Atheists Are Bias

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Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
In many posts, atheists bash religion. Therefore, I bashed and insulted atheis.
Supposedly bashing and insulting is not allowed.
Apparantly it is allowed for everybody as long as it is not geared against atheism.
Therefore, this forum is atheist bias.
cool skill said:
In many posts, atheists bash religion. Therefore, I bashed and insulted atheis.
Your conclusion does not follow your premise. I don't need to point out the absurdity of your reasoning.

Supposedly bashing and insulting is not allowed.
It is disallowed on the personal basis.

Apparantly it is allowed for everybody as long as it is not geared against atheism.
Therefore, this forum is atheist bias.

I agree with your conclusion, but your argument is clearly false.
cool skill:

In many posts, atheists bash religion. Therefore, I bashed and insulted atheis.

Can you not see the difference between bashing religion and bashing religious PEOPLE?

The rules of this forum say that attacking a person's argument or reasoning, or beliefs (with supporting arguments) is fine. That's partly what the forum is here for. But attacking a PERSON, or stereotyping members of a religion or those who hold beliefs simply BECAUSE they hold those beliefs, is out.

Personal insults and "bashing" are not allowed. They don't contribute anything useful to a debate.

But discussing religion is the purpose of the forum.
I think the forum should be renamed to "Religious Criticism." Or at least the addition of a sub-forum to the Religion one.
James R said:
attacking a PERSON, or stereotyping members of a religion or those who hold beliefs simply BECAUSE they hold those beliefs, is out.

Personal insults and "bashing" are not allowed. They don't contribute anything useful to a debate.
You are taking me out of context. This is no different than what I stated in the first post.

I did not start the attacking/insulting/bashing. I guess you misinterpreted what I meant.

"Attacking a PERSON."
"Stereotyping members of a religion."
That is bashing. That is what I have been taking about.

That is what atheists do here. Therefore, I responded by doing the same.
Again you say such stuff "is out."
Your words: "Personal insults and "bashing" are not allowed. They don't contribute anything useful to a debate."

Again as in the first post, Me:
Apparantly it is allowed for everybody as long as it is not geared against atheism.
Therefore, this forum is atheist bias.
§outh§tar said:

By logic, that means you can't discuss atheism.
Wrong. Atheism is a religion. Get over it. Get a dictionary. Stop crying.
Atheism is a philosophical stance. Since religion is concerned with gods, and atheism is also concerned with gods (or rather the lack thereof), it seems reasonable to discuss atheism in a religion forum, don't you think? After all, when else is the subject of atheism going to come up except in a religious discussion?
Of course skin walker is allowed to call me misinformed and liar.
SkinWalker: "you are either misinformed or perhaps outright lying."

If I were to say the same thing: "you are either a moron or perhaps outright retarded."
I would get in trouble.
Perhaps it is the choice of words.
Either way it is nothing less than simple bias.
Therefore, atheists are bias.
I can't even begin to count how many people that have made personal attacks, and bashed religion, and never get deleted or in trouble because of it.
This is exactly what I am talking about. People are allowed to bash left and right, but if I say something against them or atheism, I get in trouble.
I prefaced my comment about what you appear to represent with data. Your hypothetical comment about my being a "moron" or "retarded," however, is not.
cool skill said:
This is exactly what I am talking about. People are allowed to bash left and right, but if I say something against them or atheism, I get in trouble.

No, seriously. It's a genuine question. The little "?" at the end sort of denotes that. If you are 12, that's fine. Not having a go, not bashing just seriously curious as to your age.
SkinWalker said:
I prefaced my comment about what you appear to represent with data. Your hypothetical comment about my being a "moron" or "retarded," however, is not.
Yes it is. You are only here to troll and harass.

Coolskill has an assertion that is supported by alot of evidence (Mr.
Anonymous' comment being an example). I have seen many any athiest go
straight for the jugular... SouthStar, Medicine Woman, and Slotty just to
name a few.

Coolskill, Athiests on the forum have bashed religious individuals many a time.
Sorry about that... our bad.

Mr. Skill said:
Yes it is. You are only here to troll and harass.

What are the data then?

I realize that this will be perceived as a "trolling remark" to you, but what you aren't getting is that what we are saying is that you are confusing fair criticisms with "insults." If a theist is insulted by atheists questioning and even leveling criticisms at his/her comments, then it is best that said theist avoid engaging in discussions with us.

We are critical of theism and theistic beliefs. We do question the validity of these beliefs. Such questioning and criticism is healthy for both sides of the argument. Yet, instead of engaging in conversations and discussions, you simply start threads with bold topics designed to bait the atheists into ranting so you can say, "look, James R, they're insulting me! Why can't I insult them?"

When some of us refuse to fall victim to such tactics, you accuse us of it all the same.

What's the point?
Crunchy Cat said:

Coolskill has an assertion that is supported by alot of evidence (Mr.
Anonymous' comment being an example).


CC, truely. Not having a go. I'm just merely curious as to her age is all. Me "having a go" as it were is a thing entirely different. Trust me.
Mr Anonymous said:
CC, truely. Not having a go. I'm just merely curious as to her age is all. Me "having a go" as it were is a thing entirely different. Trust me.

Maybe I mis-interpreted the statement. The question "Are you 12?" within
the context of the discussion is very specific and not that same as "I am
curious how old you are?". I appreciate the clarification and am not convinced
it represents the truth (no hard feelings).
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