Atheist Sues Texas for Moment of Silence



An atheist is suing a school district in Texas and its Governor for allowing a moment of silence in his children’s elementary school class. This guy believes that those seconds of silence are unconstitutional and imply state sanctioned school prayer.


But anyway, the Moment of Silence Bill states that the children have a choice as to how to spend those 60 seconds, they can “reflect, pray, meditate or engage in any other silent activity.” But Mr. Croft states, "To have millions of public school children waste a minute of education each day for a practice that has no secular purpose seems to me like a great sin."

That's priceless. A sin? Against Whom?

I'm sure the school will ensure wall to wall sound every second of the day from now on so no child can have a moment to think about God.


I guess fanatical secularism is no longer an oxymoron?
Yeah, I should pay to have my kid go to school just to sit and do nothing for a minute. What a fantastic learning experience.

I'd pay someone if they could get my child sit silently for a minute.

Someone should remind him if he is that concerned about that one minute of silence and its effects on his child's education, he could always order his child to silently read a book during that time.:rolleyes:
They would be silent in class when the teacher was speaking, or while they were doing school work. Children don't run around screaming all day in class. In most instances, they are told to remain silent while the teacher is speaking, etc.
Good, I don't like this minute of silence. It's specifically there to lend some sort of credence to a religous beleif and has no business in a public school. If people want their kids to have prayer go to religous school and pray all day long.
The teachers are probably making them do it for a minute of peace.

Good, I don't like this minute of silence. It's specifically there to lend some sort of credence to a religous beleif and has no business in a public school. If people want their kids to have prayer go to religous school and pray all day long.
If it was for a designated purpose, then you might have a point. However this is just a request for a 'moment's silence' in the school. The children can do anything, so long as they remain silent for those few moments. They can read, draw, even play. We are quick to attribute 'a moment's silence' with prayer or remembrance. It could very well be they are doing it because they want a moment's silence.
Good, I don't like this minute of silence. It's specifically there to lend some sort of credence to a religous beleif and has no business in a public school. If people want their kids to have prayer go to religous school and pray all day long.

the Moment of Silence Bill states that the children have a choice as to how to spend those 60 seconds, they can “reflect, pray, meditate or engage in any other silent activity.

introspection or silence is inherently religious?
the Moment of Silence Bill states that the children have a choice as to how to spend those 60 seconds, they can “reflect, pray, meditate or engage in any other silent activity.

introspection or silence is inherently religious?
Then make it an hour of silence and make it part of the study time.


This bullshit 60 seconds of silence is simply there to try and push religion onto / into children. No body is being fooled.


*like some kid is going to start meditating for 60 sec - please*:bugeye:
Then make it an hour of silence and make it part of the study time.


This bullshit 60 seconds of silence is simply there to try and push religion onto / into children. No body is being fooled.


*like some kid is going to start meditating for 60 sec - please*:bugeye:

its still not clear how silence is the exclusive property of religion
This is just taking things to the extreme. Moments of silence, like Christmas, has less to do with religion and more to do with culture. These days it represents respect and/or grief among other things and has no inherent religious meaning.