Astral travel? (and more lucid dreaming!)


Registered Senior Member
What do you guys know about astral travel?

I have learnt a few techniques for accheiving it and have had some experiences, I think I encountered a negative entity on my very first experience, which was me 'waking up' in a dream thinking 'wow, I'm in the astral' and then flying, instantly being pulled back to physical reality then experinceing a limbo between the physical the astral and subconcious projections, I distinctly remember claws like a cats digging into my back and have attributed this to either a negative entity or perhaps my ego of fear manifested trying to stop me from traveling...
I have woken up in dreams on several occasions and flown arround, and once I actualy conciously projected using a mantra.

Those are my experinces, and I have naturaly ommited a large part of my experinces and especialy vivid and lucid dreams, because I understand it's generaly not so good to share dreams as they may contain teachings meant only for you and may also display private information about your life that others are better off not thinking about...

Anyway that's my scoop, is there anyone else who is interested in the astral here?
It seems like I project about every other day now. I'm having a lot of fun with AP it wasn't too hard to learn.
Originally posted by exsto_human
thinking 'wow, I'm in the astral'
I had a dream once where I "woke up" when I felt myself float up to the ceiling and when I opened my "eyes" I saw the ceiling, like, 4 inches in front of my face. But I was "asleep" so it didn't seem weird or anything. Anyway, I floated out into the kitchen and then the front room and then I was hovering between my house and the next at roof level and I remember thinking "WOW, I can go anywhere." Right then the scene around me started changing, like it was melting almost, and that scared me so I "landed" and moved towards the front door and went back inside and towards the bedroom where my body lay sleeping. I never saw it or anything, but I remember this "dream" vividly and wish I could have a second shot at it.
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It seems to me you astral projected. It's quite usual to 'wake up' from dreams into the astral, if you are interested in this type of experience I suggest you study up on astral projection.
You can start on this website by signing up for the free course. :)
Yes! A discussion in the parapsychology forum where a skeptic isnt derailing the thread for once!

Im interested as well. Right now my goal is to find out the password for a movie file I encrypted long ago, forgot it a very long time ago. I tried every password ive ever used and variations on them, but nothing has seemed to work. Im going to go to my akashic and see if I can get the password.
I used to be a skeptic, I would almost certainly have come in here if I had noticed and rabbeld up arguements about how it's never been proved and it's all in your heads... Untill I experienced it.

I suppose the Akashic records might be usefull for such things, never visited mine, don't know how, hehe. But I understand that these should not be so lightly used I think, I don't know.