Atheist = Closet theist

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Me thinks you atheists 'doth protest too much' and thus have concluded you are closet theists.

I will present a case some time soon
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Hmm I met my first atheists on this forum, so I could not say either way!
Since ToR hasn't yet provided any evidence for her bizarre claim - I understand it's forthcoming? - I don't even know why I'm writing this sen...
Here is an incomplete list of important 20th-Century scientists who are/were Christians:

"Arthur Eddington, an important mathematical cosmologist, was a Quaker.
Georges Lemaître, a Roman Catholic priest, proposed the Big Bang theory.
I don't know whether Michael Polanyi, the notable physical chemist and philosopher, was Christian at the end of his life, but I know that he was when he wrote Science, Faith and Society, the best introduction to his thought.
Henry F. "Fritz" Schaefer is one of the foremost theoretical chemists of our day.
William Phillips was co-recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Francis Collins ( is the director of the U.S. Human Genome Project.
Rustum Roy, one of the world's foremost materials scientists, holds three chairs at the Pennsylvania State University. "

The chap who compiled this list also said:

"......... Again, religious beliefs are not usually considered important by a scientist's peers. "


there have been fierce arguments whenever anyone here (ie me) dares to bring up the name of a religious scientist! Why does it disgust you so?
redarmy11 said:
Since ToR hasn't yet provided any evidence for her bizarre claim - I understand it's forthcoming? - I don't even know why I'm writing this sen...

it's a coming, like a slow (or rather late) train. Better stand back, lest you get knocked over by it!
Theoryofrelativity said:
and homosexuals are jealous of straight people yeh?

No. Your thread just reminded me of the knee jerk "you're just jealous" when someone says something against a person or a belief.

I can predict your argument: Atheists are jealous because theists have found a rich vein or purpose, meaning and fulfillment?
Ok so you may not ALL be closet theists but just as there ARE closet atheists hiding in religious communities there ARE closet theists hiding in scientific communities.
KennyJC said:
No. Your thread just reminded me of the knee jerk "you're just jealous" when someone says something against a person or a belief.

I can predict your argument: Atheists are jealous because theists have found a rich vein or purpose, meaning and fulfillment?

er no, you wont hear any crapola like that from me...............I have my own brand of crapola
I like your optimism Tor but I dont think your going to find many closet queers oops I mean closet theist among atheists. Not me anyway, I will be an atheist to I die. I just cant believe something that I cannot .
Now this dude Antony Flew went from theist to atheist back to theist,

he was indoctrinated re theism as child, but then science education led him to atheism and FURTHER science education led him back to theism:

"Antony Flew, professor emeritus at Reading University, was a leading 20th-century intellectual and author of many books including “Atheistic Humanism.” Although as a youth Flew was a devoted Christian, during his teens he rejected Christianity because of his study of Darwinism. He concluded that evolution could fully account for the creation of all life – and that no need existed for a Creator who had been put out of work by science. Flew eventually became a leading defender of atheism for over half a century.

Flew kept reading and thinking about this topic, though, and eventually came back to the theism of his youth. His conversion was primarily because of his study of intelligent design. As he told The Associated Press, his views were now similar to the “American ‘Intelligent Design’ theorists who see evidence for a guiding force in the construction of the universe.” Michael Behe’s and William Dembski’s books were especially influential. Flew added that an argument from design, “assures us that there is a God” and that DNA research has provided us with “a new and enormously powerful argument” for design. Flew stresses that the main reason for “believing in a First Cause God is the impossibility of providing a naturalistic account of the origin of the first reproducing organisms.” He states that his whole life has been guided by the principle of Socrates, “follow the evidence where it leads” and, in this case, it led him to theism. "

This guy in my mind was never an atheist, he merely felt compelled to rejest his early education as a child in favour of his scientific principles, thus when a door was opened to him to allow him back to theism, he took it.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Ok so you may not ALL be closet theists but just as there ARE closet atheists hiding in religious communities there ARE closet theists hiding in scientific communities.
I understand someone being a closet atheist, because when your sense reason a intellect takes control, it's walking forward into the light.(rational)
however the other way is logic impossible, you just dont go backwards into the dark. (irrational) not without a severe trauma.
Boss Foxx said:
Well, that argument fell apart quickly.

what argument who is arguing? The whole point of being in a closet theist is you don't admit ever to being theist. I am not calling for an 'out session'.

If atheists admitted to being theists my theory would collapse as my theory hangs on them being and remaining in the closet.

It's win win for me.
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