Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, etc.

Do you believe in God(s)?

  • "The existence of God is something I have no opinion on, as I simply do not care."

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "God(s) started this all (the initial cause) but now we are on our own."

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
This is my first poll ever...

Please check which quote most closely aligns with your beliefs.
If none fit exactly, please pick the one that is closest, and post a qualifying statement, explaining how your belief differs from the option you chose, or state a succinct quote, similar to the ones above, that more closely sums up what you would say.

Thank you for your participation.

(now I have to figure out how to make this a poll... if you don't see the options yet, give me a minute)
Meh, I went for the first one: but belief that he doesn't exist? No.
Fairly sure, but if anything comes along to change my mind...
Meh, I went for the first one: but belief that he doesn't exist? No.
Fairly sure, but if anything comes along to change my mind...

So you are somewhere between the first two, then?
I lack belief in the supernatural, gods, demons, etc.. Are all pure fantasy.
Your poll unfortunately did not give me this option; I could never be a 100% correct about the supernatural, as I can't travel the Cosmos and check every nook and cranny, therein.
Mine is not a positive belief, it is simply a lack of belief.
However having said that number 4 almost fits, but I would not say I didn't care. Too many people have died because of there belief in gods, and many innocent bystanders too, so I certainly care, and I most certainly do have an opinion.
So you are somewhere between the first two, then?

He could exist (had this discussion on the Why is the Religion forum so popular...) last night.
Balance of probabilities says no.
But it's worth continuing to look now and again.
I've been surprised before in my life :eek:
I chose, "I do not have a positive belief that any God exists, but I have an open mind," but qualify that my "open mind" doesn't imply that I'm either looking or hoping that there is some deity in the universe or that some deity is required. I acknowledge only that I don't know for sure, but see no good reason to accept the notion that there is.
Its all wishful thinking. I don't beleive in any of it. dead is dead
But if it gives you comfort while you are alive, go for it.
Hmm - still not seen a poll like this I can answer yet.
I voted for:

"I believe my God/Pantheon is the one true belief, and those who have any other beliefs are lost."

However, the bolded section of the sentence is a little too extreme for me. It was the best representation of my beliefs, so I chose it anyway.
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We can know Gods exist if they made themselves evident but they don't and as we can not prove a negative we don't know they do not exist.

I lack a beleif in Gods.

I'm an agnostic atheist.
We can know Gods exist if they made themselves evident but they don't and as we can not prove a negative we don't know they do not exist.

I lack a beleif in Gods.

I'm an agnostic atheist.

There's no test in faith if you're given the answers, Michael. ;)
While true Kadark you and I are both agnostic atheists for all but one of the admittedly millions of Gods (Japan alone has like 1 million).

You've become atheist for all but this last one Kadark :)
While true Kadark you and I are both agnostic atheists for all but one of the admittedly millions of Gods (Japan alone has like 1 million).

You've become atheist for all but this last one Kadark :)

I suppose you're the straw that breaks the camel's back.
I'm just saying you are an atheist for most Gods too.

See, we're the same :)

I am so tired of that lame rebuttal.
Why can't you people get better lines?
I feel like I am watching the talking heads on Fox go through the daily talking points issued by Washington.
Think for yourself.
Well, think of it as a reminder. Some theists that I know think its so sad I have no beleif at all in life after death and that I'm, unlike them, just going to die. How could I not believe in God?!? I like to remind them that there are a lot of Gods we both don't believe in.

one_raven does the possibility exist that there are no Gods? Is it possible that one or more Gods created the Universe and in that same instant themselves "died" (ceased to exist)?

Is it possible there are an infinite number of Universes in a larger multiverse? Could some have life and some not have life? Could some be identical to this Universe in every aspect? Could there be an infinite YOU typing to an infinite ME the exact same sentence in an infinite number of Universes?
one_raven does the possibility exist that there are no Gods? Is it possible that one or more Gods created the Universe and in that same instant themselves "died" (ceased to exist)?
Take a look at my answer to the poll.
I made it public...
"I do not have a positive belief that any God exists, but I have an open mind."

Is it possible there are an infinite number of Universes in a larger multiverse? Could some have life and some not have life? Could some be identical to this Universe in every aspect? Could there be an infinite YOU typing to an infinite ME the exact same sentence in an infinite number of Universes?
I likely feel the same about the multiverse theory as you do about God.
Certainy it is possible, but as far as I can tell, there is no evidence of it, and the concept seems fanciful and absurd. i woudl not say it is impossible, but I think the likelihood is so slim, it may as well be impossible, and I do not believe it to have any basis in fact.
Regarding the multiverse, I read, not that long ago, (New Scientist I think) that many difficulties describing this Universe mathematically can be solved when a multiverse is taken into account. Also, the experimenters said that they will be able to measure gravitational effects and see if there are multiple universe as in the type they propose. Which were a little different than multiple big bangs - in which case we may never know of them. A theory of eveything may also allow for the prediction of multiverse.

I have no belief one way or the other, but I do find it interesting. It would be cool to think there were another Universe nearly identical to this only I'm dating Jessica Alba :D
OK I think we need a child thread where adstar, nutter and kadark can argue with eachother why thiers is the one true god. Maybe they can come to an agreement :)