Atheists Know More About Religion


Doesn't Need to be Spoonfed.
Valued Senior Member
In the U.S., a comprehensive study has shown that Atheists/Agnostics know more about religion than most religious people. Christians seem to be the most ignorant about even their own religion, and Jewish people and Mormons seem to know more about world religions than anyone...

This all supports Steven Prothero's original assertion in his book; 'Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know – And Doesn’t'that “Americans are both deeply religious and profoundly ignorant about religion.”

They also have noted that the college educated, and the Republicans know more about religion than others.

It's actually an interesting study. What impact this knowledge has, I am not sure but it's very interesting when all us Atheist/Agnostics hear is how we don't know and don't understand anything religious at all.
ardena said:
What is religious knowledge?
The topic is knowledge about religion, including one's own claimed religion.
There is another thread on this topic in the Philosophy Forum:
Probably doesn't belong there either. Sociology, maybe.
ardena said:
Doesn't answer the question.
What is religious knowldedge?

Start another thread, if you want answers to another question.
signal said:
And who gets to be the judge on what the relevant knowledge about religion, including one's own claimed religion is?
It's a discussion forum, make your case for your preferences.

My own would be that anyone interested can look at stuff, and judge for themselves.

spider said:
Religious knowledge is knowledge about religion- it's history and it's beliefs
You've been suckered.

If you read the report, it clearly states what it considers to be religious knowledge. It was a comprehensive study, and the report is interesting.

The same goes for you Signal. You clearly did not even look at the link. How can you come into a debate and not be armed with knowledge of the material we are discussing.

This boggles me. Everyone wants to attack, but they are all unarmed. This is why I rarely post in this subforum. It's like jousting screaming bits of hot air.

If you read the report, it clearly states what it considers to be religious knowledge. It was a comprehensive study, and the report is interesting.

The same goes for you Signal. You clearly did not even look at the link. How can you come into a debate and not be armed with knowledge of the material we are discussing.

This boggles me. Everyone wants to attack, but they are all unarmed. This is why I rarely post in this subforum. It's like jousting screaming bits of hot air.

since religion is a creation of beliefs and largely interpretive, any study of religion that is objective would be counter to the purpose of those who believe in it. that is why most religious especially don't know the history of their religion or care to because it could threaten it or they don't know how to separate the wheat from the staff so to speak. for instance, though the bible has pagan roots and many borrowed mythologies and traditions, it doesn't mean the meanings of those stories is discredited or not real to those who garner truths from them. they just misinterpret or are dishonest about the rest such as the history which is unfortunate.

an example of a deception is the accusations of witchcraft or sorcery and that it's pagan. christians practice the same but using different labels.
I looked at the questions and the findings. They struck me as mostly irrelevant to actual religion.