Atheism and representative government

If a politician was a known atheist, which of the following reflects your response?

  • I am a theist and I would be more likely to vote for the politician

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a theist and I would be equally like to vote for this or any other politician

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a theist and the religious beliefs of politicians do not bother me

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a theist and I would not vote for this politician

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
How many atheists would vote for a religious minister over an atheist one?

Answer the poll.
They don't, really.
The only nagging doubt is the occasional creeping thought of ulterior motive.

Until I remind myself that everyone has one.
Don't they?
How many atheists would vote for a religious minister over an atheist one?

Im a atheist type an ive never had the opportunity to voat for somone who clames to be atheist... but as far as the religous beleifs of those i do voat for goes... i tend to voat for the 1 whos ideas seem mor logic based/the 1 less likely to base ther policies on ther religous beleifs... or tryin to make prophecy of ther holey-books com true.!!!
Oh crap, I clicked wrong. I thought a politicians religion wouldn't bother me, but if he was a Scientologist, it would. Don't know why the whole alien thing bothers me more than an all knowing god, it just does.
My vote is based on their past policies and their future vision. If they have f*cked it all up in the past then why would I vote for them again? If they have future vision where they want to give tax breaks to the ultra rich to "Kick Start" the economy... I say f*ck them. I don't like the hand-outs either.
I don't care what they say they believe in unless that is going to become a part of their platform. I'm not voting for a Christian who wants to promote Christianity as part of the Government. I'm not voting for an Atheists who wants to ban Christianity in the private sector.

Obama's a Christian and I'd vote for him again WAAAY BEFORE I'd vote for some jerk-off who happens to be Atheist.
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Damn, can I change my vote?

To : I am an atheist and I don't care what he believes
All other things being equal (i.e. same policies) then I would undoubtedly vote for the atheist... as I would feel that they would be less likely to be influenced in the future by the preachings of their church rather than by common sense or rationality.

But rarely are all things equal between candidates, even those of the same (lack of) faith - and I would think it unlikely that an atheist politician would hold all the same positions on issues as a religious one.
I would vote for a politician based on his secular policies not religious or lack of religious beliefs. An atheist would be more pragmatic on issues like abortion which would be a plus.

I actually believe that in many Western countries leaders are atheist but in the States for example they have to make the 'religious' show for affect, to get elected. In Europe there are probably more atheist leaders, I mean no one really thinks Sarkozy is religious do they? :shrug:

I seriously doubt it.