Atheism A Deity?


1 Corinthians 11:1..are you in
Registered Senior Member
Websters Dictionary defines an atheist as 'one who believes that there is no deity' and the define deity as 'one exalted or revered as supremely good' if atheists revere atheism as supreme to other religions then is it a deity in itself?
All.For.One said:
Websters Dictionary defines an atheist as 'one who believes that there is no deity' and the define deity as 'one exalted or revered as supremely good' if atheists revere atheism as supreme to other religions then is it a deity in itself?
Firstly, atheism is NOT a religion.
So we atheists can not "revere atheism as supreme to other religions".

Secondly, Websters Dictionary is rather limiting in its definition.

Also, if you go to the on-line Websters Dictionary ( you get a very different definition of Atheism, and of Deity. I suggest you consider other sources as well as the one you're using.
I don't believe so, allforone.

The Websters definition, I believe, accidentally adds some grey area to the idea. I see atheism not so much as a belief, but more of a lack thereof. To believe that there is no deity, I suppose, is the same thing, but I'm not sure it's so much that as it is that atheists simply do not believe in a deity.

To say that there is no God is a ground I won't tread on. Most atheists won't. What we will say is that we don't worship one, and we don't follow a faith or a religious system of a kind. I don't know if there is a God or not, I simply lack any belief in one.

Basically, I can attribute many of the everyday "miracles" in my life or yours to simpler things. If somehow you lifted the ass-end of a car off of your friend's squirming body, it's because you had a rush of adrenaline and were made temporarily capable of things pain normally prevents your body from doing.

If you heard a voice in your head telling you not to turn left, it's because you were already weary of the situation, and your intuition told you not to turn.

My problem with religion and deity worship is that they all diminish the potential and accomplishments of humanity. We are awesome creatures who have bucked the trend of non-intelligent creatures on this planet and took it to a new level, and we deserve the credit. We created fire, not God. We cooked food, not God. We raise money to help the weak and powerless, not God. We strike down evil, not God. (God didn't arrest the guy who murdered my next door neighbor; the police did)

So, my friend, please do not confuse the blind faith in an invisible being to the lack of such belief by those too strong minded to fall into such fairy tales.

JDawg said:
I don't believe so, allforone.

The Websters definition, I believe, accidentally adds some grey area to the idea. I see atheism not so much as a belief, but more of a lack thereof. To believe that there is no deity, I suppose, is the same thing, but I'm not sure it's so much that as it is that atheists simply do not believe in a deity.

To say that there is no God is a ground I won't tread on. Most atheists won't. What we will say is that we don't worship one, and we don't follow a faith or a religious system of a kind. I don't know if there is a God or not, I simply lack any belief in one.

Basically, I can attribute many of the everyday "miracles" in my life or yours to simpler things. If somehow you lifted the ass-end of a car off of your friend's squirming body, it's because you had a rush of adrenaline and were made temporarily capable of things pain normally prevents your body from doing.

If you heard a voice in your head telling you not to turn left, it's because you were already weary of the situation, and your intuition told you not to turn.

My problem with religion and deity worship is that they all diminish the potential and accomplishments of humanity. We are awesome creatures who have bucked the trend of non-intelligent creatures on this planet and took it to a new level, and we deserve the credit. We created fire, not God. We cooked food, not God. We raise money to help the weak and powerless, not God. We strike down evil, not God. (God didn't arrest the guy who murdered my next door neighbor; the police did)

So, my friend, please do not confuse the blind faith in an invisible being to the lack of such belief by those too strong minded to fall into such fairy tales.


I consider myself an atheist and, also for me, that does not mean that I don't believe in a God. Given sufficient evidence I may believe in a God and even worship Him. The evidence that I have seen up to now is just not good enough.