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I was watching a program last night on Astronauts and they interviewed the majority of the men that were (supposed) to have walked on the moon.... the strange thing was that they were all completely odd.
There was not a single one they interviewed who wasn't in some way or another eccentric - one is now an artist who paints pictures of the moon using one of the space suit boots he wore to the moon, another is the most fanatical christian I have ever heard, he was almost foaming at the mouth. These men were meant to have been the best and fitest scientists and aviators of the sixties and seventies, why have they all ended up with marbles loose?
Radiation exposure? Neurological problems caused by space flight? These men are the only people to ever fly above the Magnetosphere of Earths atmosphere (which protects us from harmful radiation) no other space flight in the last thirty years has gone beyond this, What is NASA not telling us?
Age? It's been thirty years and these guys didn't exactly score cushy jobs. The tests and requirements for space travel are strenuous on a good day, flat-out impossible on bad day. The craft they used may not have been properly insulated, but that's the world of exploration for you. Once on the moon, I know I would be awestruck. Even just going into orbit would leave me speechless, especially when I realize how far our species has come in such a short time. Being the first of our race to set foot on another cosmic body probably had quite an impact on them. Their strength and courage advanced us all. Now these men have slid into obscurity, the best years of their lives behind them the instant they re-entered the atmosphere. A little media-hype, now go get jobs, ya bums. That can also have an impact. They had the honors of gods placed on the shoulders of men.

It would be kind of hard not to crack, don't you think?
that is if they went to the moon, the gov't couldve brain washed them into thinking that they did, and brain washed them from all those secret gov't branches.nd since it was a early time for that, msabe they people didnt know what they were doing, and kinda screwed them up???? now you have painters and christians.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
I do not like to think we did not go to the Moon. I saw a photograph of a moon walker with a reflection of a "light source" on the face shield. Could the light source have been another photographer taking a picture at about the same time ? I don't think so.

The Goverment is not beyond lying to us. To cover up one lie, one must tell another lie, and so on and on and on.

The question now is; Are these people suffering from radiation or have they been brainwashed ? Were they "acting" in front of the cameras as if they were "off in left field ?"

What about the families ? It is hard to believe the media is staying away from this big of a story. NASA is not helping any by being quiet about it.

Dexter and Ozarky might have a point, except they have no evidence at all. This is all just idle speculation and the influence of the X-Files. I suppose the entire nation that saw the launches were also brainwashed? Millions saw it on television, thousands saw it live.

I just want to make sure that the only piece of evidence between the two of you was a photo, which neither of you can produce, that had a reflection that looked like it might have come from a photographer????
My God, Hudson! We've come down on the same side of the coin for once! :D

One of the biggest arguments I hear for us not having gone to the moon is the lack of stars in the background. I have several pictures of my friends at evening parties and whatnot. There are no stars in the background there either. Am I to assume that the party was staged? I believe that the lack of stars in the background was due to poor lighting and low tech cameras All the photographer's job entailed was to record an event, not create a graphical masterpiece. Besides, with a realy good telescope (like you'd find at an observatory), you can still see the debris left behind. Surely we didn't go there and drop off some junk just to come back here and fake a moon landing?
to all

What i cannot understand is the number of people that have doubts about if they were actually in the moon.
It`s the same as not believing if Chuck Yeager did cross or not the sound barrier...
Could it be that these men witnessed the Universe from a perspective that we, as earthbound individuals, could never really conceive?

I'm not the best geometrist, but its been explained to me (one of my college classes) that the acutal shape of the Earth puts the farthest distance between two points on the globe about 14,000 miles apart, which does not come close to the distance crossed simply to reach the moon; a distance which had only been conceived and never attempted.

These astronauts are the most distant travelers the human race has known. I give their worldviews a little bit of slack for eccentricity. But that's just me, and we know what that's worth ... ;)

Tiassa :cool:

We are unutterably alone, essentially, especially in the things most intimate and important to us. (Ranier Maria Rilke)
So what's wrong with being a painter or a Christian? Is there a Cyberbias against non-etherial cyberian beliefs or pursuits? Anyway, I think that actually breaking the bond from our home planet &/or being on another planetary body has to be a PROFOUND & AWESOME experience!! Underline and color that last statement with neon lights!! Or to paraphrase Jodie Foster in 'Contact', "No words to discribe this, no words...". They may actually see and understand our puny little existance in a more wholistic way?? Can you image?? I guess the rest of us have to be satisfied with Star Trek, etc.. Which I think is were the belief that we never went to the moon belongs, in the movies. I guess anyone with a powerful enough telescope can take some pictures of Tranquility Base and see all the stuff we left behind.
There is a Turkish UFO Paranormal site that has sent me pictures of the men on the Moon.
If you look at them objectively, light and shadow. It makes you wonder.You can access the site at www.webmasterTUVPO They are on holiday at the present time, will be back on the 5th of August. I compare this with the Hitler Diaries fraud. I have a good friend that is a photographer, he won't comment on the pictures. This site was real big on the Mars, Comet P76 thing. The applet is fun to play with though.

When an alien comes calling, "it" is in control, if your good, you may remember some of what transpired.
