Astral Projection, OBE, Lucid Dream?


[The following is this mornings experience that connot readily be compared to any near OBE or Lucid Dream I have ever had)...

As the dream neared it’s close I could tell something big was about to happen, almost as big as the massive Crane nearby which towered about six hundred feet in the air as it assisted in the construction of a building that was almost as tall. Already they were accepting visitors into the building but the only way to get up was an elevator via the crane. There were lots of people around, the general area was crowded with construction equipment as well. I was worried that because there was so many people the elevator I stepped into would become overcrowded, luckily this was not the case. The doors were made of crystal clear glass and I expected the ride to be quite fast. It was like being shot up inside a rocket. With an incredible velocity I somehow felt lighter even though I should have felt heavier, and the world below quickly became a tiny gray city as the elevator kept taking us (or now it was just me) up higher and higher.
The elevator around me disappeared revealing an impossible almost 1 ½ dimensional setting of gray/blue/black/red colors. My body continued to fall like it was rising rapidly even though the setting had slowed its changeability somewhat at first when I had entered it. My senses projected about two feet beyond my skin and in the intervening space I felt warmth, numbness. In fact that feeling pervaded my entire body and I could feel this vibrant euphoric energy slowly creep its way in from nothingness. This was truly turning into something bizarre and I’d already figured it out however passively on the ride up that I was dreaming.

The simplest way to describe what was happening now was the way a magnet attracts another magnet of the opposite charge off of a nearby surface. It was like my dreaming self was being catapulted back into my body only I was conscious during the process and only half of my body was ready for re-alignment. So while my lower dream body was caught just enough to stop the rapid ascension my upper dream body shot right through my chest and sat up in something seriously and frighteningly similar to an out of body experience. My arms stretched out in front of my in sleepwalk style. And the world was a serious blur at first, as if I were using a new set of eyes for the first time. I could see my white blanket, the mini hallway in my room and a little tray inside of it. There was this bristling confused noise in my ears. I could still feel my dream body and my real body at the same time. I could tell that my dream legs were also very loose but instead of trying to free myself I tried to get myself back into my body. I did not have enough control of my dream body to warrant exploration for fear I would not be able to get back. I was, after all messing with my brains’ neurons. I still felt this subtle blissful energy that awaited provided I held onto the experience but it was too unlike anything I’ve known to continue on. Another reason for this is that I could feel my real body breathing heavily (though upon waking this was not the case) just as in a near out of body experience I’d had where my heart rate sky-rocketed only that was for real. When I lay back down though, I fell right through my body and back into some kind of netherworld. In a half euphoric state in a bizarre world where at first I saw a bunch of chandeliers in well lit room (though separate from where I was) fall in front of me like a milky painting (liquid painting) to be replaced by the strange 1 in a half dimensional world around me. Reluctantly, almost as if it was I that had resisted re-alignment I allow my two body’s to join up and I awake.

There were a few discrepancies from the real world and the world I saw in my OBE; so either I was still in a half dream state or completely in a dream state or in an OBE as my brain messed up the simulation. I think for sure I was in a half dream state though. This makes it two nights in a row I’ve had bizarre dreams where I could remain conscious during the transitions between REM sleep to NREM sleep or a NREM to a waking state. For some reason every year my most bizarre epic dream experiences happen in the month of December, particularly the week before and after Christmas. A year ago tonight I had the most long and powerful lucid dream I’ve had to this day. Yesterday night I had four constituting the most I’ve ever had on one night.

I’m going to douse my face in ice cold water now…
Fathoms, it sounds like you really had an OBE here. Perhaps you should get rid of the idea that you are messing with your brain neurons.:)

If you let yourself go and allow yourself to have an OBE, you can get back into your body by just thinking of your body.
The heavenly breathing and heartbeating you have, because of your subcounciousness being afraid not to have the ability to go back into your body.

In an OBE, most of the times you are awake, not dreaming. The netherworld you describe, sounds like another place you have visited, while having the OBE. Even if the OBE lasts not that long in your own experience, you are able to go somewhere else. When you have OBE's more often and have more control over them, you can go to any place you like.;)

Maybe it is an idea to write your Lucid Dreams and OBE's down, so you can find out for yourself why you have more of this kind experiences during a certain period. To busy with a particular subject? Or more then one subject at the same time? That can go on during your sleep and enter your Dreams.

An OBE from out a Lucid Dream is possible also. You write that you know when you have a (Lucid) Dream. So you can handle from within the Dream and change it if you want.

Try to let yourself go free in an OBE. And if you think it is an idea, write them down. It can make the Dreams and OBE's a lot clearer to yourself.:)

A/P is another experience, you create yourself. You have to do that on purpose and it rarely happens on its own...

Thank you for sharing the experience.
Hello Fathoms and Banshee,

I am absolutely thrilled to hear your story Fathoms, I have had these experiences many times. However, I would like your opinions on what you feel the difference is between an OBE and a Lucid dream.....Fathom, I felt chills when I read what you wrote,'Was afraid I would not get back' I have awoken myself screaming many nights out of this same fear, I feel I have been nearly gone a few times and had to work qite hard at ge
oops.....I hit send by accident..........anyway..........I have been lost and as I stated had to fight to get back. I have these luicid dreams all the time and usually use the oppurtunity to talk to people, (like my dead father) He does not tell me very much, but evenutally says to me......"I have to go and You cannot come with me" and then he dissapears.........

As far as the OBE goes........when I experience this, my evidence is that.......I am NOT in an abstract dream world, I am strolling around my house, or outside my house......I tend to look over my body, my arms, my legs.........and THEN comes the fight to get back, which is really tough and scary when I have this OBE. I wonder if I push it one time, what would happen, but I am to afraid..........Tell me more.......I have pages of these dreams written down..........
Hi Teerum...

Lucid Dreams give you the opportunity to talk with dead spirits. Like your father. But you can meet other spirits also.

In a Lucid Dream, you are not really asleep, but in a state of awareness between dreaming and sleeping. So your subcouciousness is active and your consciousness is driven more to the background.

If you make yourself aware of that IN your Lucid Dream, you can act from within the dream and 'travel' to the Spheres. Realize that you are IN a Lucid Dream. Not an OBE. Try to tell yourself as soon as you realise you are IN a Lucid Dream, you want to go back after your 'traveling' to the Spheres of the Spirits. :) You have a choice here. I think you have to convinche yourself very well that it is your Inner Self that is doing the 'traveling' and that you can change the Lucid Dream yourself if you want to.

Rather difficult to do in the beginning, because then you have to let your consciousness work together with your subconsciousness. It needs some practise, but it really works out pretty well once you have done this acting within the dream.

The frightening waking up after a Lucid Dream and the feeling you've got, not to be able to go back into your body is the rational fear from your consciousness that is trying to overflow your subcounsciousness. Because that is your daily life, rational thinking and feeling in the outside world.

Try, before you go to sleep, to relax and tell yourself strongly, you want to be able to wake up in a normal way, for it is your own self that frightens you. Then hold on to this thought while falling asleep. In a little time your subcousciousness gets the message and you will find out, you can handle within your dream. Then just think of being back into your body and you will be back in it and can wake up without feeling so scared. It IS frightening if you have the feeling you loose yourself... it happens a lot.

When you reread your Lucid Dreams, can you find something in it that makes you more scared? Or are there dreams in it in which you woke up in a normal, relaxed way?
Can you tell some more about them?

OBE: It is not necessarrily true that you go to another place, while having an OBE. You can just be in your own living surroundings or at friends. You have the possibility to go elsewhere.
I think you first have to practise your going back into your body more easily, before trying to 'travel' to other places. If it happens during an OBE, that you are all of a sudden at another, unkown place, try to remember that you just have to think of your body, to get back into it.;)

I know it sounds all very easy, but I don't know how to tell it in another way. It is just the way it works in Lucid Dreams and OBE's. I can only give you the plain explanation about this and hope you can do something with it.:)

The most confusing part is that you can go out of your body in a Lucid Dream also. Then the Lucid Dream changes in an OBE.
Try to remember you can go back into your body by your own willpower in any case.
And you can change your dreams from within the dream. You don't have to allow yourself to go out of your body.

Difficult to tell you exactly what is going on, without knowing you a little better. Hope you have something to work with here.

Please, tell some more about your experiences. It makes it easier to give a proper answer, for this is really a difficult item for humans who have Lucid Dreams and OBE's.

I wish you all the best by trying to get a good hold over your Lucid Dreams and OBE's.:)

Hope to hear more about it soon...
I've tried to lucid dream, but i can't seem to get there. I only remember having one once in my life, and that was random, i didn't try to induce it. Ever since then I've been trying to achieve that state of mind again, to no avail. It is a little frightening, I've had some scare-the-crap-out-of-me, cold-sweat, sudden fear of the dark nightmares before, I'd hate to accidentally make that feel even MORE real. But there are also the good things I want to go through consciously.
So any tips? thanx :)