Astrology and the Star of David


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: If the Bible was not written to be an astrological chart, why is the Star of David so important? And, while we're at it, explain the Seal of Solomon. Solomon who was the "Son-of-Man?" The Bible is astrology. Get over it!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If the Bible was not written to be an astrological chart, why is the Star of David so important? And, while we're at it, explain the Seal of Solomon. Solomon who was the "Son-of-Man?" The Bible is astrology. Get over it!
Someone else asked a similar question to this and I didn't see the reply. If I overlooked it somehow, I honestly apologize.

Simply put, why are you so deeply involved in this one-woman crusade? There must be a story there somewhere.
Explain to me, what in any Astrological charts or stories has any connection with... say... the entire Exodus account. You listed 'two vocabulary words' in a book containing probably around 14 million. You've linked those two with astrology (even tho the star of david is merely a star, nothing to do with astrological charts or stories or explainations on why the sky looks like it looks) and claimed the entire book is now Astrologically linked. Explain. Exodus account. Leviticus account. Deuteronomy. Numbers. Proverbs. Psalms. Job. Kings. Judges. ect.
Light said:
There must be a story there somewhere.
There is. A story which is written in the stars: those thirteen ****ing annoying little asterisks that accompany M*W wherever she goes.

Star light, star bright,
Medicine Woman's talking sh***
Light said:
Someone else asked a similar question to this and I didn't see the reply. If I overlooked it somehow, I honestly apologize.

Simply put, why are you so deeply involved in this one-woman crusade? There must be a story there somewhere.

M*W: Well, I've never actually thought of it as a "one-woman crusade," but flattery will get you everywhere! I've researched the subject of christianity for 30+ years, from one end of the spectrum to the other. The main theme that stays consistent throughout the entirety of the bible is astrological references. Thirty years ago I would have told you that Jesus lived, died and was resurrected for all mankind. My research continued, but I found that to not be true. Twenty years ago I would have said that Jesus lived as a human being, but he wasn't a god. Ten years ago I would have said that the whole of christianity was a farce. Then about a year ago, while continuing on my search for the truth, it hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. The bible is the study of astro-theology. Some links in reference:

Now, I am not saying that one should believe in astrology as a religion. What I am saying is that astrology is the oldest "religion," and all other religions evolved out of astrology. The bible is based on astrology, both old and new testaments. Abraham, Moses, and the other patriarchs are astrological. In other words, they didn't exist anywhere on Earth but did exist in the zodiac.

Members of religions will say this is not true, because the doctrine of their religions won't allow for dabbling in astrology. This is unfortunately because they believe only what they're told to believe, and they never research anything on their own.

Here me now, believe me later... the only god this world has ever had is the sun, the creator of all life, and then, of course, the sun of god who dies and is resurrected (sunrise, sunset).

My "crusade" isn't actually mine. Others have written books on biblical astrology long before I began to accept and understand it. I just want to help other people understand the truth, especially those who are enslaved by monotheistic lies.
Medicine Woman said:
Here me now, believe me later... the only god this world has ever had is the sun, the creator of all life, and then, of course, the sun of god who dies and is resurrected (sunrise, sunset)--.

Close, and nicely put however.....try accepting that the spiritual has a parralell with the natural....
That Sun from which all life comes is a type of God who came in flesh to give all things life.
Reverse the connection.
Obviously there are references to Astrology since it's the science of God.

Medicine Woman said:
In other words, they didn't exist anywhere on Earth but did exist in the zodiac.

There are often multiple meanings in the Bible. Many of them exists in the Zodiac, but it doesn't mean that they didn't exist on earth also. If you know Astrology, you should know that the signs of the Zodiac are manifested on earth and in different people.

Here me now, believe me later... the only god this world has ever had is the sun, the creator of all life, and then, of course, the sun of god who dies and is resurrected (sunrise, sunset).

That's just symbolic. The inner is reflected on the outer.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If the Bible was not written to be an astrological chart, why is the Star of David so important? And, while we're at it, explain the Seal of Solomon. Solomon who was the "Son-of-Man?" The Bible is astrology. Get over it!

Solomon, was a prophet, and the title of a prophet in the old testament is "son of man"
He is more accuratly the "son of david", whom Christ will type the true during the milineum when He sits on the trone with His "many-membered" bride.
Jesus Christ is "The Son of Man"....
All the prophets who speak for God as a mouthpiece only are refered to as a "son of man"
This is not to be confused with the pre-flood "sons of men" which were Cains offspring, half man- half serpent hybrids that created the giants.
No connection to them whatsoever.
TheVisitor said:
This is not to be confused with the pre-flood "sons of men" which were Cains offspring, half man- half serpent hybrids that created the giants.
No connection to them whatsoever.

there never was any serpent man hybrids, you've probably misunderstood something. there were giants (a highly developed human race) however, who had children with the daughters of men (a primitive human race), thus a 'hybrid' race was created, our human race.
c7ityi_ said:
there never was any serpent man hybrids, you've probably misunderstood something. there were giants (a highly developed human race) however, who had children with the daughters of men (a primitive human race), thus a 'hybrid' race was created, our human race.

M*W: Can you explain the artifacts that were dated to about 35,000 years ago in Catal Huyuk that had voluptuous bodies of birg-giving females who had serpentine heads?

There is a book called something like From the Ashes of Angels which describes the giants of the Earth. I believe there could have been giants on the Earth at one time, and they could have been responsible for building the pyramids. Someone recently mentioned that the pyramids were found when the sea dried up. That would be strange, because they seemed to be aligned with certain stars. Just how big do you think these giants were? Further, if there were giants on Earth, how did human beings get to be smaller than they are today? Even from early 20th century, people were much smaller than we are today. Go back to the Civil War Era and compare uniforms of soldiers then and soldiers of today. They're quite a bit smaller back then. I think in Roman times average males were probably not much taller than five feet, especially the native Italians who, today, are quite miniature compared to the rest of the world. Can you imagine Nero say at four foot eight inches? Size is everything!
c7ityi_ said:
there never was any serpent man hybrids, you've probably misunderstood something. there were giants (a highly developed human race) however, who had children with the daughters of men (a primitive human race), thus a 'hybrid' race was created, our human race.

M*W: c7ityi_, what's with the swastika? Or is it a "broken arrow?"
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Can you explain the artifacts that were dated to about 35,000 years ago in Catal Huyuk that had voluptuous bodies of birg-giving females who had serpentine heads?

It is intended to symbolize their advanced knowledge and magical powers. Interrestingly, 35,000 BC is thought to be the date when the cro-magnon race first appeared.

I believe there could have been giants on the Earth at one time, and they could have been responsible for building the pyramids.

The three pyramids were built by the degenerate descendants of the Atlantean giants (from which some inherited the physical size). The four triangular sides represent the 'Zodiac', since 4x3=12. The statues at Easter Island were built by giants.

Just how big do you think these giants were?

Certain excavations in America in mounds and in caves, have yielded in isolated cases groups of skeletons of nine and twelve feet high. The official view is that they were just isolated cases of giantism among the Indians, but some of the skeletons seem to have belonged to an extinct, non-Indian race, and many Indian tribes have traditions of giants once occupying the land.

Giant skeletons:
Information about giants:

Note that the Great pyramid was not built using muscles, so the size of the builders is insignificant in this case.

Further, if there were giants on Earth, how did human beings get to be smaller than they are today?

The race which the giants had children with was smaller in both size and knowledge than what we are today. Due to the physicalization of our bodies we have become smaller and smaller. The first 'physical' race is said to be 60 feet tall.

Size is everything!

Physical size is important among earthly people because they see everything from an earthly perspective, but in front of truth it means nothing.

M*W: c7ityi_, what's with the swastika? Or is it a "broken arrow?"

I don't know.
many Indian tribes have traditions of giants once occupying the land.
Wicked red-haired giants called the Se'Ti'Ca's, the Indians mortal enemies.
All Indian tribes "supossedly" banded together to wipe them out.
Medicine Woman said:
Thirty years ago I would have told you that Jesus lived, died and was resurrected for all mankind. My research continued, but I found that to not be true. Twenty years ago I would have said that Jesus lived as a human being, but he wasn't a god. Ten years ago I would have said that the whole of christianity was a farce. Then about a year ago, while continuing on my search for the truth, it hit me in the face like a ton of bricks.
You must be a slow learner...

Seriously though, what difference does it make? Some folks just decided to put oral tradition to the pen. That's all. Just about all of the ancient cultures created and intrepreted signs, symbols and such.