Atheists and marriage


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I hear a lot of biblical crap about why gays shouldn't be married. Its against Gods law and all. But as an atheist, I don't believe in God at all. Therefore shouldn't it also be illegal for me to get married as well?
I hear a lot of biblical crap about why gays shouldn't be married. Its against Gods law and all. But as an atheist, I don't believe in God at all. Therefore shouldn't it also be illegal for me to get married as well?

why should it be? i am married and i am not a believer! we got married in a registary office and we changed our wedding vows so that we didnt have any mention of god or a church!
I hear a lot of biblical crap about why gays shouldn't be married. Its against Gods law and all. But as an atheist, I don't believe in God at all. Therefore shouldn't it also be illegal for me to get married as well?

Absolutely. In fact there is no reason even to have a heterosexual/monogamous/speciest relationship or accept any children from your shenanigans or pay maintenance. :thankyou:
Then why can't gay people do the same?

Because most people in society don't like gays, or gay sex, or anything to do with gays. And besides, they're fun to discriminate against and harass and pick on and make fun of and tease and bully! :D

Baron Max
Because most people in society don't like gays, or gay sex, or anything to do with gays. And besides, they're fun to discriminate against and harass and pick on and make fun of and tease and bully! :D

Baron Max

oh hang on, havent you done your fair share of picking on homosexuals! ?:rolleyes:
Absolutely. In fact there is no reason even to have a heterosexual/monogamous/speciest relationship or accept any children from your shenanigans or pay maintenance.

Yep, Sam, ....people should be allowed to do anythiung that they want, whenever they want, with whoever they want, without having other people judge anything as right or wrong or moral or immoral. :D


Baron Max
Yep, Sam, ....people should be allowed to do anythiung that they want, whenever they want, with whoever they want, without having other people judge anything as right or wrong or moral or immoral. :D


Baron Max

You do realise I am kidding, right? :D