Time 2-fol---- Fading past)( dawing future--)2D time eternal NOW(
Cheezle .."As far as the creation question goes, creation requires a before, during and after."
Aka time/frequency/motion/scenario of events.
If there was no before then there was no creation.
Cheezle, I don't follow that logic. If there was no-- [physical/enerygy existence before ] ---then there IS a "creation" event.
Which makes us ask, then what happened? Well, "to happen" seems to also require the concept of a before.
Thats correct assessment, because
physical/energy exists eternally in some form or another, and at
minimum only as
gravitational spacetime.
Every process-- ergo vectorial events and time --- we can talk about seems to require a before, during and after. So people say, that time and space were "created" in the big bang, but that is just a convenient way to talk about a situation that we can't really talk about in normal language. What ever "happened" is beyond our experience to understand.
I can talk about it in normal way. There exists infinite non-occupied space that embraces within, a finite
occupied space of quasi-physical-- because ultra-micro ---
gravitational spacetime and
If you have ever read the Tao Te Ching you will see something similar there. The Tao is a concept that can not be understood.
It is said to be a great mystery.
Yeah the invariance of speed-of-radiation( c ) and spooky-action-at-a-distance.
You can try and talk about about it in terms we all understand, but you will always fail. The creation of the universe was like that.
Physical/energy cannot be created nor destroyed and at minimum can only exists as a finite
gravitational spacetime.
The closest thing we have to it is a black hole, but he universe did not start as a black hole. It is a mystery.
Black holes appear to us being macro-finite. As for them being micro-infinite well that is presumed by some perhaps. However, if I recall, some or all black holes are said to eventually evaporate. If this latter 'evaporation' is the case then black holes are not micro-infinite.
I think the easy way to visualize a black hole is in the following link to a scenario of a tetrahedron going to zero-volume and therein defining a cubo-octahedron, that, if all were in spherical form, the four internal bisecting planes that define a cubo-octahedron are exactly equal to its surface--- think event horizon ---.
The only possible way we seem to have to talk about the subject is spacetime geometry.
I would restate that as eternally existent, geodesic,
gravitational spacetime. At the Universe's entropic heat death end--- superficial ending ---it is said that all
physical/energy will become one very large and very flat least energy ergo longest wave/frequency photon.
If this is to occur, I believe there will exist on both sides of this
finite, flat--- seemingly 2D --photon, two geodesic sets of 31 or more great/equlatorial circles of
gravitational spacetime and that these geodesic are the fundamental/primary patterns for all bosons. Here is my simple texticon to express this simple concept
The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao;
The name that can be defined is not the unchanging name.
Metphysical-1 mind-intelligence concepts as eternal cosmic truths aka finite set of absolute cosmic/generalized laws/principles.
1.2 Non-existence is called the antecedent of heaven and earth;
This is 2-fold set of existence;
metaphysical-1---absolute and relative truths as mind/intelligence,
2) metaphysical-2---non-occupied space( macro-micro infinite )
Existence is the mother of all things.
Finite set of
Gravitational spacetime---5/phi-fold icosahedral set of 62 left and right skew great/equaltorial circle/tori/rings as the embracing and restraining womb of,
Finite set of physical/energy--- see fermions and bosons ---
The nucleated--- 12-around-one ---cubo-octahedron/vector equlibrium is the pregnant "mother", once the one is born-out--- pop-out to outside surface, then the 12 contract to the more stable icosahedral formation of 12-around-none. This is geometric fact.
1.3 From eternal non-existence, therefore, we serenely observe the mysterious beginning of the Universe; From eternal existence we clearly see the apparent distinctions.
See my texticon above---
O!O ---is ending and beginning of eternal set of cyclings of our finite existence called teh occupied space of existence.
1.4 These two are the same in source and become different when manifested.
Cheezle, there is no cosmic "source" for the existence of our finite Universe of
gravitational spacetime and
The closes we can come to placing a "source" attribute to Universe is why is it the only perpetual motion machine? I've laid out in this thread previously how the oddity of 2-1 ratio of triangle--- see 3 quark stable proton analogy --- can provide that answer for Universe eternally chasing its own tail.
1.5 This sameness is called profundity. Infinite profundity is the gate whence comes the beginning of all parts of the Universe.[/I][/INDENT]
Finite gravitational spacetime is said to be smooth--- not gravitonically grainy --and I believe that is incorrect. Rather it is occurring at ultra-micro scales ergo it appears to me-- if not us ---as being of hyper-spatial dimension.
Our finite Universe can never exist in equlibrium state/phase i.e. Universe abhors eqilibrious sameness. Or at best Universe can briefly pass through such a state/phase on its way between left or right skew existence on at minimum for differrent possible cosmic axi.
The passage above is somewhat circular in its logic. It starts by saying that whatever it is can't be named, and then it sets about naming it. But what else can you do? great mysteries are greatly mysterious.
A circle chases its own tail because the minimal circle is a triangle with a 2-1 ratio occurrence. imho. A simple, 2D understanding of ultra-macro complexity of interrelationships far beyond the accounting abilities of humans or any of its computers. imho.