Atheism to cause war ???


Registered Senior Member
Can atheism can easily be used as an excuse for a war against another nation whos populous has a religion, the real reasons could be wealth, land, political security, political intrigue anything and extremists will join the warcry for the own reasons wether religous, monetary or political or what have you, and people will just be swept up for the ride ??? :confused:

Iv'e been always asking this question.
Mythbuster said:
Can atheism can easily be used as an excuse for a war against another nation whos populous has a religion, the real reasons could be wealth, land, political security, political intrigue anything and extremists will join the warcry for the own reasons wether religous, monetary or political or what have you, and people will just be swept up for the ride ??? :confused:

Iv'e been always asking this question.

No, atheism has nothing to do with reasons for war. Atheists just don't believe in a entity or 'bossman' governing life. That does not mean atheists believe in war more or less than theists. They are immoral and moral just as theists are. Meaning if there was a war, it would not have anything to do with atheism unlike religious wars, unless we go to war specifically against theists. Such as how the christians and muslims have slaughtered eachother due to religious differences. Atheists are tolerant of religion. Atheists fight back when their rights are stepped on. Theism has an entirely different premise, they are not a live and let live ideology. But of course, they do when they have to, as in resistance. Theism seeks war and is opportunist because it is about power, atheism is not even on the same playing field because it doesn't even think in the same sphere. Its just a wild goose chase. Religionists chase atheists to convert them, atheists try to 'convert' theists when they chase them down and infringe, then theists run away. Atheists get up, shake off and go about their business. Religionists are unsatisfied until they have enough 'converts' who see the world they do because its really about power and intolerance, not truth, to compensate add power in numbers. Truth never needs power in numbers. The truth is always there.
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iam said:
Atheists are tolerant of religion.

Most perhaps - but not all of them. As with any group, there are militant, idiotic atheists just like there are militant, idiotic theists. Although I'd have to say that the latter has generally greatly outnumbered the former. :D
If I ask the religionists nicely will they skip past my house and leave me alone when they go to war?
China is an official Atheist Nation...atheism and theism really have nothing to do with war itself...

However, someone can use the excuse of atheism or theism to cause or end war
First you cant say all theism is one thing. I am monotheistic and I have my own beliefs, away from any organised religion my own personal religion if you will, but I don't run around trying to convert people to my religion and because I don't condone the killing of anything it has to be said that my religion is live and let live?

I am not saying atheism can be used directly for war, unlike many other religions, it has no ability to as as you said it is only a belief that their is no god (btw just out of interest, if someone believed there was no god but reincarnation or someother belief that does not involve a god, would he still be an atheist?) but the difference between atheism and religion can. If somehow their was an atheist state, in a very tense climate like the middle east or africa, and it had in its possesion a very valuable raw material, lets say deep untapped oil reserves, and they were surrounded by a bunch of religous fanatics who were in desperate need of oil. Now the mean old UN wont allow the other countries invade the oil rich one on a monetary reason. But the smart people in the religous countries see a nice religous country on the security council, and if they fight their war on a religous ground, say they fell under threat that the atheists are trying to oppress their religion or some bullshit like that, and lets say the atheist country has refused to send oil to this religous county on the security council because of some political reason. Now, the religous countries start a war, using religion as an excuse for the war, the Un try to stop them but all sanctions and actions are vetoed by the religious country because of a promise of cheap oil and to support their fellow religous folk, so the war goes ahead.

Their a war that can easily happen in todays world (you could substitute any christian church, islam, Judaism or some other religion in for any country in their) where a religious difference is used to start a war. Now is it so hard to see the roles reversed and a religion and atheism switching places?
The Peoples' Republic of China is officially an atheist state. There are religions there, but they have no state recognition, support, or endorsement. But any of China's military endeavours since becoming a communist dictatorship have not been to spread atheism, but merely to expand its territory and the influence of communism, something it hasn't done for years.