Atheist Can't Make the Leap


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Can someone help me? I want to join a religion but I can't make up my mind. All have remarkable attributes. There are Jews whipping Arab butt, Christians sexually molesting children, Muslims blowing up people all over the place and Hindus burning brides. I don't know which one to pick. They all sound marvelous:rolleyes:

Of those four, which one sounds the best? I guess it depends on whether I need to be a sexual deviant if I want to be Christian or perhaps I have to prefer White Phosphorus, TNT or lighter fluid for the other three. Such tough choices.

Help me make the leap. All the atheists I know want no part of religion and some peace in the world. All without killing someone to get it. WTF is that? Bunch of freakin' losers;)

I did say of those four but thanks for your input. In Sri Lanka Buddhist violence and Buddhist racism are the order of the day. In Burma and in Kashmir Buddhist armies are fighting. Maybe you have something there.

Is this how Buddhists are different than atheists who want a peaceful existence?
it was just a suggestion i was raised roman catholic,

But i am sure there are some evil atheists as well, they just don't get noticed because they are in the minority.

Personally my family are real good people who have a strong catholic history, me I believe in god, but as for religion's there the making of man, but just because you don't want to follow any particular religion, because of what THE FEW have done. does not mean every one who has faith or because they are the current leaders means there bad People, thats the problem with media it only shows the bad, do some research on how much money and donations and volunteer work the Christian church does, a good recent example is Haiti.

and new Orleans, i was down there with a local catholic church group to help rebuild that poor area, and i had the option to go to Haiti as well.
Can someone help me? I want to join a religion but I can't make up my mind. All have remarkable attributes. There are Jews whipping Arab butt, Christians sexually molesting children, Muslims blowing up people all over the place and Hindus burning brides. I don't know which one to pick. They all sound marvelous:rolleyes:

Of those four, which one sounds the best? I guess it depends on whether I need to be a sexual deviant if I want to be Christian or perhaps I have to prefer White Phosphorus, TNT or lighter fluid for the other three. Such tough choices.

Help me make the leap. All the atheists I know want no part of religion and some peace in the world. All without killing someone to get it. WTF is that? Bunch of freakin' losers;)
I guess if one is prepared to judge a genre by its worst example, its not difficult to sink any idea
(BTW if you are going to form a community of peace loving atheists, you might want to pass legislation that prohibits the growing of moustaches ... since atheists who tend to do so have the annoying habit of killing millions of people in a megalomaniacal spree of madness)
Dear confused atheist,

I suggest that you kill yourself and settle the question the most direct fashion possible. It should become immediately obvious which religion is right a few moments after your ultimate breath.

You will see one of the following soon after shuffling off your mortal coil:

1) Joyous muslims prancing around in an orgy of virgins, hosted by god himself
2) Joyous xians prancing around in an orgy of little boys and girls, hosted by god himself
3) Somber jews realizing they have no one to prance with.
4) A bright light at the end of a tunnel as you are reborn, Buddhist style, for another go-around
4) Joyous hindus getting manually stimulated by millions of shivas (shiva can service six at once)
...prohibits the growing of moustaches ... since atheists who tend to do so have the annoying habit of killing millions of people in a megalomaniacal spree of madness)

Wrong, as usual. He was no more of an atheist or believer than any other leader who gained power for the sole purpose of herding sheeple.

That's a pretty tired old example BTW. And it really pales in comparison to the thousands of years of human suffering and retardation caused by Religion(TM).
But i am sure there are some evil atheists as well, they just don't get noticed because they are in the minority.

My definition of Atheist....anyone who desires peace without resorting to violence while not believing a god exists. Theists on the other hand desire peace but will kill for their god to get it.

An atheist who breaks the peace tenet I wouldn't consider an atheist but more of a believer in atheism as an anti religion. An atheist wouldn't be prosthelytizing as if there was some kind of dogma to follow.

Do you consider theists who kill for their god, true theists?
Wrong, as usual. He was no more of an atheist or believer than any other leader who gained power for the sole purpose of herding sheeple.

That's a pretty tired old example BTW. And it really pales in comparison to the thousands of years of human suffering and retardation caused by Religion(TM).
I know its a tired example ... but I think its funny how atheists will whine and whimper about the qualities of the true atheist while simultaneously label anyone who comes within 20 feet of the front doors of a place of worship as the ideal theist.

I could be mistaken but I think it was you who was arguing at some point that WW2 was based on religion because some priests were called on to bless naval warships before they embarked.
(I mean geez, its perfectly clear that its the chaplaincy of the military that calls the shots in an armed conflict)
what is it about paragraphs that challenge your values that you find so incomprehensible?
When the paragraphs in question are largely phrased in sarcastic re-questioning that mostly miss the point buy a few klicks, well, that's a problem for me.

My values don't seem very challenged given that type of response.
When the paragraphs in question are largely phrased in sarcastic re-questioning that mostly miss the point buy a few klicks, well, that's a problem for me.

My values don't seem very challenged given that type of response.
Your point (amidst a barrage of insults and caricatures) was how theists are a bunch of idiots.
I suggested that if you apply a similarly broad category for atheists, you get the same picture.

If you can't see that, its probably because you are on a roller coaster ride with your values.
Your point (amidst a barrage of insults and caricatures) was how theists are a bunch of idiots.
I suggested that if you apply a similarly broad category for atheists, you get the same picture.

If you can't see that, its probably because you are on a roller coaster ride with your values.
No, I disagree. My general category for anyone that believes in objective claims (especially extraordinary ones) without substantial proof, is "idiot".

The vast majority of atheists clearly fall outside of this category.

Willingly unsupported belief = "idiot"

Proven with reasonable evidence = "not idiot"

Simple, really.

I'm going to bed.
those that would choose to do violence would have done so anyway without a religious affiliation. Most of it comes from a dogmatic misinterpretation of the religion you've chosen which happens because most people take passages out of context and expect others to adhere to what they believe, so it all comes down to selfish egoism and is blamable on the individual and those that follow their lead. or I could be totally wrong and it's all my fault for it. who knows :)
No, I disagree. My general category for anyone that believes in objective claims (especially extraordinary ones) without substantial proof, is "idiot".

Willingly unsupported belief = "idiot"

Proven with reasonable evidence = "not idiot"

Simple, really.

I'm going to bed.
sure, buts in only when you inextricably connect that to theism, at the expense bringing atheism (or any other community for that matter) under a similarly broad definition - thats where you have problems
.... as for -
The vast majority of atheists clearly fall outside of this category.
one could also say a vast majority of theists (or moralists or politicians too). Depends how tight/broad you want to work with the definition
Can someone help me? I want to join a religion but I can't make up my mind. All have remarkable attributes. There are Jews whipping Arab butt, Christians sexually molesting children, Muslims blowing up people all over the place and Hindus burning brides. I don't know which one to pick. They all sound marvelous:rolleyes:

Of those four, which one sounds the best? I guess it depends on whether I need to be a sexual deviant if I want to be Christian or perhaps I have to prefer White Phosphorus, TNT or lighter fluid for the other three. Such tough choices.

Help me make the leap. All the atheists I know want no part of religion and some peace in the world. All without killing someone to get it. WTF is that? Bunch of freakin' losers;)
Scientology :D