atheists don't have the right to be atheists.


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
they should all be agnostic, because they can't prove god's nonexistence.

but what about the difference between "atheist" and "agnostic"..

all of them should be agnostic.

IF the OP were correct, it would mean no 1 has the right to be a theist.

The OP, of course, is not correct as has been shown here so many times.
People have the right to believe what ever they like. And the burden of proof is on those who assert that something 'is' rather than 'isn't'.
i think being an atheist without evidence of god is just as dumb as being religious without evidence of god. it's an itellectual and close-minded decision that's obviously based on an agenda, otherwise in regards to a lack of evidence, people would have the balls to say, "i don't know", which i think is what scifes point is here.

For the trillionth time, the atheist position is "I don't know". Some atheists often say this. Some atheists say they do know until they're pinned down. Either way, an atheist is simply someone who does not believe in gods, regardless of whether they say "I don't know". I know an atheist who believes in reincarnation & 1 who believes Earth has been visited by aliens. An atheist may believe or not believe anything except they lack belief in any god(s).
No agenda is required to be an atheist & is often not there.
Scifes, as usual, has no point.
they should all be agnostic, because they can't prove god's nonexistence.


Most atheists are agnostic in the sense that they acknowledge that they don't know and/or cannot know with certainty whether one or more gods exist.

The terms are not mutually exclusive. The first is a description of knowledge; the second is a conclusion based on evidence. As an agnostic-atheist, I conclude that there is no good reason to accept the existence of a god or gods but recognize that I haven't the ability to test the entire universe (or even a substantive portion), so I cannot say none exists and is hiding somewhere out of observation.

Atheist simply means godless; without a god. In that sense, we're probably all atheists, for if a god doesn't exist, we are equally without it, leaving some deluded into it's belief.
and if you conclude that god does not exist, and that those who believe are simply deluded, then you are not agnostic. is that correct?
Let me repeat: I conclude, based on evidence, that there is no good reason to accept the positive claims made by those that believe god(s) exist. Since delusion has been shown to exist within human populations, this is a more parsimonious explanation.

But I remain ready to revise my conclusion with new evidence, thus I remain an agnostic-atheist.
the conclusion is based on a lack of evidence of a god. is that correct? i mean, if such evidence were to present itself, you're saying you might conclude something different.
Agnostics are atheists. You are either a theist, or not a theist. Agnostic certainly aren't theists, so they are atheists.

Of course, the OP is flawed, because theists cannot prove the existence of God, that's why they have faith. I guess that also means you can be an agnostic theist, if you indulge in Pascal's wager, and in fact, if they were true to themselves, theists would have to admit they don't actually know, but I guess it's that admission to the self that it's unknowable that eludes the deluded. Sorry, theists.

Basically, the term agnostic is pretty pointless therefore.
the conclusion is based on a lack of evidence of a god. is that correct? i mean, if such evidence were to present itself, you're saying you might conclude something different.

You mean like hearing a voice in his head? I think most people would seek professional advice if that happened.
they should all be agnostic, because they can't prove god's nonexistence.

So it's okay for a theist to believe in god even though they can't prove he exists, but not okay for an atheist to not believe in god even though they can't prove he doesn't exist?
I am an agnostic atheist. They are not mutually exclusive; further, proving the nonexistence of gods is not something that is either possible or worthwhile. Anybody could think up anything and tell you to prove that it doesn't exist.

For the trillionth time, the atheist position is "I don't know".

No it's not.
If you deny something, then it stands to
reason that you know what you're denying.

Either way, an atheist is simply someone who does not believe in gods, regardless of whether they say "I don't know".

The "i don't know" angle is a cop out.
Atheists just don't believe in God, period.

I know an atheist who believes in reincarnation & 1 who believes Earth has been visited by aliens.

Neither of these subjects, are religious, so believing in them neither
makes you theist or atheist

An atheist may believe or not believe anything except they lack belief in any god(s).
No agenda is required to be an atheist & is often not there.
Scifes, as usual, has no point.

I beg to differ, there is an atheist agenda, I would have
thought that would be obvious by now.
