Atheists Host Pornographic Christian Art Exhibit



Spain’s Federación Internacional de Ateos, a.k.a. International Federation of Atheists (coolest name for an atheist organization *ever*), is holding the first “Council of Atheists” in a Toledo church this December.

What will occur at this council?

… [FIdA] will present a pornographic and blasphemous exhibit entitled Sanctorum, which features images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints.

and a response

Rather odd. A bunch of people who supposedly want nothing to do with religion going to see an exhibit about religion. I suppose they want attention, the poor things. If they would just become Christians they'd realize that Someone is paying quite close attention and they wouldn't have to be so outrageous and silly.

If only all Christians would get this obsessed with religion the world might be a better place.

will the irony never end?
Hmmm, I have all kinds of religious art around my house. Some of its quite old. I think its pretty.
Never knew there was christian porn
Hmm it would appear that fundies on both ends think religion equates with sex.

Now if they really wanted attention they should have tried targeting Muslims instead. :D
Being an athiest doesn't mean wanting to have nothing to do with religion. Blasphemous art serves to break the disproportionate respect society gives to religious ideas.
I get you post Spidergoat but I really don't think porno Jesus is going to educate Xians on what atheism really is. It's simply going to reinforce the stereotype that atheists are devil worshipers.
Atheism is a matter of faith like any religion. And like any religion most believers feel the need to evangelize. Atheists often do it by demeaning people who have faith in God. The Folsom street parade was another good example. Ironic how atheists are often far more intolerant of other religions than the religions they decry. See it on this forum all the time.

Oh please revolvr - YOU are atheist for most Gods just like me.

I do agree people who are atheist can be just as evangelical as theists.... why I have no idea. I have no desire to turn any theist here atheist. I think I might be revolted if one day SAM became atheist.
Oh please revolvr - YOU are atheist for most Gods just like me.

I do agree people who are atheist can be just as evangelical as theists.... why I have no idea. I have no desire to turn any theist here atheist. I think I might be revolted if one day SAM became atheist.

Michael, almost all of your posts decry theology of any kind. You are far more evangelical that you would like to believe.

And don't worry, if SAM became an atheist, Kadark would have to kill him.
revolvr said:
Atheism is a matter of faith like any religion. And like any religion most believers feel the need to evangelize.
I've never actually met an atheist evangelizing in my life.

Maybe I'm the only one in my state ? Maybe the rest of them don't like me ? I never get invited to join atheist churches, clubs, or organizations of any kind.

The only nearby organizations that I'm sure have atheists in them who take their atheism seriously, is the nearby Catholic Church and the University. Some Catholic priests (nuns I don't know about) and university professors are atheists.

There is also a Buddhist temple on the other side of town, that harbors atheists. But they evangelize for Buddhism, if posting the occasional flyer of a sponsored event is "evangelizing", not atheism.

So maybe there just aren't enough atheist organizations around for me to run into. Or maybe it's because my atheism is not a matter of faith, as my religious beliefs are, so I don't wander around looking for a community of the faithful to worship with.


After Paul Tillich died, his wife released his Christian porn collection for discussion by the faithful. Christian porn is very common - S&M stuff with the Cross and the Saints, Adam and Eve erotica, nun and priest fetishes, etc etc etc - and his collection (and this was before the internet made such collecting easy) was large and varied.
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Atheism is a matter of faith like any religion. And like any religion most believers feel the need to evangelize.

This isn't remotely true. The "faith" found among most atheists is akin to the definition of "faith" that is related to evidence and probability. Faith that the sun will rise tomorrow; faith that 2 x 2 = 4 in the southern hemisphere just as it does in the north; faith that gravity will maintain its hold on objects in my possession; faith that my fingernails will need periodic trimming; etc.

The "faith" that is held by believers in the paranormal and supernatural is something quite different and this is a "faith" held complete irrespective of observation, previous occurrences, and evidence. Indeed, religious faith is held with a complete lack of evidence and often in spite of evidence to the contrary.

Therefore, your comment above, is just an ad hominem -a tu quoque (and just because I know that Till likes it: this means "you too"). And, whether you realize it or not, it's an acknowledgment that there is something inherently wrong with the blind faith of religion since those deluded by religious beliefs seek to assign this fault to atheists as well.

Also, atheists cannot evangelize since "evangelize" is distinctly a religious characteristic in which there is an attempt to spread their dogma and doctrine to others of religious or non-religious beliefs. Atheists, or at least the ones that I'm familiar with, don't seek to do this. Indeed, I've yet to meet an atheist that doesn't agree that its fine for others to believe whatever they wish. Nor do atheists have a dogma or doctrine with which they can spread.

The reason atheists and their writings or opinions are so prevalent is because Christians and Muslims are making unsubstantiated claims, many of which affect public policy and society in general. The voice of reason is answering those claims. Atheism is a result of reason and rationalism, so the fact that the responses to theistic superstitions have been atheists is coincident.

Atheists often do it by demeaning people who have faith in God.

Some do. Most, however, do this by simply criticizing, questioning and, in some cases, ridiculing the belief itself. If the believers find this to be a "personal insult," then that problems is theirs. One should be completely free to criticize and question any authority or human endeavor, particularly if that authority might have societal repercussions.
This isn't remotely true....

Of course atheism is a religion.

It believes in something unproven. It has a creed (No God, anti God, Pro-homosexuality, anti-Christianity); it has assemblies; it is evangelistic – atheists are frequently seeking converts; atheists celebrate over converts; they are zealous for their cause – just read the zeal in SkinWalker’s posts; they are exclusive meaning they alone believe they have the truth; they misrepresent opposing views; and judging by many of the arguments, they lack critical reasoning.

It quacks like a duck.
You're being deceptive, Revolvr. Moreover, you're projecting your own insecurities about your own superstition on those that have rational beliefs. Obviously, you acknowledge that "religion" is a bad thing since you apply the tu quoque fallacy to atheism, but one is left to wonder why, then, do you hang on to religious beliefs.

The most likely explanation is that the meme of religion is too powerful and that you have too much invested, politically (which I mean in the social sense not the colloquial) and otherwise socially to let go.

However, I'm eager to see your definition of "religion" that is actually useful enough to employ. Could you share that with us?