :) :D :D) and don't come across much "in your face" stuff. Those that I DO see, are invariably dressed in rags, dirty, and expousing the crap at street corners. Easy to ignore that. :)
Actually tony, getting into heaven does not require you to go to church, or believe in a specific religion over other ones. Modern religions have simply taken the ideas of the famous story of Jesus and completely botched them for who-knows-what reason. I believe if God really did exist, he would care more if you spent your life giving to others and loving your fellow people than if you went to church and confessed every other Friday.

I know I'm not going to heaven, because it doesn't exist. But even if it did, you are still wrong in saying there will be no atheists there.
I used to read up on religion a couple years back. That was at the time where I wasn't sure what I believed. The closer I looked into religion, the more I was repelled from it. To me, it seems absolutly absurd that so many people will be essentially brainwashed into attending church regularly, confessing, giving money to the church and so on because a book written 2000 years tells them so. I have no trouble following the basic idea of religion, to love the people you share the Earth with, though.

So, after I figured out how much of a crock religion really was, I turned to science. After reading one book I found this was what I really liked to study, and so I read more from there.

I do thank religion though, without it's control over most of the population for the past 2000 years we would probably not have survived this long. However, it's about time we focused our attention on things that really matter, such as eliminating hunger, curing disease and colonizing another planet (after all, the Earth cannot support much more, if we don't pack it up and move in a few hundred years there will be nothing left of humanity).
*Originally posted by Avatar
There is no heaven as christians think of it.

Well, there's no heaven the way Catholics think of it, and since you're thinking of their heaven, you're right, in a way.

*and even if we do not vanish after we die, we go to one place (we all) not only christians.*

Straight out of the Bible...

Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?
(Ecclesiastes 6:6, KJV).

For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.
(Ecclesiastes 3:19, KJV).

*christianity is only one of the beliefs on our planet.*

Of course, it's the only correct one.
BTW, I'm not talking about the Catholic crap that most people think is Christianity.

*there are many more and even more ancient thn christianity.
therefore I consider earth to be the best place to be and I intend to enjoy my time here as much as I can. After, we'll see.
Even your god sent his "son" here on earth to educate

You're on the right track about the earth thing.
After all, we have feet not wings.

We, and so far not you, will indeed be here on earth after the resurrection.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

(Revelation 21:2,3, KJV).

Christians will be right here on earth.
So far, you're headed for the lake of fire, unless you repent (change your mind).

*I'm rich because I value what I have. you, however want more. christians are greedy.*


*give them life, give them love, give them heaven, trash their enemies into hell, give 'em food and give them peace. and all for themselves, by some mysterious purpose considering them to be better then other believers, better thn atheists, better thn bacteria! *

Sounds pretty good, except I'm not better than you, just saved.

*Originally posted by G0D
Sometimes I come across bible contradiction sites, and they're a good laugh, so I browse them.

Most of them seem to rely heavily on some serious dyslexia to create contradictions.
But they ARE funny.

*Originally posted by Xelios
Actually tony, getting into heaven does not require you to go to church, or believe in a specific religion over other ones. Modern religions have simply taken the ideas of the famous story of Jesus and completely botched them for who-knows-what reason. I believe if God really did exist, he would care more if you spent your life giving to others and loving your fellow people than if you went to church and confessed every other Friday.

I know I'm not going to heaven, because it doesn't exist. But even if it did, you are still wrong in saying there will be no atheists there.

Either it exists or it doesn't.
In any case, no one's going to be there, so there STILL won't be any atheists there.

Besides, how could getting into heaven require or not require anything if it doesn't exist?
You need to spend some time reviewing your thought processes because they seem to be generating some self-contradictory stuff.

*However, it's about time we focused our attention on things that really matter, such as eliminating hunger, curing disease and colonizing another planet (after all, the Earth cannot support much more, if we don't pack it up and move in a few hundred years there will be nothing left of humanity).*

Things were OK until science started to be taught.
Now things are going for shit.

I realize that it's a stretch for you to see the connection, but it should be pretty obvious.

*Originally posted by Xev
Will there be Christians there?

Good question.

*Oh dear.....*sighs* men and thier over-use of superlatives. And here I was taking such compliments seriously. *

This is connected to no atheists in heaven, how?
Sounds pretty good, except I'm not better than you,

Yeah, we've noticed.

just saved.

Oh? Somone clipped you and put you in a coupon book?

Either it exists or it doesn't.
In any case, no one's going to be there, so there STILL won't be any atheists there.

Move over, Sir Ockham!

So far, you're headed for the lake of fire, unless you repent

I went down, down, down
The lake of fire
The lake of fi-ye
Its burning hi-yer

This is connected to no atheists in heaven, how?


MEN! They claim to be, even though they are athiests, which leads me down all sorts of theological blind alleys and....and...and they do not even stay to cook breakfast!
Besides, how could getting into heaven require or not require anything if it doesn't exist?
You need to spend some time reviewing your thought processes because they seem to be generating some self-contradictory stuff.

For the sake of discussion I assumed for a moment it did exist. Sometimes you need to adopt some of your 'opponents' views in order to make a point. I thought you'd be familier with that concept, evidently you aren't.

Things were OK until science started to be taught.
Now things are going for shit.

Yeah, things were fine when all of humanity lived in caves, eating scavanged carcasses and huddling together for warmth. Some of us wouldn't call that living though.

I realize that it's a stretch for you to see the connection, but it should be pretty obvious.

Just as the connection between religion and the countless wars that have plagued humanity is pretty obvious.

Of course, it's the only correct one.
BTW, I'm not talking about the Catholic crap that most people think is Christianity.

Typical religious stance. You have no evidence that christianity is any more correct than the countless other religions. But of course, when you're dealing with religion unsubstantiated statements like the one you just made is about all you can hope for.