Atheists,read this please...

If a God were to exist, the Theory of Relativity would not apply to Him. It's simply another trait of the physical universe, of which he is not a part. The Creator does not subject Himself to the limitations and fetters He devised for His creations.

Let me elaborate: if He were to be real, He would be travelling at infinite velocity, in order that He could be everywhere simultaneously. That factor alone would give him this "infinite energy," or omnipotence.
As to the infinte mass that would result from this infinte speed and energy, it could be evenly distributed across the infinte cosmos in the form of rarefied energy, or what one could call "God's Omniscience."
I mean, if you're omnipresent, you HAVE to know everything. It's a forgone conclusion.

In regard to the nature of this "all-being," perhaps Hell would be the withdrawal of God's infinite mass from space-time. That might leve the universe a very cold and desolate place, like when you take a blanket off of a bed.

He would also have at least five dimensions, in order that he could be aware of every event in our 4th dimension, time, and also have a consciousness, or present, in the 5th dimension. Because of these factors, I would not even regard Him as a occupant of our universe, but as a being separated by unimaginable, unplummed superiority.

As comrade ConsequentAtheist stated, "silly." One can only disbelieve God, one cannot refute Him. That is a very silly thing to try.

Oh Jeez . . . I just made God seems a whole lot more plausible to myself. Someone! Quick! Gimme a reason to not believe! Hurry! I'm . . . succumbing . . . argghhh
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Re: Hmmm...

Originally posted by Gravage
How do you mean,silly?
As in puerile and inane. Stripped of its large type and amateurish formatting, the article does little more than proclaim:
  • "Golly gee wiz buckie, for God to be God, He'd darn near need to be supernatural!"
This is not much of a new bulletin. Sorry, but you asked ...