Atheist under fire


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
Today i recieve 13 private messages from a certain member who has never posten on sciforums giving me passages from the bible, i understood that he or she was offended by my atheist beliefs. if you want to put your views across so much then why not post in any of the threads. ALso i would like to know which of my threads or posts offended you

Anyone else had the same thing happen to them, i know that i am not the only atheist on sciforums
Pi-Sudoku said:
Today i recieve 13 private messages from a certain member who has never posten on sciforums giving me passages from the bible, i understood that he or she was offended by my atheist beliefs. if you want to put your views across so much then why not post in any of the threads. ALso i would like to know which of my threads or posts offended you

Anyone else had the same thing happen to them, i know that i am not the only atheist on sciforums

It is pretty hard coming on SciForums and defending your faith. Having your own personal convictions being pissed up the wall by atheists in an extremely articulate fashion (most of the time) is not easy to deal with in a public setting.
I would encourage the sender of the PM's to come on though and put their point across. It's only the internet. No one is really going to bite you :D


Pi-Sudoku said:
Today i recieve 13 private messages from a certain member who has never posten on sciforums giving me passages from the bible, i understood that he or she was offended by my atheist beliefs. if you want to put your views across so much then why not post in any of the threads. ALso i would like to know which of my threads or posts offended you

Anyone else had the same thing happen to them, i know that i am not the only atheist on sciforums

Poor you! Someone is trying to wish you well, and has probably even prayed for you!
Poor you.

There is generally a difference betwixt "wishing you well" and being weird and sending a whole bunch of unsollicitted PMs.
in my experience, a majority of christians take offense and get angry more than they do wish me well. even the well-wishers tend to take on the guise of condescending pity. this is not universal, but it is very often true.
People can be very clumsy in expressing their concern and well-wishing.

Don't deride those who do good, or at least try to do good.
c20H25N3o said:
It is pretty hard coming on SciForums and defending your faith. Having your own personal convictions being pissed up the wall by atheists in an extremely articulate fashion (most of the time) is not easy to deal with in a public setting.
I would encourage the sender of the PM's to come on though and put their point across. It's only the internet. No one is really going to bite you :D



Many of these people haven't been exposed to much outside their religion.

They are ripped abart by articulate atheists.

They cannot even comprehend the arguments made against them.

They have also been taught to distrust our motives(an easy thing to do given the way they are treated here).

I'm guilty as the other atheists here.
Russ723 said:
Many of these people haven't been exposed to much outside their religion.

They are ripped abart by articulate atheists.

They cannot even comprehend the arguments made against them.

They have also been taught to distrust our motives(an easy thing to do given the way they are treated here).

I'm guilty as the other atheists here.

Christians should not fear being challenged. They may have to put up with the atheist arguments concerning 'proof' but even the atheists know that at the end of the day they cannot sway someone's personal conviction and indeed personal belief cannot be prooved otherwise it would be fact and not belief. I get upset when the atheist argument turns to 'you are a moron because you cannot prove what you claim.' but only because I expect the atheist to understand (and dare I say 'respect') the fact that no-one can prove God's existence and therefore calling the person a moron is a little moronic. You can challenge someone's faith in other ways without resulting to insults.
Patience is increasingly the virtue of the atheist on here though, with many religious types showing a great deal of intolerance.
If you are a Christian on this board, I think you ought to understand the context of the site and be prepared to be challenged. I was not particulary ready to be challenged when I first joined sciforums but it turned into some of the most important discussions I have had regarding the subject to date. I have also learnt a lot from atheists on here.
To the atheists I say, 'try and be patient with the religious types even if you dont want to be.'
To the Christians I say 'answer the challenges with truth, if the truth is in you then you will not 'fear' having your beliefs challenged.'


i reserve the right to make fun of patent loonies.

but well said, LSD. reasonable people are deserving of respect regardless of religious affiliation.
water said:
People can be very clumsy in expressing their concern and well-wishing.

Don't deride those who do good, or at least try to do good.

heres a nice little piece of wisdom i heard once that even a christian mind can understand.

"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

some would-be well-wishers are just assholes in disguise.

as an atheist i have never tried to rob a person of their faith, only coax them into making a logical argument for it.
Pi-Sudoku said:
Today i recieve 13 private messages from a certain member who has never posten on sciforums giving me passages from the bible, i understood that he or she was offended by my atheist beliefs. if you want to put your views across so much then why not post in any of the threads. ALso i would like to know which of my threads or posts offended you

Anyone else had the same thing happen to them, i know that i am not the only atheist on sciforums

I came to sciforums merely to have a little fun not to mock or annoy i find some peoples hatred, ignorance, petty intolerence of others belief in religion slightly disturbing, i wasn't offended by your replies Pi although "twat" (God forgive me) wasn't the most polite response to a little preaching. may i ask if anything i said offended you because if it did you have my deepest apologies. The real me must now stay hidden for fear of retribution from a certain someone. :)

Edit: That certain someone now knows its me and now only God can deliver me from his wrath
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May i clarify my religious persuasion

I used to believe in god although while i did i did not pray as i did not believe that that was what god wanted me to do
I then became enlightened and saw the type of things that religion was doing to the world and dropped it and forced myself that religion was destroying cizilisation, since then i have slid down a slope into religious intolerance. I appologise for my obscene language katana.
charles cure said:
heres a nice little piece of wisdom i heard once that even a christian mind can understand.

Even a Christian mind? :rolleyes: You are generalising surely? You don't actually display that level of predjudice against everyone you meet for the first time who happens to be Christian do you?

"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

This saying is appropriate really under a defined set of circumstances i.e. when a meddler disguises their meddling under the guise of 'helping someone out' . If someone intends that something intrinsically 'good' happens for someone and out of 'love' seeks to make that 'good' thing reality for the person they love ... well even the stupidist person on the planet wouldn't equate 'love' with 'punishment' would they. It isn't logical.

some would-be well-wishers are just assholes in disguise.

Yeah I agree. But in the context of this topic? Nah.

as an atheist i have never tried to rob a person of their faith, only coax them into making a logical argument for it.

As a Christian I am always telling atheists that I do not have a logical explaination for 'love'. Love isn't always terribly logical itself but it can be. Eye for an eye is logical. 'Turn the other cheek' must therefore by definition be illogical. We know justice is a good thing, so why would anyone turn the other cheek? How could that be good as well? Illogical huh. The messages of Christianity spit in the eye of logic and confound the wise because God cannot be defined by logic. Hell even your own existence cannot be defined by logic. I dont think logic will ever become my crutch.


Even a Christian mind? :rolleyes: You are generalising surely? You don't actually display that level of predjudice against everyone you meet for the first time who happens to be Christian do you?

yeah, it was a dickish statment. i suppose i meant the christian mind of that specific person. i have met some christians that i think are insane, others that i think are christian out of convenience, never one thats been convincing, but in general i judge a person based on how they act, not what they think.

This saying is appropriate really under a defined set of circumstances i.e. when a meddler disguises their meddling under the guise of 'helping someone out' . If someone intends that something intrinsically 'good' happens for someone and out of 'love' seeks to make that 'good' thing reality for the person they love ... well even the stupidist person on the planet wouldn't equate 'love' with 'punishment' would they. It isn't logical.

its relative. i take it to mean that often times people let what they believe are their good intentions get so out of hand that they do more damage to the people they are trying to help than good. or alternatively that what some people genuinely believe are good intentions wind up having harmful effects that they choose to ignore because their beliefs preclude them from seeing the reality of the situation. that little proverb is open to interpretation, and i dont think you are qualified to tell me under what circumstances it is to be given any particular meaning.

Yeah I agree. But in the context of this topic? Nah.

yes actually in my view. youre entitled to your opinion though.

As a Christian I am always telling atheists that I do not have a logical explaination for 'love'. Love isn't always terribly logical itself but it can be. Eye for an eye is logical. 'Turn the other cheek' must therefore by definition be illogical. We know justice is a good thing, so why would anyone turn the other cheek? How could that be good as well? Illogical huh. The messages of Christianity spit in the eye of logic and confound the wise because God cannot be defined by logic. Hell even your own existence cannot be defined by logic. I dont think logic will ever become my crutch.

thats actually not true. eye for an eye is logical yes, but so is turn the other cheek. its just more abstractly logical. the logic behind the turn the other cheek philosophy is that if you allow someone to do something bad to you without retaliating, you therefore prove to them that violence not only isnt a solution in every instance, or that it does not always have the desired effect, and by extension is not always useful as the tool of punishment or forceful derision that it is meant to be.
theres nothing illogical at all about finding a course of action that is more clever than retaliation and will have a lasting psychological impact on the person whose behavior you are attempting to alter. turn the other cheek is therefore logical in the way that it is a course of action that attempts to acheive a particular result, the result being defined as some measure of justice in the mind of the person employing the technique.
the concept of god does not defy logic either. the concept of god is the logical invention of men and women who wish to explain what cannot be explained. it is a logical response to the questions presented by the unknown.
the existence of god is not illogical, only unproveable.
and logic isnt a crutch, it cant be. a crutch is something that supports that which cannot be supported on its own. logic requires analysis of fact or equally logical definition of the elements involved in the course of finding a solution to a particular problem. when illogical elements enter into the equation, logic cannot be used to support them, therefore it cant be a crutch to support some line of thought that is illogical or otherwise "broken". illogical and unproveable belief that supports illogical or unproveable conclusions is a crutch. so youre right. logic will never be your crutch because it cant be.
Pi-Sudoku said:
Today i recieve 13 private messages from a certain member who has never posten on sciforums giving me passages from the bible,

Clearly the work of a sock puppet for one of the other theistic posters. Probably one who has posted in this very thread. Why use a sock puppet? Cowardice.