Atheistic geeks vs Ganster thugs


Valued Senior Member
Here is a quote from another thread concerning the lack of morality in gangster thugs and amoral attitude of atheist geeks. The argument is that if these types were somehow indoctrinated with religion that they would most likely have a better moral compass:

“On the other hand while religion won't improve the morality of the type of people who would be at Sciforums; religion might improve the morality of gangster-thug street-animal bad boys...I have heard gangster thug types or wannabe gangster thugs expressing that church people are delusional cowardly suckers who don't go out and take what they want because they are too scared. When thugs believe that the world is a jungle then thugs are just strong when they take what they want and strength is a virtue. This amoral attitude seems more consistent with atheism than the morality of the atheistic geeks who behave probably more morally than the average church goers do despite the atheistic geeks not having a very logical explanation for why they behave morally.”

Would there be less thuggery on the streets of the inner cities if they could be somehow indoctrinated with religious morality? Hey its possible isn't it? :shrug:

On the other side of paradise:

Do you, atheistic geeks, see the world as a 'jungle'?

Is it immoral to see the world as a jungle?

Why do you ‘atheistic geeks’ behave morally though the world is a ‘jungle’?

Where have you formed this amoral attitude that the world is a ‘jungle’?

And why this inconsistency in amoral attitude and moral behaviour?

I have a theory on the attitude of gang members who believe their church going neighbors to be delusional and cowardly suckers. It seems that there is an overabundance of churches in poor communities especially in black and hispanic neighborhoods. I think a disenfranchised youth may see the church as having a pacifying affect on their neighbors which they may attribute to being a sucker, settling for less and not being more aggressive against a system they see as oppressive (racist with economic and judicial injustices). I don’t really believe that their scorn for church people has anything to do with religion at all or the belief in god but their suspicion that it is a tool to keep them down, hence they join a different kind of fellowship. It would make sense to come to such a conclusion when they see the churches filled with people who they may deem as fairing no better in society.

But this doesn’t explain you atheistic geeks.:p
Seen the carnival at Rome
Had the women I had the booze
All I can remember now
Is little kids without no shoes
So I saw that train
And I got on it
With a heartful of hate
And a lust for vomit
Now I'm walking on the sunnyside of the street

Stepped over bodies in Bombay
Tried to make it to the U.S.A.
Ended up in Nepal
Up on the roof with nothing at all
And I knew that day
I was going to stay
Right where I am, on the sunnyside of the street

Been in a palace, been in a jail
I just don't want to be reborn a snail
Just want to spend eternity
Right where I am, on the sunnyside of the street

As my mother wept it was then I swore
To take my life as I would a whore
I know I'm better than before
I will not be reconstructed
Just wanna stay right here
On the sunnyside of the street

This 'splains it for me, Looooooooo-sy. Henley's Invictus, too.
lucy said:
Do you, atheistic geeks, see the world as a 'jungle'?
I don't.

The atheistic geeks familiar with biology and ecology don't even see the jungle as a "jungle".
Perhaps Atheistic Geeks behave morally because they have more to lose if they behave imorrally than the street thugs do. No, that's not it or is only part of it.

Atheistic geeks are ideas people who deeply absorbed ideas about right and wrong when they were very young.

Being geeks at least most of the geek boys probably did not fare very well in the jungle of the playground which would just reinforce the anti-jungle ideas about right and wrong that children get taught. I am not as clear on how the girls torture the geek girls. Those few geek boys who did well on the playgrounds would still have their original learning of right and wrong reinforced by associating with other geeks who fared poorly on the playgrounds. A light dose of torture on the playground might even cultivate some compassion in a boy which also would reinforce ethical behavior.

Geeks definitely are better off in a world where the only permissible violence is intellectual violence.

People also torture themselves mentally over also sorts of things and the more complex a person's beliefs are and the more a person lives in their mind the more opportunity they have to criticize or flatter themselves mentally. This self flattery and self criticism probably also plays a larger role in coercing geeks to behave ethically than role self flattery and self criticism would play at getting the thugs to behave ethically.
I am not as clear on how the girls torture the geek girls.

Wow I thought that would be obvious. Geek girls are the ones you do not invite to the party, do not invite to sit with you during lunch and who don't get picked on your team during volleyball. They are mocked for their lack of style and inability to attract male attention (unless of course she's really hot in which case she'll be hated exponentially more and should watch what she eats and drinks). Did I mention anything about the snide hurtful comments? Females are worse. Really. Whatever you think boys do to torture each other on the playground the females are way more vicious and spiteful, it just doesn't generally appear as physical aggression. I tell ya its a jungle out there:D And as for compassion? Pfft

Actually just think 'Carrie'.

And this:
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I think it's because the atheistic geeks are better able to rationalize and logically deduce why something is morally "right" or "wrong".

Down at the local skate park, a few of us have had to explain to the other guys our age why it's NOT okay to run over and hit little children instead of asking them politely to move... If those little kids get mashed by bike pegs and skateboards constantly, and then blamed themselves for their misfortune, they will eventually grow into the gangster thugs themselves, unaware that simple though could prevent so much.
Gangsters are often very religious. You see them with huge tattoos of crosses and praying hands, sometimes a rosary with cross attached, or a large Jesus accross their back!
Gangsters are often very religious. You see them with huge tattoos of crosses and praying hands, sometimes a rosary with cross attached, or a large Jesus accross their back!

You don't see them, they're always inside the car when they do a drive by, or sneaking up on you to bust a cap in yo ass.

Or behind you in the showers.
in regards to the OP, if those thugs had read a history book or two, they would have realized that a hell of a lot of theft has been rationalized by religion.

those gangsters could learn a lot from religious people about thieving and warring and killing. pays.
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those gangsters could learn a lot from religious people about thieving and warring and killing. pays.

True, the prisons are full of religious people, they will learn much there.
As an egotistical atheist geek, I actually feel that it isn't the rational atheist, but the blindly-believing theist who sees the world as a jungle; a jungle which has a rightful powerful king - humans, and that too male ones. It is true; most religions do propagate the thought that humans are the rightful masters of the world, giving off a 'junglish' tinge to the whole ecological balance of the world. Atheists, usually being scientifically nurtured, usually do recognize less of a jungle, in the 'wild' sense of the word, and more of a system, in the world.

About acting morally, firstly, I find it completely wrong that religious can even be necessarily equated with moral. It isn't necessary that only the religious can be moral; all human brains, whether they believe in a supernatural man in the sky, the holy flying spaghetti monster, or nothing at all, are hardwired into certain types of responses, both by evolutionary and environmental factors, and are as likely to behave ethically and morally as a believer is.
Aren't most "gangsta thugs" already religious? At least all of the one's I know are. Gangsters at least the African American ones are a mystery. They're very religious yet they commit such heinous acts, they treat women like crap, yet they're mama's boys. (I don't know any female gangsters)
OMG did you just agree with me about something?! :eek:

are you okay???

Of course, you're a perfect example of how the religious learn how to be a gangster. Lying, deceiving and being malicious, you got em' all. :thumbsup:
Of course, you're a perfect example of how the religious learn how to be a gangster. Lying, deceiving and being malicious, you got em' all. :thumbsup:

i'm a gangsta. lol...