Spain’s Federación Internacional de Ateos, a.k.a. International Federation of Atheists (coolest name for an atheist organization *ever*), is holding the first “Council of Atheists” in a Toledo church this December.
What will occur at this council?
… [FIdA] will present a pornographic and blasphemous exhibit entitled Sanctorum, which features images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints.
and a response
Rather odd. A bunch of people who supposedly want nothing to do with religion going to see an exhibit about religion. I suppose they want attention, the poor things. If they would just become Christians they'd realize that Someone is paying quite close attention and they wouldn't have to be so outrageous and silly.
If only all Christians would get this obsessed with religion the world might be a better place.
will the irony never end?
Spain’s Federación Internacional de Ateos, a.k.a. International Federation of Atheists (coolest name for an atheist organization *ever*), is holding the first “Council of Atheists” in a Toledo church this December.
What will occur at this council?
… [FIdA] will present a pornographic and blasphemous exhibit entitled Sanctorum, which features images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints.
and a response
Rather odd. A bunch of people who supposedly want nothing to do with religion going to see an exhibit about religion. I suppose they want attention, the poor things. If they would just become Christians they'd realize that Someone is paying quite close attention and they wouldn't have to be so outrageous and silly.
If only all Christians would get this obsessed with religion the world might be a better place.
will the irony never end?